From Past To Present, I Still Love You 118 Sunse

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Time pa.s.sed quickly unnoticed by the trio. Crazy may it seem but despite the hours they spent in the water, tiredness didn't stop them from continuing. They played till their fingers wrinkled up like dried prunes.

And soon, the sun prepared for its slumber as it began to fall down the sky; bright explosions of red splattering against the blue.

Since one of the events on Ji-ho's to-do list was to be in the water till the sun set, the trio admired the beautiful painting up in the sky. All of them stood side by side with the light glistening against their eyes.

"Really pretty," Yoona whispered. Then a giggle escaped her lips. She turned to Ji-ho and sent him a grand smile. "Thank you for this. It was really fun."

"You're welcome!" Ji-ho replied. "I saw this type of scene in a movie once. Really heartwarming. So I thought that I should reenact it with you guys."


His eyes trailed to Minhyun who stood quietly on the side. A knowing smirk took over his smile. "What about you Minhyun? How did you like playing in the water?"

The CEO couldn't lie himself out of this one. After laughing and smiling for the past few hours, there was no doubt that he had a blast as well. Before, he thought that these activities were for children but after this experience he realized that there was no age limit to these types of activities. Especially with people he enjoyed being with. Besides, he couldn't suddenly pretend that there was no enjoyment at all. The water glistening against his skin did not lie.

A smile crept on his face. "I guess it was pretty fun..."

Another memory for him to reminiscence on. There was something special about these two. Everything was better with people by his side. A late realization for a independent man like him. Due to the fact that he never gave people the chance to get close to him, blocking off his heart, the importance of a friend really struck a chord.

Even Ji-ho. Although he would never admit it out loud.

Ji-ho let out a happy smile. He ran the best that he could in the water, before grabbing onto Minhyun's arm. "I told you!"

"Get off me." Minhyun took all his thoughts back. There was nothing good about him.

A laugh escaped the white-haired boy's mouth as he let go. He poked Minhyun's side teasingly. "You originally didn't want to come to this trip with me. See. This is what happens when you listen to my wise options. You have fun."

Minhyun didn't want to admit it, but Ji-ho was right.... To an extent... Originally, he wasn't excited for the trip for he knew the boy would tire him out. After all, the energy in this child was incomparable to anyone that he'd met. But, it turned out that Minhyun himself had the ability to keep up and enjoy. Perhaps, the gym sessions he partook in was doing him good.

He placed his hand on Ji-ho's head and gave it a ruffle. "I'd like you a lot better if you didn't speak you know."

Ji-ho's eyes widened. He couldn't believe what was happening. Did Minhyun really just say those words? Impossible.

Yoona was also shocked by the development. She covered her giggles with her hand. The perfectionist Minhyun made a 'mistake'.

"So you do like me!" Ji-ho exclaimed. "I'd like you a lot better means that you like me to begin with!"

"I-," Minhyun began. Then he cursed under his breathe. He chose the wrong words to say. Now the other two were going to misinterpret the situation.

"Let's get this clear." Minhyun sent a glare to Ji-ho. "I still don't like you."

Ji-ho's grin grew wider. His dimples deepening against his cheek. The CEO was getting fl.u.s.tered. It was an amusing sight to see. "No take backs! You said that you like me. That's such a compliment coming from the cold-hearted MH CEO. I'm honored."

He turned to face Yoona and widened his arms, before embracing her into a hug. "I made it!"

She chuckled. "Yeah you did."

Minhyun sent her a disappointed look. How dare she take the boy's side? What about him?

Yoona's eyes met his and she placed her index finger on her lips. Although no noise was coming out of her mouth, the message portrayed by her lips was readable. 'Don't ruin the moment for him.'

Besides, if she were to be honest, it did look like Minhyun was opening up to the young boy. She wasn't sure if it was a good thing or not, considering that Ji-ho had an illness but nonetheless, the progression was what counted. In the end, Minhyun was opening up to someone other than her. She was proud of him.

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From Past To Present, I Still Love You 118 Sunse summary

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