You Of All People 81 Entirely A Different Breed

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"Esteemed Guests. Here's your fourth course of the evening, Appetizers"

Tim signaled the waiters. The waiters placed the dish in each front of them and refilled their with water. The dish was served on angular black stoneware bowl that enhances the sensation of flavors. The rough sandpaper texture of the bowl heightens the taste of the dish.

"Taking things into a whole new level. This here is our outrageously indulgent surf and turf appetizer. A palm-sized Raw Wagyu Beef Tartare imported from j.a.pan mixed with Bluefin Tuna Tartare. Topping the tartares are Osetra Caviars along with edible 24 Karat Gold Flakes and edible flowers. The flowers were an a.s.sortment of Marigold, Chamomile and Daisy. Incorporated with a rich and earthy hearty pâté of Faux Gras, an alternative for Foie Gras. A paste made from the combination of Walnuts, Mushrooms, Rosemary, Thyme, Sage and Beetroot Puree. The whole dish will be perfected by White Truffle Shavings"

After Tim explained their fourth course, he beckoned for the waiters. The waiters once again approached. This time, they each held a piece of White Truffle and Stainless Steel Italian Truffle Shaver over each bowl of the appetizers. The waiters carefully slid the Truffle down the paddle and over the blade. After they finished their task, they quietly retreated but one of them was stopped by Neil.

"Excuse me? Can you please shave it all for me?" Neil politely asked while he grabbed the arm of the startled waiter.

"Uh? Rii-right away Sir-Esteemed Guest" answered the waiter in panick.

After the waiter finished shaving the whole White Truffle, Neil looked up and noticed everyone in their table looking at him weirdly.

"What? It's not everyday I get to eat White Truffle for free. This stuff are expensive as h.e.l.l" commented Neil to justify his actions while feeding the little angel.

"Vy you must be wondering why my Neil is entirely a different breed compared to your King?" said Ellie while wiping the corner of Elleis mouth with the bib.

Violet nodded without thinking while King took over her bowl to slice it up for her. When King heard what Ellie said, he too nodded in delight because of the 'your King' part.

"They're maternal cousins and grew up together. But before all that, my Neil was born and raised from another country before they got to know of his existence" Ellie said while she ate.
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"You see my mother and King's mother were best friends and cousins. Great Grandma and Great Grandpa at that time were against my parents. My mother was promised to another man long ago before she left our country to study. She met my father and also got pregnant too. Hence the blonde and blue eyes. So my mother eloped with my father. After a few years our Great Grandparents mellowed out. They investigated and searched for us before they pa.s.sed away" Neil told his story briefly as he finished eating his second serving.

[YoureMySun: Just to be sure, I looked it up.]

["Copyright protects the particular layout of a recipe in a published recipe book, or the photos that accompany the recipe. But copyright does not protect the idea or instructions that the recipe embodies"

"Copyright law does not protect recipes that are mere listings of ingredients. Nor does it protect other mere listings of ingredients such as those found in formulas, compounds, or prescriptions. Copyright protection may, however, extend to substantial literary expression—a description, explanation, or ill.u.s.tration, for example—that accompanies a recipe or formula or to a combination of recipes, as in a cookbook" (IP Spotlight)]

[Singer, Jim. "Are food recipes protected by copyright?" IP Spotlight, 3 Feb. 2015,,recipes%2C%20as%20in%20a%20cookbook.]

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You Of All People 81 Entirely A Different Breed summary

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