Nightingale's Wish Came True 4 Distraction

Nightingale's Wish Came True -

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Nightingale strode into Neverwinter's parliament hall. She was 5 minutes late but she walked in with confidence, heading to her seat just left of the center of the hall.

"We will first be discussing..." Roland's voice trailed off when he saw her. He was relieved that she did not seem too depressed from his reaction in the morning. He had been too embarra.s.sed to check on her. The memories of the night surfaced in his head again and Roland cheeks started to turn red.

"Looks like our Majesty had a naughty night" Edith muttered under her breath, just loud enough for Roland who stood in front of her to hear. She was trying to remind Roland to snap out of his distracted state and continue the meeting. However, her words actually made him even redder.

"Ahem, as I was saying we will first be discussing the issue on the threat posed by the newly identified species discovered..." Roland tried his best to continue the conversation. Nightingale had reached her seat, which was on the left of the center platform. She was the head of Neverwinter's Crime Investigation unit and was the key in maintaining Neverwinter's security. When she took off her white coat and sat down, Roland gulped and lost his train of thought again.

She was wearing the spy uniform which he gave her, modeled after the Black Widow's outfit. It was fully black and specially coated by Soraya to give it extra flexibility and durability. While it was generally well covered up, it hugged every corner of Nightingale's body, flaunting her well-shaped figure but leaving much to imagination. Furthermore, it had a v-neck cutting, revealing a hint of her well-developed b.r.e.a.s.t.s. It gave her a commanding yet s.e.xy vibe.

Roland recalled that she was too embarra.s.sed to show herself wearing it to him when he first gave it to her. What gave her the sudden confidence? Was this some form of revenge on him? He could understand chemistry and physics but not women.

He noticed that almost everyone with a Y chromosome in the hall was looking at her, some stealing glances while other blatantly staring. While Roland had seen much more s.e.xier outfits in his past life, the outfit Nightingale was wearing was considered very daring in this era. While others were imagining what lay underneath the suit, he could actually visualise it. Uncontrollably he felt himself hardening.

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Nightingale's Wish Came True 4 Distraction summary

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