Sex Genie: Pleasing My Master 122 A Genie Modelling For Him

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"How about this one, Stephen? What do you think?"
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Stephen swallowed, his eyes almost bugging out again at the sight of Grace in the satin beige chemise that she was modeling for him.

"Add that one to the list," he croaked, loving the display.

Grace giggled once more and reached for another set.

This was now the fourth store they had been in since arriving at the mall. Each previous stop had shaked out the same way: Grace would walk around each of the various racks and a.n.a.lyze the clothing displayed, creating a mental bank in her mind of each outfit. They would then disappear to the changing rooms, and Grace would magically shuffle through each outfit as she remembered it while Stephen would give the yay or nay.

Stephen was thankful for one thing and that was that they didn't have to pay for the clothing this way, since Grace could just replicate it magically. Otherwise, with him saying yay ninety percent of the time, they would have walked away from each store with quite the bill.

The current store they were in was Victoria's Secret, which Grace had practically dragged him into after seeing some of the outfits on display. After seeing some of the pieces on display, his resistance was more for show, anyway.

"Stephen, look at that one!" She said, excitedly, while pointing out a blue babydoll single piece. "Would you like to f.u.c.k me in that?" Her excitement caused her voice to carry, earning a few disapproving looks from two middle aged ladies nearby, and a long snicker from their teenaged daughters.

"Grace, you may not want to say that out loud," he whispered, quietly, somewhat embarra.s.sed.

"Oops, sorry, babe," she said in return, before mouthing the word 'sorry' to the two older ladies.

The only thing he could do was laugh at the situation before he was dragged around the entire store, as Grace built her memory bank of each individual outfit. The last stop, as with every store, was the changing room.

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Sex Genie: Pleasing My Master 122 A Genie Modelling For Him summary

You're reading Sex Genie: Pleasing My Master. This manga has been translated by Updating. Author(s): Yang_Studio. Already has 562 views.

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