God Creation System 7 The God Shop

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[Level One Maintenance Complete....]

[Generating G.o.d Shop Points ....]

Reo Felt a little dizzy as he got up from the maintenance after leveling up the GCS System. Soon he calmed down and cleared his thoughts and called out his status looking for any improvement on his body.

[Status Window]

Name: Reo Yuuto (Chen Reo)

Age: 10

World: TGD

Soul Power : 45

Body Power : 89

Equipment : Training Outfit, Senior Master Alchemist Badge

Rank: Bronze 0

Total Exp: 1060 Exp

G.o.d Shop Points: 1060 GP

GCS Level: 1

Cultivation Technique: [Divine Flame Asura Path]

So Leveling up increase reo's strength by a little bit and he was close to reach Bronze Rank 1 as a fighter.

Now the long awaited G.o.d Shop has been unlocked, So reo asked the system to open the shop without further ado.

[Opening G.o.d Shop.....

Welcome Host to the Shop of the G.o.ds here you can purchase the listed skills, items and various other treasures from across the multiverse! ]

[ G.o.d Shop]

Choose the Category:

1. Skills

2. Alchemy Pills

3. All Recipes & Inscriptions

4. Cultivation Technique

5. Equipment

6. Faction (Locked)

7. Demon Spirits ( Locked)

8. Bloodlines ( Locked)

9. Worldly Treasures (Locked)

10. G.o.d's Treasures (Locked)

Reo was surprised with just the amount of categories listed on the shop and with atleast half of it being locked and it reminded him that's it's gonna make him work his a.s.s off before he is able to unlock all of them.

[Ding! Locked Category Will be unlocked as the Host progresses through his path of G.o.d]

Reo thought about it to go step by step and chose the skills option.

[Skills Menu]

[ Host can think about skills to appear and they will be listed and priced accordingly, then host will be able to buy the skill using GP(G.o.d Points)]

Reo wondered skills he remembers will appear then will all the anime MC skills he has seen will appear , Just the thought made him shout OP. Reo always wanted to be a Super Saiyan so he thought about it.

[ Super Saiyan is a Blood Line And not purely a skill and Bloodline is currently locked so the system requests the user to focus on skills alone.]

So Super Saiyan is a no go for now or at least until he unlocks the bloodline function. So skills..... skills ... ..... dammit there are so many anime and skills that I'm unable to focus on them all. Ok Nevermind trying to be greedy is a bad thing so let's focus on each world separately. Here Goes Naruto's World !

[User can keep focusing one items listed and the new skills to appear will also be displayed]

[ Skill Menu

1. Elemental Affinity :250 GP

2. Rasengan: 100 GP

3.Chidori: 100 GP

4. Shadow Clone Jutsu:100 GP






Reo thought about many skills but so many were not offerdable and were asking for too many points and he couldn't buy them all so he settled with ( Elemental Affinity, Rasengan and Shadow Clone Jutsu). He wanted chidori but without the sharingan he would just hurt himself.

Next Up is the alchemy Pills category, he saw so much pills listed with each sounding better than the last and with tremendous effects , but he ignored them since if he can obtain the recipe he can probably concoct them himself.

Reo Moved onto the recipe and inscription section. There were so much recipes for pills and many other Inscriptions with varied effects . After much thought reo ended up buying 4 pill recipes( Scarlet Tempering Pill, Junior Body Pill, Junior Soul Pill, Soul Soothing Pill) which would help him with improving his soul force and body Power and also a sealing , lifesaving and Barrier inscription ( Yin-Yang Sealing, Nine Heaven's Rebirth and Dragon Hide Protection) which costed him about 350 gp with each being 50 gp each.

Now onto the Cultivation Technique category which left him speechless . Since all the Good ones that suited his Red Soul Realm that he could think off were costly with each being 10000 gp. Just the Sheer number caused him gooseb.u.mps and it would take a h.e.l.l a lot of work to get that much exp. So reo gave up trying to get a good one for now since he could not afford it.

And last up was the equipment category.The Whole menu was s.h.i.+ning with various pieces of armour and weapons in different shapes and sizes.There were also many different outfits that was gathered from around the multiverse.

Reo currently needed major defensive equipment but he couldn't afford them since the price were a little higher than he expected. After browsing through the list reo got interested in a ninja tools pack which consisted of 5 kunai 10 shuriken and 5 smoke bombs in it for 50 gp. A training outfit also attracted him since the outfit had a special effect which increased gravity by x2 and increased his absorption of soul force by x2 and it was all he could buy. So Reo finally bought the (Ninja Tools Starter Pack, Twin Cloud Training Outfit) for a total of 250 gp.

So Buying so many things practically cost him almost all of his GP and he only had about 10gp left. Well he did spend them properly for now and so he summarized all the things he bought from the G.o.d Shop.

Items Bought

1. Elemental Affinity - Increases Elemental Affinity with the basic elements(Fire, Water, Wind, Earth, Lighting, Dark, Light)

2. Rasengan - Uses Wind Affinity to create a whirling vortex which is compressed into a ball shaped so used as a attacking move.

3. Shadow Clone Jutsu - Can Create a Shadow Clone of Reo and do what ever reo can do.

But Sadly the System Restricted the Number of Shadow Clones and is bound to the levels of GCS so he can create 2 clones at level 1.

4. Alchemy Recipe - 2 recipe for each his soul and body to improve them by consuming the pills.

5. Inscription Patterns - The 3 patterns will be useful and has to be inscribed onto items to work and reo has still got to study them to be used properly.

6. Ninja Tools - Will act as his hidden weapons used to catch his opponents off guard and to help him escape.

7. Twin Cloud Training Outfit - Basically a outfit enchanted with special abilities to double his training speed.

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God Creation System 7 The God Shop summary

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