Divine Emperor of Death Chapter 3659 An Unlucky Clan

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Chapter 3659  An Unlucky Clan


The army of tens of thousands of soldiers below burst into a loud fit of laughter, everyone grinning at the flying boat's descending debris.

Although their attack missed the center and hit the deck, causing it to flip, they knew it should've killed the people aboard.

As for who they were… who cared?

It was their fault for not seeing where they were going and flying above where their army was stationed. They had intruded into their territory, so it was their right to dispatch whoever showed up in their senses.

Everyone smiled and returned to their posts, as there was no visible escalation.

However, on another cliff of the mountain, a spatial vortex opened and two people stepped out. It was a young man and a young woman.

The undulations of their spatial vortex weren't even detected, so the army below didn't react. However, they caught wind of another undulation that soared into the air and covered the region, causing them to look in their direction.

Davis's expression was calm.

He knew it was his fault for not paying attention and flying above military airs.p.a.ce, but usually, a warning would be sent before the flying boat was attacked. However, they weren't warned and attacked straight first, but he certainly wasn't in the mood to reason. Nevertheless, he was not the one who was releasing the undulations.

He turned to look at a trembling Stella, his brows raising.

Indeed, Stella was angry. She had her head lowered, having never felt this angry in her life that spanned more than a hundred thousand years.

Her vision was still covered in that pink scene she had thought of many times while in seclusion. She knew she would eventually achieve that scene and was so close to achieving it, yet-


Stella's voice seeped out in a cold manner, her purple eyes glittering with a flash of stars.

"Stella…" Davis reached out his hand, wondering if she was fine.

However, his hand stopped mid-air before he turned to look at the army.

Purple spheres suddenly appeared at a point in s.p.a.ce and encased the landscape one by one, inflating to a point where it covered entire mountains and swallowed them whole in a few seconds. Numerous voices of terror were drowned out in these few moments, many lamenting that they had offended a High Stage Immortal Emperor.

A few more seconds later, the purple spheres retracted like they were s.p.a.cequakes.

But unlike a s.p.a.cequake, Stella's purple spheres didn't damage the landscape. Instead, every life in it seemed to have been crushed into meat paste, a thick stench of blood and death spreading across the area.

Thousands of Immortals and Immortal Kings died just like that.

Even the general who seemed to be the one who commanded the attack and laughed at them was crushed into a meat paste without being able to retaliate.


Davis put his hand down, sighing lightly. He was also angered but not as much as to commit a ma.s.sacre. He was thinking of taking the general's life and the life of a hundred Immortal Kings, but since Stella ma.s.sacred the entire army, he could only shrug.

He didn't feel like reprimanding her either, as she was the first victim here. It wasn't like they avoided the attack. They crashed straight into the mountain while holding each other as they spun with the flying boat. Only— their bodies were too strong to be harmed.

The impact wasn't even able to penetrate their martial energy, much less put a scratch.

Although they weren't harmed, they were still attacked with a force that could kill a Level One Immortal Emperor. That was enough for them to act against them.

Besides, Stella had no need to follow the ethics and morality of the human race. He could only tell her about it and not expect her to follow it. However, he was sure that her mother had already thought her such a thing, yet if she still did it, then it must mean she was p.i.s.sed beyond compare.

It was also his first time seeing Stella getting serious.

She wasn't even angered a single time while facing the Voidslime Realm Eater and looked like she was always playing around.

The way he saw her changed from an immature woman to a mature one who was prepared to make sacrifices.

'She wasn't kidding when she said she would protect me…' Davis thought.

One should know protecting him, an Anarchic Divergent, would mean killing everyone who wanted to kill him, and that could potentially mean trillions in the true immortal world.

'She would go that far for me…?' His soul sense swept past the region, and saw that she didn't leave a single person alive.

Despite the thick stench of blood and the aura of death seemingly lurking in the air, Davis was moved. Although he had his doubts about whether she did it for him or the first kiss that was ruined, the fact remained that Stella, who had never bothered to murder people even if they had offended her, finally committed a slaughter en

However, he could sense that her anger still didn't leave as she was still s.h.i.+vering with a cold look on her face.

Davis walked to her and wrapped his arm around her from behind, kissing her head.

"There, there… all is fine. You don't need to get so angry when killing people. Just an indifferent flick of your hand should be fine…"

He felt he needed to teach this woman who wore her emotions on her face to control them.


Stella's shuddering finally subsided. She stared at the puny immortals she had slaughtered with a cold look on her face. She didn't feel a single bit of remorse whatsoever as she had time and time again heard that the human race steps on plant life as though they were insignificant.

She wasn't angered by that but saddened. However, when she was. .h.i.t with that same derision in the skies, she finally experienced what it felt like to be those plants and chose to return the favor. Of course, her anger mostly stemmed from her prized experience of her first kiss being taken away from the human she loved, something she held dearer than her life, something enough to leave her mother's nest.

"I… I won't do it again…"

However, Stella knew Davis didn't like meaningless slaughter or going overboard with one's actions. "I apologize…"

She finally came to her senses and apologized, but she only felt a kiss land on her head again.

"No need to apologize. If you hadn't done it, I would've, and it would've escalated regardless."

Davis let go of Stella and walked to the edge, looking at a Level Four Immortal Emperor appearing in the distance.

"Are you the Ancestor of the Inferno Flame Ox Clan? Scram before I kill you for attacking me first."

His voice echoed in the region thrice like an echo amidst the silent atmosphere, causing that person to come to a stop and shudder at the killing intent imbued in it. He barely spotted Davis but instantly recognized the purple robe and blonde hair, knowing that it was the Divine Emperor of Death.

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Divine Emperor of Death Chapter 3659 An Unlucky Clan summary

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