She Was 18 22 Chapter 21

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He was 20 then and had been living with Old Mr. s.h.i.+n. He was busily tending the sunflower garden, planting the new set of sunflowers before the earlier batch withered. Sunflowers die after they bloom and he thought choosing sunflowers to plant on your garden was just foolish. It was the old madams favorite flower he heard so he could understand if he allowed her to plant them when she was yet alive. But now, he was left handling the garden on his own.

He saw a car pull up the driveway and noticed the chauffer get out of the car and a young lady getting out of the car wearing a pink top and denim shorts.

He didn't look at her as the old man wants the sunflower garden tended before the sun gets any hotter. So he worked in the garden all morning.

He finished in no time and went back to the house which by the way was refered to by the people as the mansion even if it was far from being one. He could never understand these rich people. Anyway he heard rumors that this house was gifted to the old madam by the old man. They dreamed of having a mansion of their own but he could only afford this house at that time. If the madam wanted a mansion then why didn't he build a real one when he already had the money in the world.

He could not forget his animosity towards the old man though he was his father's friend because he was the same one who caused his father's almost destruction. The mystery of love. Why can't people move on after being rejected? His young mind could not comprehend.

He went through the back door just as always and was about to go to the small room he is using beside the servants quarters when he heard a giggle. He looked towards the direction where the sound came from curious of the person who is making that angelic sound.

"You are not allowed to have a boyfriend yet, Pumpkin." He heard the old man tell her to which she replied with a giggle.

"You are just jealous that your little girl has a lot of suitors around!" She replied as she rolled her eyes.
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Her voice somewhat matched her looks. Her long locks shone even in the dimly lit living room. Her skin glowed and her eyes were like stars.

He suddenly jolted when she looked to his direction. Afraid she would think bad of him, he turned his face away from her and entered his room.

He was so tired he let his body fall on his bed and drifted to sleep while thinking of her.

He was awakened by powerful knocks at his room's door. He stood up and opened right away not surprised to see the old man standing outside his door.

"Occupy the blue room uptairs," he said. He was not asking him a favor. He was commanding him. "My granddaughter will stay here from now on. I don't want her to be alone upstairs whenever I come home late so you will keep her company."

"But you have female maids, why would I look after her when you know I am a man?" He complained. The old man knew his personality. He has been here since he was 17 so his harsh comments does not faze him. He was amused at his courage.

"Can't trust anyone aound here. I know your tongue could be sharp but you have old man Chiu's blood running in your veins. I know you from your very core, young man."

He was about to protest further but the old man turned his back and walked away. It means he made up his mind. No reason could change it. Despite the hunger he now feels because of the shameless rumbling sound his stomach, he has to follow his orders first. He checked the time and was not surprised he slept through the whole afternoon. he was too tired to even think of food.

He sighed in disbelief at this old man. He turned to his room and grabbed his duffel bag along with the few pieces of clothing he has and march out of the door to go upstairs. He pa.s.sed by the pink room where he believed the girl was staying.

He walked past the door but he suddenly heard soft sobs coming from the partially opened door. "Is she crying? In pain? Is someone trying to harm her?" He thought while clutching to the bag and clothes now getting heavier the longer he carried them. Was this the reason why the old man wanted him to be her shadow?

He put his load down and gradually opened the door, carelful not to surprise the girl or whoever that might be in the room trying to harm her. He could not see any movement in the dark room. He slowly walked towards the place where the sobs are coming from.

He found himself at the bedside. He could see a figure clutching to the blanket shaking. With her steady breathing he knew that the girl is asleep. She turned on the night light that was sitting on the bedside table. It gave a white glow but the girl still did not wake up. He looked at the girl who was sobbing. Her lips parted, brows creased. Was she having a nightmare? He squatted a little and was tempted to touch her cheek that is now showing a pink glow due to the night light. She raised his hand to touch her cheek but changed his mind and tucked the loose hair strands to hear ears instead. But the moment he did, the girl's hands flew and t


wrapped around his neck like it's her lifeline. Surprised, he stood there, with both his arms raised upwards, afraid that the girl might scream awaking the old man. The thought of him dying by the old man's hand did not faze him but the thought that the girl might wake up and end up hating him was more troubling to him. Or not. He isn't sure.

"Don't leave me." He was about to untangle himself from her arms but what he heard melted him. He tried to angle his face to see her still closed eyes and though he wasn't sure, he decided to run his hands through the girls hair to her back. With both eyes closed, savored the moment he shared to her that night.

Thus the start of the one sided love and the evening visits to the pink room.

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She Was 18 22 Chapter 21 summary

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