The Soldier Mage 3 Chapter 3

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I sat at the table being stared down by my parents. It was a novel feeling, I hadn't felt this way in ages. They were very seriously looking at me. I had told them of the incident naturally. At first they were very worried and Violetta checked all over me for signs of injury. I had a few bruises from that punch but I was fine apart from that. It was nice that she was such a caring mother, I could have ended up in a much worst home I thought.

Very seriously, Father asked me:

"Do you...want to practice magic Wilfred?"

I thought long and hard about it. It would certainly be an advantage. I'm really curious about how magic works. It would also help me accomplish my goal of making things better. My curiosity was piqued as well. Perhaps I could become some kind of battle mage, on the frontlines again. The itch for serving hadn't gone away with reincarnation it seemed. I still felt more at ease in a structured setting with squads, clear distinction on ranks and chain of command.

"Yes. I think it'd be for the best."

My parents looked at each other and sighed in relief.

"Well, that's a good thing because if they found out you're a mage and that we hid it, we'd be in trouble. Leganon is really small compared to the other kingdoms so they enforce conscription of mages. It's not as bad as it seems though. You get free schooling and must serve 4 years afterwards in the mage corps. You're then free to do whatever it is you want but in times of war or monster invasions, you have to go and help. Are you fine with that dear?"

"Yes but, what about you? Who's going to help dad in the shop and take over?"

My sister Emma then spoke up. She was a bit older than me at 10 years old.

"Well, when weren't sure you were going to make it, I started to work with dad. I wouldn't mind doing it."

Well, looks like everything is going to be fine. I would have to go get tested, to make sure I was a proper mage before they accepted me. I checked my status again to see if anything was different.

Wilfred Lamarche [Lv. 2]

Health: 35/35

Mana: 5990/5990

Str: 3

Con: 5

Agi: 3

Dex: 3

Int: 45

Wil: 40

Wis: 52


Skills & Spells: [a.n.a.lyze], [Wind Aura], [Construct Artifact]

Wow, it actually changed. I guess it counted that bully as a fight. Sadly, there aren't any tooltips that explain what all the stats do exactly and what skills are. They should have more information at the academy I thought.

The next morning was fraught with emotion. I bid my farewells to mom and sister, the embrace lasted longer than I felt comfortable with. I had grown closer to them in the last 2 years but they were more friends than family to me.

Dad and I set out on foot. The academy was within the city and they wanted to make sure nothing would happen like last time.

It was a bit of an awkward walk. I was technically leaving home at 8 years old, what can a father say to his son then?

"You know Wilfred, I always expected great things from you. But I just want you to know, even if this doesn't work out, I'm proud of you son and I love you."

"Thanks dad. It should be fine though. "

We soon reached the academy after our discussion, walking in silence for most of the trip. The academy is on the outskirts of the city, connected but not. The main campus and buildings of the academy were situated on the northern side of the city, enveloping the city walls into their construction. Another part of the academy are the fields, situated just outside the walls but a safe distance from the city due to the volatile nature of the experiments and combat practice.

They had reached the entrance or what they thought was the entrance. A large stone wall with steel fencing surrounded a rather long part of this city block. In the middle stood tall gates, guarded by two impeccably dressed guards in immaculate silver armor. They bore the academy's sigil on their armor, a griffin crossed by a staff.

As Wilfred and Henry approached, the guards moved to stand in their way.

"What is your business here?"

Henry nervously rubbed his hands, meekly answering the two towering giants.

"Uhm-well it's my son. He's started to use magic and we've come to register him."

The lead guard looked down upon Wilfred, his eyebrows lifting.

"I very much doubt that but very well, behave yourselves. Once past the gate, head straight in along the path. At the end of the path you'll come upon a large staircase, go on up and enter then first room to the right is the headmaster."

They both bowed and profusely thanked the guard, hastily making their way onward before they changed their minds.

The scenery before us was quite spectacular. An intricate arrangement of fauna with the most beautiful of flowers arranged in an artistic way. A dozen gardeners could be seen tending to the giant construct that spanned more than a square mile. We made sure to carefully avoid stepping on the gra.s.s, lest we be reprimanded or worse.

