You Of All People 27 What Did I Miss?

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"Long time no see bros" greeted by a man wearing a simple black turtleneck. In the background on his other end, a voice was calling out to him saying,

"Liam! Make me coffee" commanded by a woman with an authoritative voice. Hearing her voice, it sent chills all over them and the other guys started to remember the tras.h.i.+ng she gave especially for the case of Hardin. He could already feel how heavy her punches were considering how he always seem to manage to seek death in her presence. But on Liam's ear, her voice was so sweet and enchanting making him love her even more.

"Be right back guys. Ok Love!" said Liam to the guys and answered gleefully to his wife. Still holding the phone.

"Whipped Fool. Guys look he didn't turned off his phone hehehe! Let's listen in on them" snickered Hardin.

"In advance, I'm giving you a minute of silence to grieve over your impending death" said Dominique in deadpan.

"Hi guys. What are you doing Hardin?" greeted King as he placed both the notebook and pen in the drawer and sat himself by the edge of the bed in their bedroom.

"Shush King. We're currently listening to the Whipped Fool and Tigress' conversation" whispered Hardin.

".... " King shook his head in resignation.

"Love here's your coffee" Liam carefully placed the cup on her desk. Behind the desk, sat a beautiful woman wearing a simple b.u.t.ton-down red blouse, red lipstick and her hair was tied in a messy bun.

"Thank you" said the woman without looking up from her paperwork.

"Yumi" Liam leaned in front of her.

"Hmm" replied Yumi without looking up.


"Hmm? What?" Yumi looked up.

"You look so beautiful today" smiled Liam

"....." Yumi resumed back to her papers


"What?" replied Yumi. Her brows creasing a bit.

"You forgot something"

"....." Yumi got confused and tried to recall if she did forget anything.

"My kiss? For the coffee" said Liam while puckering his lips

"You! Sigh" said Yumi with a displeased face but the tips of her ears were turning red.

"So cute" chuckled Liam

They both leaned closer. When their lips were an inch a part, a voice ruined the mood.

"MY EYES!" shouted Hardin. His voice was loud enough that it seemed like he was there with them.

The room was shrouded in silence.

"s.h.i.+t!" said Liam

"Liam where did that came from?" said Yumi with a scowl.

"Ummm Love, I was video chatting the guys earlier. I must have forgotten to switch it off while making your coffee hehe" answered Liam nervously while feeling that the temperature of the room decreasing.

"Give" Yumi ordered.

"Ah yes yes Love" Liam scrambled to get his phone and placed it on her fair hand.

Yumi reached out then swiveled the screen towards her face and said, "Having fun?"

When Hardin heard her voice and saw her face on the screen, he felt gooseb.u.mps all over his skin and his hand holding his phone began to shake a bit.

"H-hi Sis Yu-yumi" replied Hardin smiling sheepishly.
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"When I find you. I'll wipe that smile off of your face" threatened Yumi then she returned the phone to Liam.

"Get out. I'm busy" Yumi dictated.

Liam hung his head and was chased out of her office. He reluctantly walked outside while throwing longing glances at her wis.h.i.+ng that she'll change her mind and give him his kiss.

"Bruh! What's wrong with you?! How could you c.o.c.k-blocked me?! I swear if she made me sleep on the couch tonight, I don't know what I would do to you!" glowered Liam.

"The verdict has been delivered" Adam

"What did I miss?" asked Neil.

"Liam's Mafia Wife has sentenced Hardin to death" lamented Dominique.

"Idiot" said King.

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You Of All People 27 What Did I Miss? summary

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