I Will Be The Harem King 45 Irene Belserion 1 Part Ii

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Several months have pa.s.sed since Irene woke up as a human again. It had been quite hectic at first with both of us being strangers and Irene's changes in her physical attributes. Well, I am a stranger to her but I guess I can't say the same for her. It all started on a good note though, for me at least.

-Flashback 3 months ago-

"Didn't she realize her strength has increased? That punch could have broken a person in half if it was someone normal. Sheesh, talk about a woman's fury." As I kept mumbling to myself while rubbing my cheek, I heard a sound coming from the creak nearby. A very loud sound.


"Irene went that way right? Better safe than sorry." Fearing that she may have encountered someone despite the fact that this is a remote location, I quickly teleported to the creak while getting ready if the situation calls for it.



"…left cheek please" yup, you got it. The scene in front of can't get any more cliché. It's the cla.s.sic walking into naked girl scene. So as any sane man would do at this moment considering there is no door to close and no place to hide quickly, I offered my head on a silver platter. It lessens the punishment. Or so I heard. From the internet. I'm dead aren't I?


I was sent flying, as expected. I crashed into multiple trees, as expected. The beat down continued for half an hour… as expected. My face was black and blue with all the bruises once it was all over. Why only my face you might ask? Well, she was adamantly targeting my little brother, but I risked my life and kept protecting it so she finally gave up and changed her target to my face.

Once it all settled down and I was finally able to say why I suddenly appeared there. Although she still wanted to beat me up, she refrained from doing so. The following few days were quite honestly, awkward as h.e.l.l. Well, she was the one acting awkward for having been seen by a man who is a stranger. For me it was nothing but a reward. Thank you Hiro Mas.h.i.+ma for creating such wonderful sights.

I was finally able to break the ice one day when night fell. As I woke up from my sleep, I heard the sound of Irene crying. Maybe she was finally taking what happened in and couldn't hold it in anymore. Her friend in the form of a giant dragon was killed before her very own eyes, she was locked up in prison by her husband after protecting her country and her husband tried to kill both her and her baby. Anyone in her shoes would have gone crazy already, it's a miracle how she was able to hold up until now.

Now, I'm not much of a consoler from the start so I don't know whether to just ignore her as if I haven't heard her or go over to console her. I can't really ignore her considering she might already know that I am awake, so I went over and sat beside her.

I didn't say anything to her. No consoling words, no taking advantage and hugging her. I just sat there, next to her and listened. The entire night I listened as she cried over the roller-coaster of emotions the past three years had given her.

When morning's first ray came and hit Irene who was sleeping with her head on my shoulder, I thought to myself that this might be the start of better and brighter future for her. One better than what happened in the canon. Because this time, I will make sure she has true happiness.

-Flashback over-

After that, we both opened up to each other, not completely but we were honest and I also told her some of the things about me. She now knew that I was from the future, she knows about my abilities, and she knows about my goal of a harem. I didn't tell her that my s.p.a.ce and time control are not magic but it's basically the same anyway. As for her reaction to my goal? Well, how should I put it? She said she wasn't surprised. Yeah, that maybe because I might have flirted with her. A lot. But still, not surprised? Or was she concealing her surprise? How can there not even be disgust. Isn't that the most common feeling women show to such a goal? Aah, women, you really can't understand them.

Well anyway, since she has started to warm up to me, I will try to win her heart after a few years. We have a lot of time on our hands as I will be with her for the next 2 or 3 hundred years. Wait, now that I think about it, I shouldn't hurry at all. The first hundred years can be spent as friends. Just that, one of them shows a really high romantic interest in the other. While I will finally get her heart in the final times we will spend with each other. That sounds much better. All I have to do is bid my time. I can mark off the day where I will start gunning for her heart on a calendar or something. If that even exist.

Other than our relations.h.i.+p status, Irene was finally able to realize the difference between her past and current human form. Namely, the physical traits. She is faster, stronger, smarter and nimbler. Apart from that because of the sudden increase in her mana, her mana is also quite chaotic. So we started to have her get used to and control her new found power.

I was the instructor and she followed my instructions well. She was surprised at the efficiency my training did on her and that's to be expected. All of my training methods in regards to physical traits is from another world where it has gone through countless trial and error.

Apart from that, I was finally able to convince Irene to hold her pregnancy with magic. It took a lot of explanation about time and s.p.a.ce and stuff that I myself don't understand and just read aloud what I read in different novels and such but I managed to convince her nonetheless. I also told her of the meeting she will have with a certain dark magician and asked her to corporate with him to establish his country and serve it until I say so.

Things has gone quite smoothly If I may say so, but there is still a lot of time remaining until we both part. And I intend to make full use of it. I will still train a lot and not focus on romance like before but I won't completely stop the romance part. If there is any saying that can match up to the standard of 'you can never understand a woman' then it will be 'men will be men'.

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I Will Be The Harem King 45 Irene Belserion 1 Part Ii summary

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