From Past To Present, I Still Love You 156 Lessons 101

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After hours of shopping, they were finally finished. Yoona had to change into at least forty different bras until Eunha was satisfied. She was so tired by the end of it!

When the two went out of the building, Yoona's hands were full of shopping bags. Not only was she tired, but she couldn't believe how much money she spent on lingerie.

To think that a female necessity was SO expensive. It was really shocking. With this money, she could've easily bought more than a five hundred bags of expensive instant ramen.

Luckily, Ji-ho had given her his bank account so she had more than enough money to afford all this. Without that, she would've been in debt.

When she thought about it, if Ji-ho was alive, he would've teased her saying that she made a good investment…

Nonetheless, it was a.s.suring having all this money on her. Now, she didn't need to worry about overdrawing her account and being fined. Turns out, Ji-ho had well more than a hundred million dollars in that account. She had never been this rich in her life.

Not to mention, the amount of cryptocurrency he had…

She s.h.i.+vered, thinking about the amount of money she currently had. With all this, she could live her life happily without working!

Beside of her, Eunha was smiling happily with a proud smile on her face. Her eyes were glistening brighter than before. Why? Because she was sure that Minhyun was going to have a heart attack upon seeing Yoona. The red bikini? Please. That wasn't going to be anywhere near the perfection she had just accomplished.

"After us working hard for this shopping you have to tell me all about it okay!" Eunha said while clapping her hands. "You better -" But when she looked to the side, she quickly noticed that Yoona looked incredibly tired. "You okay there?"

"I didn't realize shopping was so much work..."

Eunha shook her head with a smile. "Okay, let's go rest. I'm hungry anyways."

Yoona's eyes widened with happiness. Finally! She was excited to rest and eat good food. "Yes! What do you want to eat? I'll pay with my trusty credit card. Let's go all out."

Eunha placed her index finger on her chin. "How about… Pizza? There's a hot place nearby that's been blowing up. I haven't been able to get in because its so popular but with your status, I'm sure we can pull some tricks and get a private room. What do you say?"

A smile lit on Yoona's face. "Deal.. hehe.I'll call Secretary Kim."

By now, she was getting more accustomed to the rich life. It was quite… Relaxing. It would be a lie to say she didn't enjoyed being catered to.

After her call, she was notified that Luttazzi, the pizza place, had a private room open for them. With a giddy smile, the two girls skipped to their location.


Upon arrival, they were brought to a small room near the back. It was isolated from the rest of the crowded restaurant and the black interior was decorated with gold outlining, differently from the simple style outside. The two sat at the table, admiring the paintings on the walls.

"This place is so nice," Yoona cooed.

"Right? It's hot on social media right now. I really wanted to try but it's always a two hour wait to get in." Then a giggle escaped Eunha's lips. "Now, whenever I want to go to a popular place I'm just going to call you up. There's a lot of perks of having you as a best friend."

"Using me for my money huh?"

Eunha raised her hands. "Guilty as charged."

Then there was a pause. "I mean, this should be at least the payment I get for styling you. I'm not cheap you see."

A laugh escaped Yoona's lips. "Okay. Okay. Thanks a ton."

"But you know," Eunha began. "These lingerie will all go to waste if you don't play your part properly."

"What do you mean?"

Eunha placed her hand against her forehead. "Let me tell you something honey. For this lingerie to be at its full potential, it not only needs to look pretty, but the wearer has to put in effort too. In modeling shoots, lingerie models don't have a funny expression on their faces. They make sure to look s.e.xy to make the products look their best."

She pointed to Yoona. "And you also have to play your part."

"B-but how?"

Eunha cleared her throat. "Now. Let me present to you a very special lesson: how to make your man have the best night ever 101."

Yoona already had a bad feeling about this.

But it was too late to back out.

"You still haven't lost your virginity so you may not know this, but the first time is usually the worst. Why? Cause it f.u.c.king hurts."

Yoona nodded slowly. "Oh I see."

"And is it his first time?"

She pursed her lips. "I have no idea if I'm honest. I know he had a few girlfriends in the past so it may not be unlikely."

"If it's his first time, it might be awkward as h.e.l.l for you two. If not, then you are in luck! He's going to know what he's doing. But anyways - not the main point! Since we know that the actual s.e.x will probably suck, you should try to make the foreplay as amazing as possible!"


Eunha nodded. "Yes. Foreplay. You see my innocent youngling, in this adult world, there's a lot more to s.e.x than just having his d.i.c.k going in and out of you, you know?"

Yoona crossed her arms. "You know… I'm not as innocent as your making me out to be. Although I'm a virgin, it's not like… I haven't done." It was hard to bring the words out. "Any s.e.xual stuff."

The last few words came out as a whisper.

Eunha scoffed. "Okay true. But still, the way you're acting right now makes me believe you haven't even kissed a guy yet. Woman up! s.e.x is nothing to be embarra.s.sed about!"


Eunha cracked her fingers. "Now. Shall we begin? I shall now teach you my secret tips. I'm sure you know how to kiss well so I'm going to get to the juicy stuff."

She curved her hand as if she was giving a handjob. "Not sure how many you've given to that psychopath but seeing your reaction, it doesn't seem like much… So this is why, I am here to help you give him the best b.l.o.w.j.o.b in the world. With these tips, Minhyun is going to freak."

Yoona was already red. She was too speechless to reply.

Eunha ignored her dying friend. In fact, deep down, she enjoyed the torture Yoona was going through. It was fun seeing her best friend squirm with embarra.s.sment due to her innocence. "Now… Let's begin…"
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By the end of it, Yoona's face was bright red. Oh G.o.d. Did she really just listen to all this torture. Yoona never knew that giving a good b.l.o.w.j.o.b was this confusing. All she thought was that she needed to put her mouth around it and that's it.

This was harder than economics.

"Last but not least," Eunha said. She placed her hand on her chest. "You have to be one with the d.i.c.k. Wors.h.i.+p the d.i.c.k. Don't look at it as if it's your enemy but your friend -"

In mid-sentence, Yoona finally noticed a waiter at the door. She could see him frozen with their food in his hands. His eyes were widened and his face was about to explode.


The girl let out a groan. "I'm talking! What?"

Eunha turned around to see what Yoona was looking at. When she noticed the waiter, her face quickly turned mortified.

An awkward giggle escaped her lips. "Uh - the pizza looks good. Bring it here!"

And for the rest of that lunch, the waiter could not even look at Eunha.

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From Past To Present, I Still Love You 156 Lessons 101 summary

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