Harry Potter And The Forger Of Worlds 62 Malfoys Nightmare

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Later that evening, after everyone had returned back to the Burrow, the group was sitting around the living room getting everything in order. Nova could be found sitting in the corner staring at his ring as he twirled it in his fingers.

"Nova? Why do you have a ring at your age?" Ginny asked. It had been on her mind this whole time since Nova had showed up at the Burrow. And after seeing how, the goblins reacted to it and what Nova could do with it. It made her curious.

"This ring is the ring that symbolizes my bond with my wife." Nova replied to her. When Nova had said this everyone in the room, kind of froze.

"Nova, you're barely Ron's age. How can you be married? Don't you mean engaged?" Mrs Weasley quickly said.

Hearing this Nova couldn't help but laugh, "No I did mean marriage. And, indeed I might appear to be around Ron's age. But this is just a temporary form. In actuality, I have been around for countless eons. Forging worlds, realms, and tools for all that time. And for every creation I made, my wife was by my side helping to instill life into each creation."

"What do you mean?" Mr. Weasley asked.

"Well according to the Laws of the Void, when certain items are made they must have life imbued into them. Most of these items that required this were Worlds and Realms and the occasional tool. Like this world for instance. When it was made, it was a ball of energy, and after being refined on my forge, my wife would channel some of life energy into it and then the world would start coming into existence. I think you mortals call it the Big Bang so to speak." Nova briefly explained.

"Ok. But since your here why aren't you with your wife?" Ginny asked.

"Ginny!" Mrs. Weasley scolded.

"No it's fine. There was an incident that caused my Astoria's soul to fragment and be cast into this world. And now due to various reasons I must find the fragments." Nova stated.

"Have you had any luck?" Ginny asked.

"Yes indeed. See as some might know each soul has ties to another one. I believe in some cultures you would call it a Red String of Fate. Because the Void created my wife for me and me for my wife we are bonded together. So in a way regardless if i want it or not parts of my wife's soul will find their way to me."

"Must be nice to have that. I wouldn't mind being tied with a red string." Ginny said.

"Worry not little one. Everyone has one. Now whether or not you can find it in this life or the next is entirely up to chance. But more often enough, the two souls will have a strong bond to one another. Sort of like your parents." Nova stated.

"Huh??" Everyone said.

"Oh yes. Indeed Arthur and Molly Weasley are both tied together by Fates Red String." Nova said. "Here let me show you."

Nova then clapped his hands together and brought the Soul World into the Living World. Though everyone was amazed at what Nova did, they looked at the husband wife pair. What everyone saw was a red light tying the two soul bodies together.

"As you can see the string is there. Now everyone has one but whether you can meet the person is entirely up to fate. Now that I am looking, most of you have already found your partner but because neither party has acknowledged the others existence the string has remained pink. Which isn't really that strange. Since not everyone will instinctively know when their mates are in front of them."

"Really who here has found their partners?!" Ginny asked excitedly.

"Oh someone is overly eager to get married." Nova joked. Hearing Nova Ginny flushed a deep scarlet color, but still looked over at Harry who was still trying to understand everything. Seeing this Nova gave her a small wink, which made her blush even harder.

Percy hearing this immediately stood up and started to head to the stairs.

"Percy, where are you going?" Mrs Weasley asked.

"I just remembered I forgot to expound upon a section of summer school work." Percy said as he went up the stairs.

"Well now that it settled, I think I should get going." Nova then snapped his fingers to put the reality back to how it should be.

"Where are you going this late?" Mrs Weasley asked. She was still a little out of it after hearing that her and her husband were soul mates so to speak.

"Just going to make good on a deal I made with some. Make sure to read the paper in the morning, and besides, it will take some processing for some of you to even understand what I am talking about." Nova said as he looked over at Ron and Harry who were now talking about Quidditch.

"Mr. Weasley would you happen to know the location of the Malfoy Estate. I would like to have a small chat with Lucius Malfoy." Nova inquired.

Hearing this Mr. Weasley had a large grin on his face and for the first time could see the Twin's Mischievious Smile on someone else.

