Elements High 7 Fight..Part 2

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Dear Diary I don't have long...We just got to the gym to get ready and be-leave me we are. Noah is helping Steven and Hannah come up with a plan. I just hope we win I should get going...


Kat - Ok did ya'll come up with a plan?

Noah - Yes but we want to make sure if you still want to do this...

Hannah - I'm with Noah he has a point we can't risk you getting hurt..

Kat - Guys I'll be fine and if I do get hurt or knocked out I know you guys will be there for me we just need to win this one. When the next fight comes we can make a better plan.

Steven - Just know I'll be there by your side ok I don't want to see you hurt.

Zaria - Are you guys ready. The fight will start soon.

Hannah - Ready guys???

Emily - Good luck out there guys...Kat I'm ready to take your place.

Kat - Thanks...I'm ready

Hannah - Ready

Steven - Ready

We all said good luck went over the plan one more time and went to are spots. I was on the far left. Steven was to my right.Hannah is to the far right. We wait for the countdown. I look over to see everyone else on the side lines looking at us than we heard it.....3.....2.....1....BEGIN

The three boys moved places to mess us up I look to my right to Hannah and she nodded than we started are plan. We get into formation and begin fighting back so far so good but its still 3 vs 3.

Steven - We need to get one out and HURRY.

Hannah - ON IT.....

I stayed were I was and kept fighting and getting ready to do my part than I heard Steven call my name....

Steven - KAT NOW...

I ran to get in between than to do my part. Steven and Hannah were covering me as I got ready.

Kat - OK GUYS NOW....

They focused on the other 2 boys while I went for the one in the middle. I quickly aim at him he was fixing to make his move....I shot a blast of fire at him and he did back and he was strong.. I did my best holding it back but it hit me first....


I was shot back to the wall knocked out.....

Over-com- One of the wolf gang team members will take Kat's place...

Steven - NOOOOOO...Your gonna get it now you three...

Emily takes my place in the fight no one was happy that I was hurt or worse. Zaria came and got me and took me to the nurse....30mins later the fight ended...and everyone ran to the nurses office Emily and Steven were the first people there.

Steven - Kat can you hear me please wake up you need to wake up.

Emily - Come on please wake up...

Noah - Guys look at those bruises and marks she does not look ok.

Hannah - What can we do to help her. Shes not waking up but shes breathing that's good.

Nurse - Kat needs to just rest for now and hope she wakes up soon.

Zaria - Lets get her back to are room now.

As they arrived to the girls room they put me on my bed and they talked about what to do.

Steven - Heal her....


Steven - We can at least heal those marks..

Emily - He has a point....Andrew do you mind?

Andrew - I'll do it...

Everyone watched as Andrew sat there and looked at her. They saw the marks go away. And hoped she would wake up...

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Kat - Gasp...

Everyone - ???Kat???

Kat - Emily???? Wheres Emily????

Emily - I'm right here Kat....Don't worry we won the fight...

Steven grab Kat's hand and told her were all here for her and that were not leaving and that I should rest.

Kat - I'm so tired....and hurt....Emily your a bad### thanks...

Emily - Thank lol

Steven - You need to rest we will be here when you wake up ok.

Kat - Ok...zzzzzz

Hannah - What do we do now????

Noah - We wait for her to wake up.

Zaria - Sounds good.

Noah - Steven you coming???

Steven - Im not leaving till she wakes up if you don't mind....

The day went on like normal....Now we wait...

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Elements High 7 Fight..Part 2 summary

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