A Cheap, OP Brawler 24 Chapter 24: The Cursed Misfortune Tanto Of Nyra

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"Ha … ha ha … ah hahaha. I did it. It's been so long since I could barely move after all the activity, but I actually did it," I say before making more tired laughs.

I'm currently lying on my back, looking up at the slightly cloudy, but blue skies. Looking at it from my perspective, it'd be a peaceful sight.

Zoom out to an outsider's point of view, however, one would see me lying on top of a hill … no, a mountain of monster corpses, consisting of different species from various sizes, all hacked, slashed, or stabbed cleanly with the cursed tanto, leaving me and the weapon itself drenched in their blood. I told the tanto girl to bring out as many monsters she could summon with her powers like she did last night, but she got too excited from the s.e.xual ecstasy and went overboard. One wouldn't even be able to hear themselves think anymore from all cries of agony the monsters let out in the air as they were killed, while at the same time having a girl moan and scream from one o.r.g.a.s.m after another.

Because of all that noise, I lost count of how many I killed after somewhere around 100. The tanto girl might've lost consciousness at one point—if that was even possible for one dwelling in a weapon or anything to begin with—because I couldn't feel her ominous magic summoning monsters anymore, nor did I hear any more of her squeals of ecstasy. Maybe some shallow breathing from time to time, but then that was all I heard from her once the monsters stopped coming and I end up lying on the mountain. In the efforts of wearing out my l.u.s.ting for women with violence, I think all the 'stuff' that was backed up since my last j.a.c.k.-.o.f.f. kind of leaked out prematurely from judging how soaked my trousers are right now, and I know that's not all the monster blood's fault.

I barely used any skills or spells, though I noticed things around me were going slower for me than normal while I was battling. I learned later that it might've been 'Hyper Perception' at work. I must've got it while I was out last night and just used it subconsciously as I fought. Other than that, I just basically sprinted towards and attacked any monster that came after me with raw strength. It was easy to see how close they were to dying since I saw their HP and MP bars over their heads like I couldn't before. With those as my guides of sorts, I dealt with each accordingly while putting my mana into the tanto to help her bring out more monsters for me to fight. Since she stopped doing that at one point, I thought I should experiment and practice my new 'Darkness Manipulation' skill. I enveloped that magic around the tanto and change the mana's density and shape to form different weapons like a bat, a katana, and the odachi like the one I made last night, to name a few. The tanto girl did get back up a few times when I made such sudden changes, but not for very long. Any attacks the monsters landed on me, I didn't even notice them, no pain whatsoever. Any scratches or hints of damage that were visible, I used 'Meditation' to let the 'HP Regeneration' bonus to make them disappear. I'm using 'Meditation' even now while I'm lying down to help fill any holes left in my HP bar. I think I've had my 's.a.d.i.s.tic Smile' on me for so long that it kind of got stuck, and so I had to ma.s.sage my face a little to relax the muscles some.

By the time the battle … or maybe it's better to call it a genocide ended, I received many notices following my level up.

[You have achieved the 'Fearsome Underdog' t.i.tle!

[You have now learned 'Status Sorting*!'

[You have now reached 'Hyper Perception' LV 6!

[You have now reached 'Size Up' LV 4!

[You have now reached 'Darkness Manipulation' LV 5!

[You have achieved the 'Umpquamancer' t.i.tle!

[You have now reached 'Slugger Style' LV 7!

[Conditions met: 'KatanWielding' skills a.s.sociated with current 'Slugger Style' level are available to learn.

[You have now reached 'Meditation' LV 4!

[You have now reached 's.a.d.i.s.tic Smile' LV 5!]

I checked my pulse after the notices stopped appearing. Seeing as how my heart rate has finally slowed down and images of me violating the girls stopped flowing into my head, I can now say for certain that I've successfully fought off the curse's side-effects to the point of exhaustion. I just didn't think the tanto girl would get as exhausted as I am. I don't even know how long we've been out here since I escaped from Ms. Tephalia's bedchambers.

