INSPIRATIONAL MUSINGS 20 Continue To Fight Until Total Victory Is Guaranted


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"You may have to fight a battle more than once to win it."

— Margaret Thatcher

I have observed something strange about life in the course of the last seven years, which formed the core of this particular topic. People are not willing to fight to break free from the shackles that have held them down for a long time. That is why you see that mediocrity or poverty has a way of replicating itself over five generations or more.

This malaise is so real that you will notice that through providence or luck, someone from a humble background will find self in a place or situation where he or she can work to not only breakfreefromtheshacklesofthepastbutalsosetmembersofhis or her family free through determination, hard work and focus but somehow they get to bungle things.

For some it could be pride, for some it could be laziness, for some it could be greed, for some it could be anger and for some it could be sheer stupidity, somehow they just get to move from a place full of promises that ordinarily would have changed their stories to somewhere that will further complicate their situation, and just like the barriers of limitation that held their parents down, they too will continue on a downward spiral till there's no room for redemption, then they give up and accept what they call DESTINY, not knowing you shape your destiny by not accepting the wrong verdict.
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I have observed many people climb the societal ladder through sports, music, arts and other forms of creativity only to squander all that was made and return to that ign.o.ble past just because they didn't take time to a.n.a.lyse and realise why they got a ticket out of poverty and backwardness in the first place, only if they knew they needed to WAR to cut off completely from that past that held them down for ages so as to liberate themselves and future generations, they would probably had remained steadfast and watchful. To excel in life is not an easy task, especially if you plan to be successful till you die, it requires a lot of diligence, shrewdness, grace of G.o.d and consistency.

The first step towards liberation is the understanding that there's a problem that requires an urgent solution, because if you think all is well, then nothing will change. The reason why mediocrity, poverty and misfortune continue to plague people is because they haven't come to the realization that there is something wrong with everything about their existence, even when they find themselves in an environment that can make them get better, they still don't see the opportunities provided just by location, until an individual begins to understand the power inherent in locations, then it might be extremely difficult to seize the opportunities one or many can provide.

Let me explain this further, United States of America is generally referred to as the land of plenty by many, no wonder you find so many people there from all countries and races in the world trying to make a living for themselves, Same for Canada, United Kingdom, Switzerland, Germany and several other European countries. These are nations freely referred to as advanced economies, where the greater percentage of the population there lives above the poverty line. It won't be out of place to say they are good locations for anyone who is seeking the greener pasture to "re-locate"to.

By living and working in many of these nations you have an advantage of location because there are more opportunities there for one to be all you want to be in life. Unfortunately, many still spend years upon years in these places without much improvement in their finances, so how do they even pull others up? The reason is clear —they never came to an understanding of what opposition they are against, since no battle was identified, naturally it will be to emerge victorious.

What is the Way Out?

The way out is to change your perception of life. The reason you were born is not to pa.s.s through life like amere pa.s.sengeronacity tour bus, you were born to make a difference, that is why every human being has a G.o.d given talent or skill, but the way the world is designed is that every talent or skill requires financial resources to be properly harnessed. That is why most talents die within because of the rigorous process one needs to go through to find the resources to turn talent or skill to income.

This is the war a lot of people run away from, this is the battle many do not wish to fight and that's the reason a few control the politics and economy of the world, they identified the war that needed to be fought to stay at the top, they not only won, and as it is synonymous with victory, territories were conquered and spoils of war were taken not just for self, they also took for generations yet unborn, that's why the saying "the rich get richer" continues to be sacrosanct.

Having identified that there's a battle to be fought and won to move from poverty to comfort, from comfort to luxury, then you must change how you think and get to the task at hand. The reason you have to get out of poverty is simple —you can't achieve anything in life without financial resources, you can't make the best use of your G.o.d given talent without money, you can't help anyone without money, you can't change the course of history without money. So free yourself from any negative feeling or impression you had about money and get to work to improve your situation so you can make an impact in life. I used to abhor wealth because I felt there was no way you wouldn't soil your hands in trying to be wealthy, so I chose convenient contentment, but I always had the desire to right many wrongs in this life, so I got involved in some n.o.ble causes, I found out that I still had to go beg the same people I had reservations about how they found wealth for money, then I decided to study the process of acc.u.mulating wealth, I found out it wasn't as bad as I thought, I found out you could do it the right way, it just requires principles, tough ones that you must adhere to on a daily basis, but at least it is possible. In the process I broke off every chain of backwardness and limitation that has held me down, I am still fighting the war because it's a long process but it is winnable, because I will fight till I win, as I can see light at the end of the tunnel already. I wish you can make the same decision today, to fight till victory is guaranteed.

You have to decide to win this crucial battle of turning potentials to result, turning talents to income. It is winnable but you have to be battle ready, the real secret is to identify, then fight till you win.

Winning has to become a habit for total victory to be guaranteed in life, make a decision today that every right endeavour you are entangled with must turn out to be successful. You can start with that mind-set, in the process you will get used to this overtime. Once this becomes part of you, you will come to a realization that until you complete a task successfully, it is as if you haven't started at all, eventually victory becomes your daily experience.

Remember it is never over until is over, always take up a task with the end in mind from the beginning. This way victory is more certain.

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INSPIRATIONAL MUSINGS 20 Continue To Fight Until Total Victory Is Guaranted summary

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