The Villain's Mother Chapter 5

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t.i.tle: The Villain's Mother
Translator: Fuyu
Chapter 5 - As for what she would do in the future, she would decide later after the upcoming disaster was averted. (2)

Ruan Xia arrived at a mid-ranged price neighborhood. The original Ruan Xia's parents lived here. She had arranged for her parents to live here after she got married. Of course, the house was under her name. After Ruan Xia parked the car, she relied on the original body's memory and entered the house where she was warmly greeted.

It was a hot day, so Mother Ruan had cut watermelon slices and prepared fruit juices. As for Father Ruan, he was bustling about in the kitchen. From time to time, he would come out to chat with his daughter. In Ruan Xia's opinion, the original Ruan Xia's parents were pretty good. Not all parents had the ability to give their children the very best possible living environment, but her parents had raised her in adulthood, provided for her schooling, and provided her everything they could that was within the scope of their abilities. 

When Ruan Xia saw the novel's legendary villain, Song Shuyan, she secretly made a decision. She had become the novel's Ruan Xia, the villain's mother. If Mr. Song couldn't escape the catastrophe that would take his life, she would keep this child by her side and raise him to adulthood.

(T/N: Little w.a.n.g is the son's nickname. His full name is Song Shuyan.)

Song Shuyan was three-year-old right now, the cutest age.

Original translation is from fuyuneko dot org. If you're reading this elsewhere, this chapter has been stolen. Please stop supporting theft.

A child was naturally fond of and dependent on his mother. Even if the original Ruan Xia normally didn't care much about him, he still liked his mother. He was wearing a sleeveless top and shorts and sitting on the play mat. Although he was playing with toys, he kept glancing over to look at Ruan Xia.

He was a bit overweight from overly doting grandparents, but he was blessed with his parents' genes. He was a cute child. Looking at his small, slender, white arms that resembled lotus roots, Ruan Xia was overwhelmed by cuteness. How could the original Ruan Xia have bear to give away her son?

Actually, before Ruan Xia woke up in the novel, she had a strange dream. The dream's protagonist was original Ruan Xia.

In the dream, the original Ruan Xia had become someone else. She was very satisfied with the change and had no intention of coming back here. 

Ruan Xia glanced at the chubby child. By chance, he was peeking at her too.

Feeling somewhat shy and embarra.s.sed, the chubby child quickly lowered his head and went back to playing with his toys.

Although she had apprehensions about getting married and raising a child before transmigrating here, she liked children, especially chubby ones. Ruan Xia couldn't resist. She waved her hand at him. "Little w.a.n.g, come here."

In front of his mother, the chubby child had no principles. He dropped his toys and toddled over like a baby penguin.

He shot himself into Ruan Xia's arms like a projectile, and she easily hugged this heavy life responsibility. 

The mother and child pair remained in this sweet, intimate scene for a while.

Father Ruan and Mother Ruan were very gratified to see this sight. In the past, they felt their daughter was too cold to their grandson. Fortunately, young children were naturally fond of their mothers and didn't have good long-term memories.

Now that Ruan Xia took the initiative to be close to him by hugging him, the chubby child's response to his mother's overture was the same as all young children, super sticky.  When Ruan Xia went to the bathroom later, he would want to stay guarding outside by the door. If she took slightly too long, he would start knocking on the door.

Looking at the chubby child, who was hugging her, Ruan Xia really couldn't imagine him growing up to be the novel's villain in the future.

Did this chubby child have a poor long term memory? 

The original Ruan Xia had treated him with indifference. On a normal day, she didn't pay attention to him at all. If she wasn't handing him off to the nanny, she was dropping him at her parent's home. If this happened to other children, there would definitely be an awkward period to get past before her friendly overture was accepted. However, there was no sign of negative feelings from him.

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The Villain's Mother Chapter 5 summary

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