<"jinma …="" do="" you="" know="" what="" i'm="" feeling="" right="" now?"=""> she asks in my head.

"What?" No one else is around, so I thought it'd be safe for me to speak aloud.

<"i feel="" like="" i="" survived="" the="" mother="" of="" all="""" where="" i="" thought="" the="" onslaught="" of="" males="" pumping="" their="" s.e.m.e.n="" inside="" me="" would="" never="" stop."="">


<"i've had="" my="" share="" of="" orgies,="" my="" best="" record="" around="" 30="" people="" in="" the="" same="" room="" i="" did="" it="" with,="" but="" we="" had="" breaks="" to="" recover="" while="" switching="" partners="" to="" go="" another="" round="" with.="" this?="" i="" felt="" like="" i="" was="" thrown="" into="" a="" lion's="" den="" with="" a="" hundred="" s.e.x="" hungry,="" pent-up="" males="" who="" didn't="" relieve="" themselves="" for="" a="" week,="" at="" best.="" it="" was="" fun="" having="" the="" control="" of="" getting="" many="" off="" at="" once="" at="" first,="" but="" then="" after="" a="" while="" when="" i="" got="" too="" tired="" to="" pleasure="" them="" myself,="" they="" wouldn't="" wait="" to="" let="" me="" recover="" and="" just="" continued="" pumping="" whatever="" amounts="" of="" thick,="" potent="" s.e.m.e.n="" they="" could="" into="" me."="">


<"three, then="" one,="" then="" three,="" then="" two,="" their="" d.i.c.ks="" kept="" plugging="" my="" holes="" and="" they="" wouldn't="" stop="" dumping="" their="" splooge="" in="" me="" until="" i="" was="" practically="" drowning="" in="" the="" stuff.="" even="" if="" i="" stopped="" responding="" to="" anything,="" they'd="" just="" kept="" going="" on="" me="" like="" i="" was="" a="" slab="" of="" meat.="" i'd="" have="" such="" a="" thick,="" smelly="" coat="" on="" me="" while="" looking="" like="" i="" was="" pregnant="" with="" triplets,="" no,="" quadruplets="" of="" babies="" for="" how="" bloated="" my="" stomach="" would="" be="" right="" now.="" i'd="" have="" soooo="" much="" of="" it="" gus.h.i.+ng="" out="" of="" my="" holes,="" even="" vomiting="" it="" out="" if="" someone="" pressed="" down="" on="" my="" stomach.="" i="" must="" have="" a="" spring's="" worth="" of="" s.e.m.e.n,="" your="" mana,="" oozing="" out="" of="" me="" right="" now."="">

"Okay, I don't know what's more f.u.c.ked up right now: that image, or the fact that I'm actually getting turned on again from such an image, and I thought I was over this twisted l.u.s.t. Did I hurt you through all of that somehow?"

The tanto girl then laughs in my head. <"are you="" seriously="" worrying="" over="" someone="" who="" has="" slain="" countless="" people="" through="" possessed="" vessels="" for="" a="" few="" thousand="" years?"="">

"Uh …"

<"don't think="" about="" it="" too="" hard,="" stud,="" all="" that="" i="" said="" just="" now="" was="" the="" biggest="" praise="" i="" ever="" gave="" in="" my="" lifetime.="" don't="" worry="" about="" your="" l.u.s.t,="" either.="" right="" now,="" those="" are="" just="" the="" normal="" levels="" of="" horniness="" for="" a="" healthy="" young="" male.="" well,="" you="" might="" be="" a="" bit="" too="" healthy="" from="" how="" hard="" you're="" getting="" right="" now="" even="" after="" all="" you="" e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.ed,="" but="" you're="" not="" so="" on="" edge="" with="" l.u.s.t="" that="" you'll="" want="" to="" pin="" a="" girl="" down="" and="" take="" her="" within="" the="" next="" five="" minutes."="">

"How can you be so sure?"

