I Will Be The Harem King 44 Irene Belserion 1 Part I

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"Okay, now what? Aagh, I really… should have… planned this… out more… thoroughly." Dodging attacks by a woman who is angry is a tough task for any man but if the attacks were sent by a woman who has changed into a dragon and has absolutely no control over herself, then there is almost no chance of you surviving, right?

"Maybe I should try that trick I recently learned. It won't work for too long since I haven't been using it for that long but I don't need that long anyways. Just a few seconds should be enough." Mumbling to myself after making some distance I reached out my right hand in Irene's direction.

"Time Lock!"

As soon as my words spilled out of my mouth and I used my time power the world around Irene froze. This was something new that I was able to complete during my training. Using my time control, I am able to freeze time in a designated area. Right now the area I can freeze and the duration of time lock is still not that great. I need to work on it a bit more to be at a level where I don't need to worry about the duration for time lock being too short.

As Irene stood frozen on her four legs, I quickly teleported above her and touched her head. And then began the difficult process of turning her back to normal. I have been thinking about how to go about at this for days now so I have the general gist of what to do. But actually pulling it off is something I am not sure of.

As soon as I touched her I began with turning back time on her emotions, after that I worked on her appearance. It was a good thing I worked heavily on my time manipulation during training. Otherwise separately controlling emotions and appearance and ignoring the mana that increased when she turned into a dragon could have been impossible for me.

Time lock finished after three seconds and that was enough time to at least get her to calm down. I spent around two minutes on her emotions so that she doesn't go crazy from the get go and doing this I also killed of the bud that gave birth to her insanity. Her appearance on the other hand took around five minutes due to the size I had to change but it all worked out somehow.


Just as I finished turning her back to normal, Irene sent out a shockwave of her mana while unconscious which sent me flying pathetically. No really, I was completely relaxed so I didn't have any weight on my legs and so I landed head first into the ground.

"Aagh, this better be worth it. Wait, it definitely will be considering who we are talking about." I groggily stood up shaking of the slight dizziness I had from the impact and walked over to Irene.

Good, she looks the same as how she looked back at the prison. All she needs is a good cleaning up and healthy eating to be back to the beauty she is. She was probably going to be unconscious for a while so I carried her princess style to the cave I lived in during my training. As a proper 'gentleman' I wouldn't take advantage of the fact that she is unconscious, take off her clothes and clean her up. Nope, that thought never crossed my mind. I'll just sleep until she wakes up and get ready for what I'm guessing is going to be a lot of questions.

"Hey, hey wake up. If you don't get up right now…." Who is calling me so early in the morning. And don't say such things, what if you're a guy, I would end up puking my guts out. But if you're a beauty…

"Hehehe… what, will you kiss me beauty? Come, come I won't bite, hehe..." hey, I was basically half asleep, what do you expect me to say. Wait, why am I explaining about it. What is this unsettling feeling… it feels like something bad is going to happen.

"… Kiss you my a.s.s…" *Bang* Aaaand I was sent flying by Irene once again. When I looked up, I saw Irene taking back her swung left arm with a calm face that was disrupted by her twitching eyebrows. Not the scariest sight but still scaring considering she was giving off a black aura of death. Facing against such a sight…

"… Good morning?" was the best I could come up with.

"… Sigh, where are we? I remember turning into a dragon but nothing after that. Did I turn back to normal once I lost consciousness as a dragon or something? What happened after I turned dragon?" Staring at me for a full ten seconds, she finally gave a sigh and began her interrogation with her right hand on her hips.

"Hm, for your questions, we are on a mountain range quite a bit far from human settlements. No, you didn't turn back to your human self once your dragon form fainted. And for your last question, you killed that guy who wore a crown calling himself a king whose name I don't know and a bunch of guards before I teleported you out of there." I finished answering her in one breath as I looked straight at her and she returned the favor.

"Well, what now then?" she asked that quite frankly in a blank tone if I must say so.

"First of all, let's set up some rules. You don't ask too many questions about myself and I do everything to help you out to the future and beyond. As long as you don't ask questions about me we're all good." As suspicious as it sounds, I needed her to comply with this request as I don't want to give anything away right now. I will tell everyone about myself at some point in the future, just not yet.

"Fine. If you didn't mention anything suspicious I would have thought, you had an ulterior motive and you would be a schemer. You still have an ulterior motive just not one that could be harmful for me. So I accept your condition." She accepted that quite easily. I thought she would be warier and run away while I was not looking or something.

"Thanks for understanding, I'll tell you about myself later when I feel I can. Anyway, for now you have to halt the fetus inside your womb from growing." As soon as I finished the last part, she leaked quite a bit of killing intent at me. Well, I could understand that.

"Wait, wait, this has to happen. Your child is crucial factor for the future. she shouldn't exist in the current time. I will halt your aging for four hundred years and then you can give birth. But not before that. And I'm sorry to say this but even after you give birth, you can only spend a few months with her. You have to do this or things could get really messed up." I was practically bathing in a waterfall of killing intent as I told her what to do with baby Erza. But at least she didn't attack me straight away.

"As for you, a man will come looking for you. I need you to follow him and help him out until I say so. This would be for decades as well, probably for the next four hundred years. You have to make sure all of his plans go right." As she started to calm down a bit, I told her about Zeref without giving away his name and told her to do as she did in the canon.

"…What about you?" she asked after having calmed down. Somehow. A little bit.

"Well, after I finish off with things here I have another person that I need to help out. After that I will probably meet you in four hundred years. That is, if nothing unexpected happens." I replied to simple curiosity as I thought of the second person that I will be meeting soon.

"Well, I know this is all hard to take in so go ahead and think about it. And lastly, please clean yourself. You reek." *Bang* Aaaand the answer I got to that was another punch in the face. Aaaah, this is going to be quite fun.

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I Will Be The Harem King 44 Irene Belserion 1 Part I summary

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