"Why certainly Nova. It is ********. Do you need any help?" Mr. Weasley said.

"Arthur!! Why would you do that?" Mrs. Weasley yelled at him.

"What Nova says he is just going to have a small talk with the Malfoys. Right?" Mr. Weasley replied with a large grin still on his face.

"Right. See you tomorrow." Nova said and walked outside before Mrs. Weasley could say another word.

Once Nova was outside, he changed into his dragon form and started to fly towards the Malfoy Estate. Ironically enough the location wasn't that far from Weasleys just on the opposite side of London. See Nova was originally planning on leaving the matter alone with the Malfoys and had quite literally forgotten about them with everything going on.

But the stunt they pulled in Diagon Alley brought them back to Nova's attention. Sensing that he was approaching the location, Nova let out a loud roar that shook the very earth around them. He figured it would be good manners to inform the Malfoys they would be having a guest.


3rd Peson POV


Lucius was currently pacing in front of his fireplace with an irritated look on his face. It was currently a few hours after the incident at Flourish and Blotts. He still couldn't get over how the child with the dare to speak disrespectfully to them a Pure Blood Family. And Potter. . .

"Dobby!!" Lucius yelled.

Then with a pop, a small house elf appeared, "Yes Master."

"Why was Potter with the Blood Traitors?" Lucius yelled while kicking Dobby across the room.

"Dobby does not know Master. Dobby had been watching Harry Potter as the Master instructed but at some point Dobby was blocked from spying on Harry Potter." Dobby squeaked while trying to stand up.

"Hmmm. . . Dumbledore must have done something then." Lucius said. "Oh well. . . when everything goes to plan this year, Dumbledore will no longer be Headmaster."

Then suddenly.


The roaring sounded. The foundation of the of the Manor started to shake as the earth trembled under them. Hearing the noise, Lucius turned pale as a ghost.

"Dobby! Turn on the warding enchantments. And alert the ministry, I am being attacked!" Lucius said frantically.

Without saying a word Dobby disappeared to do what he was told. Lucius then ran up the stairs.

"Draco! Draco! Where are you at?" Lucius ran into a few rooms and found his son sleeping.

Hearing his name being called, Draco fell out of bed, "Yes Father."

"Quick get dressed quickly! And get your school things together. Your leaving." Lucius said with urgency. "You're going to Parkinson Manor until I come get you."

Lucius then waves his wand and all of Draco's school things were sent elsewhere. As Draco finished getting dressed, Narcissa Malfoy hurried in.

"Husband? What is going on Aurors are pouring into the yard and there was that thundering noise that shook the Manor?" She asked with worry.

Lucius ignored what she said and grabbed the Floo Powder in the chimney, "Parkinson Manor! Listen to me Draco, remember what I said about this year and do not bring attention to yourself."

Lucius then gave a letter to Malfoy and had dragged Draco into the fireplace to only disappear with a fwoosh. Seeing that his son was safe, he then turned to Narcissa and grabbed her by the arm and started to pull her with him.

"Lucius what is going on?" Narcissa said while trying to keep pace with her husband.

"Shut up and just come with me." Lucius said. "DOBBY!"

The house elf then appeared and started to run to keep up with his master, "Master called?"

"Yes slave. What is going on?"

"The ministry has sent aurors to guard the manor and the enchantments have been laid." Dobby squeaked.
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"Good. Come woman stop struggling and keep up!" Lucius said as his wife nearly tripped and almost sent them tumbling down the stairs.

Once she had her feet back under her, Narcissa yanked her arm free, "Lucius Malfoy what is going on? I demand to know."

"You stupid s.l.u.t. Haven't you figured it out yet. That d.a.m.ned dragon has come to collect-" Lucius started to yell at her. But then a large impact hit the ground causing a quake and then the next thing they knew was the front manor gates came cras.h.i.+ng into the wall sending rubble and metal into the foyer.

"Lucius Malfoy!" A loud voice was heard. "I have come to collect. You have until the count of ten to surrender your wife over to me!"

The second the Dragon finished speaking, the Malfoy couple could here the dragon starting to count.


