Parenting In Full Bloom! The Former Villainous Noble Son Who Found His Love Nest Chapter 1

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Author: aji (あじ)

Translator: sleepingjay

“Mother, I found you!” 

It happened on a certain early afternoon.

A totally unfamiliar child started to cling to my waist.


Although it was a child’s body, it wasn’t something that could be sneezed at.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Qtja kbeiv tjqqfc lo la mbiilvfv ja oeii rqffv?

Yynlberis, P kbeiv yf yibkc boo ws offa klat fcbgwber obgmf.

“Yl! Ktlr vjwcfv ygja, ktja jgf sbe vblcu jii bo j revvfc!”

“…… St, sbe’gf cba Zbatfg.” 

“Haa? Just which part of me are you looking at, that you are saying is like your parent?!”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Lf qgbyjyis cbalmfv atja tf wlrabbx wf obg rbwfbcf firf.

Mbg rbwf gfjrbc, bcmf tf rtbbx bea bo tlr vjhf, atf mtliv, ktb tjv rlinfg-rcbk tjlg atja P tjnf cfnfg rffc bc jcsbcf firf, uijgfv ja wf tjafoeiis.

The one that suffered damage was me, and the one that wilfully misunderstood and tackled me was the boy. No matter how you think about it, wasn’t I the victim here. 

However, the child before my eyes jumped away and from above me, shouted with bared teeth at me, who had fallen on my bottom and couldn’t get up.

“Did you trick me!”

“…… Oi oi, what kind of education did this kid get to become a kid like this?”

It was as if I was seeing the old me. 

I felt that the lid I pressed on my memories unsteadily wavered.

“Listen, brat. I suppose you’re some aristocrat’s child from wherever, but if you behave haughtily, anybody would dislike you, you know?”

“Shut up! A commoner like you, don’t talk to me so insolently! I’ll kill you!”

“Heeh, scary, scary. When you keep saying that kind of thing, someday it’ll return to you. Don’t forget, the crimes committed by yourself will definitely come back to yourself. If you want to find your mother, be a bit more of a good child.” 

The boy standing in front of me laughed scornfully at my words.

Good, laugh scornfully.

When you destroy yourself with that arrogance, it would be too late to regret.

Because the one saying this was the me who had everything and lost everything. 

TL corner:

A grown-up tsundere brat meets a little tsundere brat and they get along like a house on fire.

The first chapter is very short. I’ll post another chapter tomorrow, but from then it’ll be once a week update. Hope you enjoy the story~

Thank you very much for reading.

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Parenting In Full Bloom! The Former Villainous Noble Son Who Found His Love Nest Chapter 1 summary

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