Divine Emperor of Death Chapter 3696 The Short Eighth Hidden Pagoda

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Chapter 3696  The Short Eighth Hidden PaG.o.da

"Did you complete a Hidden PaG.o.da?" Evelynn asked.

"I did. I completed the Ninth Hidden PaG.o.da."

"That's great. I could only complete the Eighth Hidden PaG.o.da, which probably has a lower difficulty as I could complete mine easily. You did good, s.h.i.+rley~"

"Hehe~ Praise me more~" s.h.i.+rley giggled.


Dewzai's expression was blank. Sure enough, these two weren't ordinary.

On the other hand, Rea Tyriel inwardly fumed.

She got beaten a second time in the Eighth Hidden PaG.o.da, allowing her to know for a fact which of them was more powerful. After all, the Eighth Hidden PaG.o.da not only suppressed their cultivation bases to Level One Immortal King Stage, but it also suppressed their prowess to the limit, keeping their prowess suppressed to Level One Immortal King Stage and forbidding the use of Divine Techniques, sealed their soul sense before even limiting their energy capacity to the same amount.

But most importantly, any kind of usage of Supreme Law was also sealed, which meant Evelynn had her Hex Laws sealed.

In other words, it was a pure skill versus skill battle, and what's more, there was a time limit of five minutes.

Still, Evelynn had an advantage since she possessed four scythes stemming from her spider bones, allowing her to defend and attack more times than she could. Rea Tyriel couldn't help but think she was being toyed with most of the time.

At the last minute, she was finally… poisoned to death.


Rea Tyriel screamed at Evelynn, who was explaining the events, making her embarra.s.sed.

Evelynn laughed, "It's not your fault, Rea. It has not been many years since you were born, and you overly relied on your Light Laws. If it was any other inheritor who had much more skill, like Fire Phoenix Clan's Founder or Earth Dragon Clan's Founder, I wouldn't have necessarily won. They had much more time to refine their martial arts and soul attacks, after all."

"Stop making excuses for me. It makes me seem more pathetic when, in truth, your scythes were capable of maintaining absolute defense, not leaving a single one of my attacks falling on you, and your third eye also helped you cover your blind spot. You are… ridiculous!~"

Rea Tyriel pointed at Evelynn and complained.

Just a wicked spider's scythes wouldn't be able to defend against her attacks. However, she also came to know that Evelynn possessed Earth Dragon Blood, which made her defense nearly impenetrable. This Earth Dragon aspect made her scythes not only deadly but highly durable.

And an Emperor-Tier Earth Dragon was famous for its scales being six times difficult to penetrate than an ordinary one.

If not, with her destructive ability that allowed her to win the First Hidden PaG.o.da, she wouldn't have easily lost. Hence, she was p.i.s.sed beyond compare, but she was p.i.s.sed more about something else.

On the other hand, Evelynn and s.h.i.+rley were sending physical soul transmissions to each other about the rewards they had obtained.

"Excellent. You obtained three Gilded Realm Ascendant Pills made from Lower Realms, and I obtained two." Evelynn said, "Combined with one Gilded Realm Ascendant Pill of the Minor Realm I plundered from Rea, we totally have six of them."

"We are finally fruitful in another sense~ Darling is going to be filled with joy if he's still watching us gather so many of these mind-boggling realm pills."

"Yes," Evelynn smiled delightedly, "We should complete more Hidden PaG.o.das to obtain them, allowing more of us to become more powerful."

"Oh~ Such a future seems…"

s.h.i.+rley's eyes became dreamy, "Extravagant!~"

She couldn't help but imagine how they would topple the true immortal world upon ascension, but dreams were dreams, so she quickly swallowed her drool before they could come out.

"Hopefully, Isabella completed one Hidden PaG.o.da amongst the nine."

Evelynn sounded worried, not knowing if she was even alive. The chances that they all completed the Hidden PaG.o.das were very low. It was possible Isabella could've been endangered multiple times because everything wouldn't go well in trials like these.

s.h.i.+rley nodded, hoping Isabella was, at the very least, safe. They had gathered six Gilded Realm Ascendant Pills and five of them were of higher grade. The First Hidden PaG.o.da only gave one lower-grade Gilded Realm Ascendant Pill, so it was possible the Seventh Hidden PaG.o.da and the ones below it would be giving out lesser rewards.

There was no need for them to endanger themselves anymore, but it was also crucial that they bring more realm pills to strengthen the family. Therefore, as long as they chanced upon another Hidden PaG.o.da, they were determined to take the risk but, more importantly, guard themselves as information about them could be spread around in any way possible.

"By the way, did you meet the World Master?" s.h.i.+rley asked.

"I didn't. Did you?"

"Yes… it seems like only the Ninth Hidden PaG.o.da was designed that way." s.h.i.+rley guessed.


Evelynn went into contemplation, wondering if it was truly the case or if she failed to meet the World Master's expectations. She didn't bother too much with it.

The two of them then shared how they won the Hidden PaG.o.das.

Evelynn was surprised as she shot a glance at Dewzai, amazed that she had the guts to face Empyrean Stage Crystal Beasts. The fact that there were such beasts alone shocked her, but Dewzai went ahead and tried to rob a crystal fruit from them.

She couldn't tell if Dewzai was brave or stupid, but either way, since she survived, it was commendable.

When Evelynn told s.h.i.+rley about her story, the latter was shocked.

"No way… you wisped out two Level Nine Immortal Kings from the Eighth Hidden PaG.o.da?"

"Mhm~" Evelynn nodded, "Rea's usage of Defensive Talisman and Escape Talisman gave me a few ideas. It could not only be used on ourselves but also others, so I trapped them using a Defensive Talisman and slapped an Escape Talisman on them, causing them to be sent out."

"…" s.h.i.+rley's jaws dropped.

However, Evelynn continued, "The hard part was getting them together, so I threw the Gilded Realm Ascendant Realm Pill I stole from Rea to get their attention. I hexed it. My hex wouldn't allow the pill to be captured easily and move away from any living being, so while they were trying to capture it as they thought it was a sentient pill, they also fought for it as their alliance fell. When they were occupied in close combat, I ambushed them and used the defensive talisman to seal them both in the barrier. Finally, I slapped the Escape Talisman on the barrier, causing them both to disappear."


s.h.i.+rley inwardly screamed that Evelynn didn't have to repeat that twice. Still, she could vividly imagine how exactly that would've taken place... those two Level Nine Immortal Kings get fooled and evicted by Evelynn.

That kind of ingenuity made her feel dumb for coming up with a method to save Dewzai by throwing the pill but not using her Escape Talismans on them. If she could've evicted some of them, the battle would've gone much easier.

"I think their names were Ilyas and Raon. I don't know their exact affiliation, but if you come across them, beware. They already saw my face, and they would be Immortal Emperors by now."

Evelynn reminded, causing s.h.i.+rley to nod.

"I'll be careful, but-" s.h.i.+rley pouted, "Jeez… you learned so much more than Collapse Hex, Sealing Hex, and Poison Hex… Do you perhaps have Love Hex?"

"What do you think?" Evelynn raised her brows.

s.h.i.+rley gawked, "… You… you have…"


Evelynn didn't say anything and accelerated her pace, causing s.h.i.+rley's gaze to flicker.

"Such a wicked power… teach me, big sister!~"


Evelynn laughed freely.

When she researched Clara's physique, she learned a lot of hexes, mostly mundane but a few terrifying, but she wasn't proud of it yet as she had a long way to go to master them.

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Divine Emperor of Death Chapter 3696 The Short Eighth Hidden Pagoda summary

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