I Dont Kill Monsters 8 A Little Prank And Then Start My Own Guild

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Since killing the demonic duo is out of the question, why dont i just play a little prank on them before i go and focus on earning money.

Following the map, I arrived at the graveyard and luckily spotted the demonic duo fighting a level 30 skeleton knight.

My plan was to secretly pour healing potions to the boss monster. But if i do that to the skeleton it will die instead of being healed. Gotta change my plans for a bit.

Its painful observing the demonic duo fight. They have lots of Herman herbs. Herman herbs have a light attribute to them. Low level skeletons and other dark attribute type monsters stay away from it. Although the light attribute of this herb slowly diminishes over time. You can still keep a 3 meter area free from skeletons for 5 minutes. They are tossing lots of Herman herbs around the boss skeleton and even toss some herbs whenever they see any skeleton try to help the boss skeleton.

This is pretty wasteful behavior. Some people may think that they are wasting their own money. But i know that they literally stole it from other people. heck, they are even talking about stealing more as they fight the boss skeleton.

I started pus.h.i.+ng skeletons towards them and picking up most Herman herbs. I just want to take their advantage from the fight. Knowing these two, they will surely run away once they see that they cant win.

Five minutes later two scaredy-cats can be seen trying to overtake each other while screaming for their mom. Its not enough for revenge but id have to settle for that.

I noticed the boss skeleton returning to its cave. Maybe there is a treasure there? Unlike other players, I simply walk into the cave without fear of being attacked.

The cave looked like the inside of a pirate s.h.i.+p. This is clearly a dungeon. I guess the skeleton is a pirate when he was alive. Gold and silver coins can be seen from open chests. There's a lot of other items but what took my undivided attention is the mithril hammer that is clearly a high tier item.

When i tried to pick up the hammer a notification appeared.

"Warning. You need to have a Master Blacksmiths token or 100 strength stat to pick up this hammer."

I cant pick it up but that doesn't mean that Teardrop cant take its abilities for me. For now i checked the hammer's stats.

A Master Blacksmith's Hammer


Strength stat: 100 or Master Blacksmith's token
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Durability: Infinite

Adds 50% to Agility

Adds 100% to Strength

Teardrop knew what to do when i called. This slime covered the hammer while i pick up coins and items. I have to throw out all the arrows so that i have s.p.a.ce for all the treasures inside the cave.

Other members of the Tudor guild came. They are using the same tactic as the demonic duo. I have to steal the herbs to keep them from winning. If they kill the boss skeleton then they can enter the cave. That would be a problem since Teardrop isnt finished absorbing the hammer.

"Infinite durability converted to 100% physical damage resistance."

Teardrop has absorbed a master level item.

Pet will evolve...

A bright light enveloped my slime and it turned back into an egg before flying into my shadow and showing up in my inventory.

Now that i have some wealth i can start the plan that i came up with after Barry called me. My current level protects me from monsters and my speed protects me from slimes. Just these things can allow me to freely move in any monster area. That means that i can go everywhere, draw maps, and gather intel.

I think its possible. Maybe i can start an intelligence guild or a merchant guild.

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I Dont Kill Monsters 8 A Little Prank And Then Start My Own Guild summary

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