"Don't just stand there do something," Lucius yelled at the Aurors nearby.

"Take down the Dragon!" The Aurors yelled. Then the spells could be heard getting shot off and large explosions happened as parts of the manor were affected.

"Lucius what did that dragon just say? You sold me? What is the meaning of this?" Narcissa said still on the ground from the blast earlier.

"3,2,1 . . . You had your time Lucius" The Dragon called. "No ok then I am coming in."

"Dammit! Come back here s.l.u.t." Lucius reached out and grabbed his wife by her hair.

"Lucius please you can't do this to me! I have served you well." Narcissa pleaded as she was trying to get away to little avail. "You know what magical creatures do to witches. You can't possibly sink that low."

"b.i.t.c.h. Shut up! I will do what I must to ensure my family survives. If that means give you over to be some dragons wh.o.r.e. So be it. And besides with all the training you had, you should at least last a little while before breaking." Lucius said, as he dragged her out of the house's rubble.

Upon looking at his once majestic estate, Lucius could only tremble. What he saw was a nightmare so to speak. The yard had raging flames of Fiend Fyre razing across it and the trees were turning into charcoal. Aurors were found to be scattered across the lawn looking much akin to broken rag dolls. Some were even hiding behind parts of the manor that were broken.

And standing in the middle of all this was a dragon as big as a mountain and as dark as the night sky all that could be seen was its silhouette from the moon and it's eye glowing like purple flames.

"Lucius Malfoy, you have decided to grace up with your presence." The Dragon said coldly.

Lucius let out a loud gulp, "Lord Dragon. I apologize. It took a bit to get my wife. She was uncooperative."

"Why does she look like that?" The Dragon questioned.

"My apologies, I didn't have time to prepare her. Here." Lucius then picked Narcissa up by the arm and took both hands.


Tore the dress she was wearing right off of her, leaving nothing else on her body. Narcissa was now standing, in the open area in what she was born with, but instead of trying to cover herself up. She could only stand there in fear. The Dragon in front of her was a being that she had never seen before and the idea of it trying to do anything to her made her realize that the possibility of dying in the near future was quite possible.

The Dragon then brought its enormous head down and the pressure was so great that it sent another wave of fear through them both. So bad in fact that Narcissa had reached her breaking point and emptied herself on the spot.

"You stupid b.i.t.c.h. Sully yourself on your own time and not in front of me!" Lucius said as he kicked her away from him.

"Lord Dragon. I apologize for this unsightly scene. I should have trained her as a dog better." Lucius bowed.

Suddenly an even stronger pressure was felt upon him, forcing Lucius to kneel, "Lucius Malfoy I know I castrated you but did you ever have any semblance of being a man?"

Then to Lucius' surprise the dragon started to shrink down and appeared as a human infront of Narcissa.

"Madam. I must offer my sincere apologies to your treatment. I have a place that would be suited for you. If you chose to go there." The human spoke.

Narcissa could only slowly nod her head. Taking that as a yes the human that was once a dragon took a cloak and draped it around her.

"House Elf. Gather your Mistresses personal effects and bring them to me." The human said.

Now the house elf that was spoken to was Dobby. He had been watching silently this whole time and upon being called quickly hurried off to only come back seconds later with a pile of clothes and some jewelry boxes. The human then waved his hand and all the items disappeared. A pair of dragon wings then appeared on his back as he started to fly up.

"You. . .your that disrepectful brat that was at the Greengra.s.s Party and the one with the Blood Traitors. What right do you have to do this?" Lucius then yelled up at the human, who he recognized as Nova.

He was going to continue yelling at Nova but felt a force grasping around his throat. Lucius blinked and realized he was a hundred feet in the air with the boys hand around his throat.

"You should be ashamed at how you treated your wife. Now be gone with you." Nova then threw Lucius back to the ground with enough force to cause the ground to shake and like a nail on the coffin the rest of Malfoy Manor collapsed on top of whatever remained of Lucius Malfoy.

Not even bothering to look down on the mortal, Nova then turned and flew to the south.

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Harry Potter And The Forger Of Worlds 62 Malfoys Nightmare summary

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