<"i don't="" know,="" i="" think="" all="" that="" magic="" you="" pumped="" into="" me="" made="" some="" kind="" of="" bond="" between="" us="" that="" let="" me="" just="" …="" well,="" know="" that="" much="" about="" you.="" h.e.l.l,="" even="" in="" my="" current="" state,="" i've="" actually="" got="" turned="" on="" again="" after="" describing="" that="" image,="" and="" that="" was="" around="" the="" same="" time="" you="" listened."="">

"Huh … so right now, you and I are one in a way?"

<"if anything,="" i'd="" say="" you're="" still="" inside="" me="" while="" we're="" cuddling="" and="" having="" the="" levels="" of="" afterglow="" that="" go="" beyond="" the="" heavens."="">

"Wow … that's deep."

<"that's what="" 'he'="" said."="">

I don't know why, but we both ended up laughing our heads off over that lame dirty joke.

<"in all="" my="" years="" of="" s.c.r.e.w.i.n.g="" around="" that="" led="" me="" to="" my="" current="" level="" of="" 'vigorous="" libido'="" before="" i="" got="" trapped="" in="" the="" tanto,="" i="" had="" never="" done="" it="" with="" a="" male="" or="" female="" who="" made="" me="" feel="" this="" way="" like="" you="" did.="" i'd="" hug="" and="" kiss="" you="" so="" much="" right="" now="" if="" i="" had="" my="">

"If you were coated in that rank stuff as you said, I'd politely ask you to keep yourself three meters away from me until you wash yourself."

<"ah! you're="" the="" one="" who="" made="" me="" like="" this!="" be="" a="" male="" and="" take="" responsibility!"="">

"Okay, then I'd just take you to the nearest bubble bath and drop you in the water to soak for a while."

<"how cold!"="">

Amidst our banter, something about Tanto Girl mentioning her 'previous body' got me thinking.

"… What were you like before you dwelled in the tanto? Actually, I never even got your name and have been calling you 'Tanto Girl' this whole time."

<"ah, well="" then,="" some="" proper="" introductions="" are="" in="" order.="" i="" once="" went="" by="" as="" nyra,="" the="" very="" royal="" blacksmith="" who="" crafted="" the="" tanto="" you="" hold="" now,="" and="" i="" was="" a="" pixie."="">

"Pixie?" I ask while sitting up and looking at the blade in my hand. "You mean beings similar to Fairies? Those Pixies?"

<"more or="" less.="" have="" you="" seen="" an="" elf="" before?"="">

"Nope." Aside from the ones I've seen in some manga and books of mythology back home, but they wouldn't count in this context.

<"well, imagine="" one="" that's="" about="" as="" big="" as="" a="" human="" child="" with="" long="" pointy="" ears,="" a="" pair="" of="" gla.s.s-like="" wings,="" small="" horns,="" and="" dark="" skin,="" and="" that's="" what="" makes="" up="" the="" most="" of="" us.="" it's="" been="" so="" long,="" i="" can't="" even="" remember="" the="" finer="" details="" of="" my="" body="" before="" it="" got="" sucked="" in="" this="" blade,="" but="" i="" was="" the="" hottest="" girl,="" second="" before="" our="" queen,="" of="" course,="" that="" got="" around="" with="" many="" of="" my="" kind="" on="" the="" side="" of="" my="" main="" job="" as="" a="" blacksmith."="">

"That's really amazing, Ms. Nyra. How'd you even get stuck in your own creation?"

<"okay, first,="" no="" formalities="" after="" the="" kinky="" s.h.i.+t="" we="" just="" went="" through.="" from="" now="" on,="" you're="" 'jinma'="" to="" me,="" and="" i'm="" 'nyra'="" to="" you.="" h.e.l.l,="" i="" wouldn't="" mind="" you="" calling="" me="" 'babe'="" at="" this="" point."="">

"… I think I'm fine with just calling you 'Nyra.'" Calling a girl something like 'Babe' makes me feel like a real douchebag, like the old playboy of a coworker I previously worked with back on Earth.

