DxD System In DxD Chapter 5

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Published at 1st of January 2019 10:30:41 AM Chapter 5

Raynare : Wait . . . wait . . . your p.i.s.sed i get that, there is no need to go there right??

??? : Oh?? and what do you suggest??

Raynare : How about i'll be your girl for a couple of months . . .

??? : Hmm, actually if you didn't kill me and just shoo me away with painful memories or something since you know that kind of magic . . .

??? : I might have considered it as i was really smitten with you . . . But you know revenge is sweet . . .

Raynare : It's not too late right?? You love me i can see it in your eyes . . .

??? : And besides, don't you know that nothing goes according to the plan??

Haoh started walking towards her and she started pleading more and more, how could she know that Haoh knew her att.i.tude upside down from the way she treated many and Issei and at the end fell on her knees for him to save her from Rias with pretty much the same conditions .

When he reached face to face she saw in her teary eyes fear, hate, disgust, killing intent and many more feelings . . .

??? : Why are you crying?? why do you fear?? why do you hate?? why do you kill??

Raynare : Please let me go . . . I'll do anything . . .

??? : Sigh . . . you don't get it do you?? You can't leave, you were bound to me and cursed to follow me for every little thing . . .

??? : You will become my girl?? You will do anything?? But you haven't realised that in both cases . . .

Haoh went and hugged her waist as she struggled to break free, he fondles her a.s.s, pulled her feathers which jolts her and forcefully started kissing her . . .

Raynare : Mmmmmmm . . .

As she couldn't shake this guy tongue she suddenly felt something and opened her eyes wide open . . .

Raynare : Mmmggggrrrrrrrrrrmmm . . .

Haoh had ripped both her underwears and started pinching her nipples and fingering her p.u.s.s.y making her scream in pain inwardly . . .

Raynare : Plllea.s.sss . . . . . MmMMMMMmMGGGGGGRRRRRR

At that moment where she tried to speak Haoh twisted his fingers turning her womb upside down which resulted in her climax and fluids came out of her p.u.s.s.y along with her pee . . .

Haoh : Coming so fast . . . can it be you're a virgin?? Che, che, che . . . always lie to others it's not good you know . . .

Raynare : I'll kill you i swear, i'll kill you . . .

Haoh : Now now . . . didn't you said you will do anything or you'll be my girl??

Raynare shut her mouth as she saw him taking his pants off and revealing his huge c.o.c.k of 17cm, she suddenly felt really stupid for saying these things but more than that couldn't see just cut his freaking head when she killed him . . .

Raynare : Come on, don't you know that we both need to love each other . . .

Haoh : Ahh you are right . . . But you know i did loved you at least before you killed me . . . You tried to take my life then now i'll take yours . . .

Haoh : An Eye For An Eye, A Tooth for a Tooth . . . Evil for Evil . . .

Haoh kept going closer and closer to her and placed his c.o.c.k under her p.u.s.s.y when he finished speaking he thrust it inside her as fast as he could . . .

Raynare : Waii . . . aaaaggaaargararggarrgaraagra Mmmggg . . . . . gggrgrtrt AaaAaa ggrgrggrgr .

Haoh : Oh!! yes so tight . . . mmmmm .

Raynare : Stop no more . . . . aagagaatrarag

Haoh : Oh traces of blood . . . so you were a virgin . . . here . . . pus.h.!.+

Raynare : IIgggnnnnuuggghghg AaAAAAaaa

Just as he was thrusting as harder as he could occasionally his c.o.c.k was. .h.i.tting her womb directly making her voice from a pained one become a pleasured one .

Raynare was barely holding on with him ravaging her inside but then he did something that made her pa.s.s the point of no return . . .

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DxD System In DxD Chapter 5 summary

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