Finally we reached the stairs that the guard mentioned and went up. It was made from a smooth marble and an artist or artisan had hand carved a delicate floral tr.i.m.m.i.n.g around the edges. Up top of the staircase, two elegant wooden doors stood open, inviting us inside. The weather was fair and there was a nice breeze, hence why they were open I thought.

Turning right into the first room once inside, an older grizzled man sat at a desk with spectacles, reading doc.u.ments. He seemed so rapt in his reading that he did not notice us and we stood awkwardly in the frame of the door waiting to be allowed to enter. After more than patiently waiting, seeing my father would not be the one to initiate a conversation, I feigned coughing slightly. The man lifted his head up and noticed us, beckoning us inside with a wave of his hand.

We approached and sat in the two comfortable lounging chairs placed in front of his desk. Upon looking at the man, it was clear in his expression that he did not think much of us. He had an air of superiority, quite likely judging our station from the clothes we wore. They were finer clothes, such as one would use for a wedding or a funeral but a far cry from the silks of the n.o.bles and their finer wardrobes.

"Yes? What brings you here today." I could almost hear the man add emphasis on 'you'.

"Greetings sir. You see it's uhm my son. He's used magic for the first time and we'd like to register him, as per the law."

"Is that so? And where is this son of yours so that we may test him? He can enroll at the start of next the semester should he pa.s.s. "

Henry blinked a few times, not quite comprehending.

"But, he's right here sir." Father then patted my head.

The headmaster's eyes widened as he understood what my father meant.

"Preposterous! You'd have me believe a 10 year old boy can use magic? The youngest recorded mage that used magic was 13! The average age of students here is 15!"

I interjected, sensing a pause from my father who seemed intimidated by the Headmaster.

"Indeed Headmaster. I am actually 8 though, close to 9 years old. "

The Headmaster's eyes grew narrow and his demeanor became very serious.

"I'll not have you make fools of me any longer! [a.n.a.lyze]!"

The Headmaster's irises turned yellow and strange patterns began forming themselves in his eyes. His stare bore deep into my soul and I felt I was under much scrutiny. Finally, het let up and closed his eyes, his hands going to his temples and rubbing his head.

Above Wilfred's head, on a nearby display the headmaster could read:

Wilfred Lamarche [Lv. 2]

Health: 35/35

Mana: 5990/5990

Str: 4

Con: 5

Agi: 3

Dex: 3

Int: 45

Wil: 40

Wis: 52


Skills & Spells: [a.n.a.lyze], [Wind Aura], [Construct Artifact]

The Headmaster started mumbling to himself, clearly lost in self reflection upon seeing with his own eyes something that upset the very core of his beliefs.

"I don't...this...unheard of! Being able to use magic whilst that young...could be a real prodigy. Those stats at his age!? Hahhhh...But, how would he enroll, he's doesn't technically meet the requirement for age. But it would be a crime not to teach him! That skill also! [Construct Artifact], I've never even heard of it! How can it be... What do I do, what do I do…"

The headmaster keeps muttering to himself, lost in his own little bubble, seemingly oblivious to our presence.

I sensed an opportunity and went for it.

"Actually father, maybe we should go to the academy in Nansen, I think we'd have a better chance there."

The Headmaster's face whipped up so fast I thought it might detach from his spine. In one of the most primal screams I had ever heard in my life, he made his opinion known loud and clear to everyone in the building.

"WHAT!? NOOOOOOOOO!!. I..I..I'll amend the rules for you! I'll have to convey the council. Tonight even! Please, grant me some time. In the can stay here, in the guest rooms. Geneve! Please escort our guests to our most luxurious rooms and ensure all their needs are tended to."

A secretary rushed in, having been forewarned her services might soon be needed after that outburst. Henry sat still and unmoving, like a deer caught in the headlights, his perception of his son shattered. The secretary motioned for both of them to follow her, having to physically move Henry. Meanwhile, the Headmaster sat in quiet reflection upon his desk, his hands quivering with a mixture of fear and excitement.

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The Soldier Mage 3 Chapter 3 summary

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