<"suit yourself.="" anyway,="" to="" keep="" things="" short,="" i="" think="" it="" was="" because="" of="" some="" jealous="" b.i.t.c.h="" who="" was="" also="" a="" blacksmith.="" we="" were="" competing="" in="" a="" contest="" held="" in="" our="" village.="" it="" was="" the="" day="" before="" the="" main="" event="" that="" i="" was="" maintaining="" my="" best="" work="" when="" she="" used="" some="" high-level="" curse="" magic="" to="" enchant="" the="" weapon="" that="" included="" trapping="" me="" inside="" it.="" i="" blacked="" out="" after="" that,="" and="" the="" next="" time="" i="" woke="" up,="" i="" found="" myself="" stagnant="" and="" immobile="" off="" the="" side="" of="" a="" riverbed.="" i="" think="" she="" might've="" tossed="" my="" weapon="" to="" the="" nearest="" river="" with="" me="" in="" it.="" from="" that="" point,="" i'm="" not="" sure="" if="" it="" was="" the="" enchantment's="" work,="" but="" i="" lost="" my="" sanity="" and="" wanted="" to="" cut="" the="" first="" thing="" in="" sight="" with="" the="" weapon.="" i="" was="" able="" to="" learn="" how="" to="" summon="" monsters="" to="" move="" me="" around="" from="" there,="" and="" after="" that,="" the="" legend="" of="" the="" 'cursed="" misfortune="" tanto="" of="" nyra'="" started="" to="" sprout."="">

"… Did you ever want to get your body back? Get revenge on the b.i.t.c.h who did this to you?"

<"i'd definitely="" give="" her="" the="" piece="" of="" my="" mind="" that's="" way="" past="" due="" if="" i="" ever="" see="" her="" again,="" but="" i'm="" not="" as="" vested="" in="" revenge="" anymore.="" i="" don't="" even="" know="" if="" she's="" still="" alive,="" as="" well="" as="" the="" village="" still="" standing.="" there="" have="" been="" times="" i="" was="" nostalgic="" of="" having="" my="" old="" body="" back,="" but="" i've="" gotten="" used="" to="" this="" new="" one.="" whether="" or="" not="" i="" was="" in="" my="" moments="" of="" clarity="" from="" the="" curse,="" enchantment,="" or="" whatever,="" i="" tried="" to="" relish="" the="" moments="" given="" to="" me,="" even="" if="" it="" meant="" taking="" another's="" life,="" and="" then="" i="" was="" at="" one="" point="" sealed="" away="" by="" that="" lamia="" lord's="" ancestor.="" from="" there,="" a="" couple="" people="" broke="" in="" to="" take="" me,="" only="" to="" get="" possessed="" for="" some="" time="" before="" the="" lamia="" guardians="" managed="" to="" take="" me="" back="" and="" seal="" me="" away="" again,="" upping="" the="" traps="" for="" tighter="" security,="" lather,="" rinse,="" and="" repeat.="" i="" thought="" this="" time="" wasn't="" going="" to="" be="" any="" different,="" either="" …="" until="" i="" met="" you,="" of="">

<"after sharing="" this="" dance="" oozing="" of="" ecstasy="" and="" blood="" with="" you="" the="" second="" time,="" i'd="" like="" to="" make="" a="" proposal="" with="" you,="" jinma."="">

"A … proposal?"

