You Of All People 111 He Is Happy Now

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"If you were given the chance to change something in the past, will you take it?"

Violet stood up and went towards her luggage. She rummaged through it and took two of her coats out and spread it down on the ground. She took a pack from the snacks and lay herself down to get a better view of the night sky that wasn't blocked by the leaves of the Zelkova Tree. She glanced over to Karen and patted the s.p.a.ce beside her. Encouraging her to lay down with her.

Karen followed suit not before she took a big swig from the new bottle she opened. She carried with her all the snacks in a hug and dropped it down in between them. She lay down and used her arms as her pillow.

As she looked up to the sky she wondered, 'Maybe he's looking at the same sky as I am now?', then snapped out from her thoughts when she noticed Violet was waiting for her answer.

"Sorry, what was your question again?" asked Karen as she opened one bag of the chips.

"You were thinking of him, weren't you?" teased Violet as she ate while her snack was placed on top of her stomach.

"You caught me haha. It's nothing really, I just wondered what he might be doing right now? Hopefully, he found his happiness with someone else. Maybe he got married? Had a family of his own? Two kids? Maybe he inherited his family's conglomerate? I just wish he is happy right now despite everything that I did to him. Oh shoot, so rude of me to keep on rambling. Your question?"

"What was it again? I forgot haha but you do have a point with those thoughts. Ah! Going back to my question, if you were given the chance to change something in the past, will you take it?"

Violet tipped the bag over her mouth to swallow the remaining crumbs a.s.suming that there's not enough chips left, only to be met with chips falling all over her face that got stuck at the end of the bag. When she sat up abruptly, some chips were hanging over her hair and some got stuck inside her clothes. Violet stood up to shake it out her clothes as she jumped repeatedly.

"Hahaha you eat like a kid Violet. How did you even managed to get it inside your clothes haha" laughed Karen while clutching her stomach, hurting from too much laughter.

"Hey don't laugh! My question!" rebuked Violet who still haven't stopped from jumping.

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Karen wiped the tears leaking from her eyes from laughing because of Violet's antics and said, "Yes, yes. I won't change anything. Like I said, my son is everything that I've got now. I don't need anyone else"

"Even if it's him?" Violet sat down as she removed the ones that got stuck in her hair.

"Yes. Maybe we are not just meant to be together and I have already accepted that"

"What about your son? Does he know?" This time Violet didn't eat lying down.

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You Of All People 111 He Is Happy Now summary

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