Ball of Nothing Chapter 2 Hitch-hiking

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Chapter 2 Hitch-hiking

That's it! I'll figure those questions out at a later date. For now, I should probably head over to the planet called Earth that the newbie created.

Herein lies my problem. How do I move again? For as long as I remembered, moving was not in my dictionary. Lazing was the one thing I was good at, I've never felt so motivated to pursue anything as there was nothing to do. Maybe I should forgive the newbie for trespa.s.sing as things are finally becoming interesting.

Even after such a long monologue, my progress towards Earth was still zero. I remained in the same spot despite my desire to propel forward. Was I doomed to stay here forever or wait for something to happen?

With my new-found sense of sight, I looked around. s.p.a.ce is a really empty place! There was absolutely nothing near enough for me to call out to for help. The excitement died as quickly as it came. Before long, I'd drifted off again. Maybe when I awake, I'd discover a way to move.


The next time I came to, I was moving. However, it wasn't by my volition. s.p.a.ce rocks, also more commonly known as asteroids, decided to string me along on a joy-ride. The destination wasn't Earth and I swore the closer we got to the yellow planet, the faster it travelled.

Movement was a fascinating thing initially. Waking up to a whole new scenery and sensation was a refres.h.i.+ng change from the usual monotone. However, plummeting at an uncontrollable pace into the unknown was something I'd rather deal without. No longer having the luxury to study the new objects that appeared before me, I was struggling to slow down the speed to no avail.

Slowly but surely, we entered the ma.s.sive field of grey that occasionally had flashes of bright white lights. I thought the rock was going to stop upon contact but it surprised me when the grey parted and gave way instead. The white lights never reached us and my ride continued. What a shame, I was curious how white lights would feel like too.

Slowly but surely we saw a new field of blue-green appear after the grey was left behind. By now, the rock was on fire but it didn't affect me. Could it be because I was merely tagging along on the ride?

I noticed how the blue-green was moving as we got closer. So this is what the newbie called 'water'... This great existence approves of the landing site! Water was always moving and that meant that I wouldn't have to worry about not being able to go anywhere once we land.

Once the rock touched the blue-green water called 'sea', I felt a strong tug that pulled me away from the rock. Being in the water reminded me so much of s.p.a.ce and where I was previously. It was the most glorious sensation thus far. The only thing that bothered me was how the light from above was getting further and further as the water pulled me away.

Now that the problem about movement has been resolved, where is this water taking me?

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Ball of Nothing Chapter 2 Hitch-hiking summary

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