<"whether or="" not="" i'd="" win="" the="" contest="" with="" my="" last="" creation—but="" really,="" i="" totally="" had="" it="" in="" the="" bag—it's="" not="" like="" i="" would="" let="" it="" sit="" in="" my="" shelf="" and="" gather="" dust.="" in="" the="" pursuit="" to="" be="" the="" greatest="" blacksmith="" in="" the="" world,="" i="" wanted="" to="" craft="" something="" that'd="" be="" on="" the="" same="" level="" as="" the="" items="" blessed="" by="" the="" immortals,="" and="" by="" that="" logic,="" have="" that="" same="" item="" be="" wielded="" by="" someone="" i'd="" consider="" worthy="" for="" it.="" ironically,="" in="" an="" attempt="" to="" make="" me="" fail,="" that="" b.i.t.c.h="" who="" cast="" this="" curse="" on="" me="" actually="" helped="" make="" my="" dream="" come="" true,="" and="" finally,="" after="" thousands="" of="" years,="" i="" think="" i've="" finally="" found="" the="" one="" worthy="" to="" wield="" my="" greatest="" creation="" …="" to="" wield="" me,="">

<"jinma, form="" a="" weapon's="" bond="" with="" my="" blade,="" let="" it="" be="" a="" part="" of="" you,="" let="" me="" be="" your="" partner="" and="" become="" one="" with="" you—and="" i="" don't="" mean="" that="" in="" the="" s.e.xual="" sense.="" i="" can="" grant="" you="" knowledge="" in="" magic="" and="" blacksmithing="" that="" those="" working="" in="" such="" fields="" would="" kill="" to="" gain,="" i="" can="" be="" your="" second="" pair="" of="" eyes="" who="" watches="" your="" back="" and="" help="" judge="" what="" kind="" of="" people="" we'd="" deal="" with="" in="" the="" future,="" and="" so="" much="" more="" as="" we="" get="" to="" know="" each="" other.="" you="" won't="" ever="" have="" to="" worry="" about="" this="" blade="" breaking,="" for="" it's="" made="" with="" chaos="" ore,="" the="" strongest="" metal="" in="" the="" world="" that="" can="" pierce="" through="" the="" greatest="" of="" defenses,="" even="" a="" dragon's="" hide="" when="" sharpened.="" along="" with="" that,="" four="" gold="" greed="" rings="" were="" melded="" into="" it="" to="" help="" you="" gain="" twice="" the="" amount="" of="" exp="" to="" level="" up="" as="" you="" normally="" would.="" if="" that="" isn't="" crazy="" enough,="" it="" seems="" my="" curse="" allows="" the="" wielder="" to="" level="" up="" three="" times="" instead="" of="" two="" when="" taking="" someone's="" life.="" you="" should="" see="" a="" drastic="" change="" in="" your="" stats="" by="" now="" because="" of="" those="">

<"finally, the="" most="" important="" thing:="" i="" would="" never="" betray="" you."="">

"… Nyra, anyone would say that easily at first but will have no problem stabbing the other person in the back later. I know from experience. Even if you can't possess me, what makes you any different from those who just say they won't do it, but not follow through?" I ask while furrowing my brow.

<"jinma …="" even="" though="" we've="" only="" fought="" together="" twice,="" right="" now,="" i'm="" feeling="" things="" i="" never="" had="" before="" with="" my="" previous="" partners,="" and="" i="" don't="" want="" to="" let="" them="" go.="" i="" just="" know="" that="" if="" i="" do="" something="" unforgivable,="" i="" would="" never="" be="" able="" to="" get="" these="" feelings="" from="" anyone="" else."="">


<"don't get="" me="" wrong,="" most="" were="" nice="" people,="" my="" previous="" partners.="" there="" were="" a="" few="" i="" made="" mistakes="" with,="" and="" those="" i="" wish="" i="" wasn't="" so="" stupid="" to="" choose="" and="" find="" out="" they="" were="" mistakes="" later.="" you,="" however,="" even="" after="" knowing="" a="" little="" of="" what="" i="" am,="" got="" worried="" for="" me="" on="" instinct="" when="" i="" made="" that="" kinky="" metaphor.="" i've="" never="" met="" a="" human="" that="" was="" so="" honest="" and="" genuinely="" considerate="" of="" someone="" very="" different="" from="" them.="" i'm="" not="" gonna="" say="" my="" previous="" partners="" don't="" matter="" to="" me,="" because="" they="" helped="" shape="" me="" into="" the="" pixie="" i="" was="" before="" i="" got="" cursed,="" but="" i="" never="" wanted="" to="" be="" a="" part="" of="" someone's="" life="" so="" much="" as="" i="" do="" right="" now."="">

Suddenly from the tanto, the purplish-black aura emanates from the blade, swirling up and around until it loops over my free hand. When that very hand is wrapped, it's very difficult to distinguish its temperature, but I can still tell it's there, the small physical touch that the ominous-looking magic is emanating that's holding me tenderly.

Just briefly, I thought I saw something small flying in front of me that's holding my hand with both of theirs, the same way as the tanto's magic is right now.

<"please, jinma?="" can="" i="" come="" with="" you?"=""> Nyra asks.

It doesn't even take me five seconds to think before I sigh. "You're going to drive me nuts with your lewd metaphors and images in my head."

<"you don't="" mean?!"="">

I get up, jump down from the top of Mt. Monster Genocide, and stretch before patting my hands against my trousers. "Even if people might see me as crazy at times, or that the world is against me, at least I won't ever have to feel alone if you're around."

<"yes! yeeeeees!="" thank="" you="" thank="" you="" thank="" you!"="">

"Okay, okay, let's not get too crazy. We gotta do that 'Weapon's Bond' thing, right? Tell me what exactly it is and how it works while I clean up and put away these monster corpses for later. [Storage, In]." Pointing my hand to the mountain of monster corpses, a circle of light appears underneath it before everything inside vanishes into thin air. I then cast [Clean] towards most of the area in my surroundings, including myself and the tanto in my hand, wiping off any traces of blood and dirt. The area looks as beautiful and green as it was when I came here, myself and my clothes are spotless, and the tanto s.h.i.+nes a great l.u.s.ter.

<"niiiiice~. anyway,="" as="" i="" explained="" before,="" the="" weapon—myself="" included="" in="" this="" case—would="" become="" a="" part="" of="" you,="" as="" in="" even="" if="" you="" lose="" it="" somehow,="" all="" you="" have="" to="" do="" is="" call="" it="" back="" by="" the="" name="" you="" gave="" it="" and="" it="" will="" return="" to="" you="" immediately.="" also,="" this="" way="" even="" if="" we're="" apart,="" we="" may="" be="" able="" to="" communicate="" at="" a="" farther="" distance="" than="" we="" did="" when="" we="" weren't="" close="" enough="" for="" contact="" …"="">

Later on, she explains how the rite for the Weapon's Bond is performed that I followed. Basically, after dropping my own blood onto the weapon I put magic into, I recite a chant the way she told me, right up to where I give it a name to call on. In this case, I didn't think too hard and called the tanto 'Nyra' since she and it are one and the same now. The weapon glows a whitish-blue before it dissipates.

Also, as for how I got to drip my blood on the blade, I just used it to p.r.i.c.k my finger before I let the 'HP Regeneration' status buff close the hole overtime. It was kind of scary how easy I could injure myself with it, so I had to handle it with care in the future.

<"you're all="" set!="" i'll="" be="" in="" your="" care,="" sugar."="">

"Ditto. Now, where did I put that sheath?"

<"here, i'll="" take="" care="" of="" that."=""> The same whitish-blue light appears before the black sheath that matches the tanto's design manifests itself. I catch it in my hand and sheathe my new weapon.

"We kept the girls back in the bedchamber waiting for a while. We should probably make it back and tell them all what happened."

<"oh! oh!="" before="" we="" do,="" open="" up="" your="" status="" and="" show="" me="" your="" stats!="" c'mon!="" c'mon!="" pleeeeeease?!"="">

"Okay, okay, I'll open my status and show you since we'll be together for a while. I'm actually curious to see how much stronger I got, myself."

"As am I, Jinma Kotori."

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A Cheap, OP Brawler 24 Chapter 24: The Cursed Misfortune Tanto Of Nyra summary

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