He Is A Nymphomaniac. Chapter 91-100

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Chapter 91 - G.o.ddess of seduction!

Rose was standing completely naked before Rhehan. Her fair skin was slightly pink specially around the curves of her back. She was standing motionless with her back towards him.

Rhehan was gaping hungrily at her, while lying on the bed. His hormones were already giving away and he was holding his erect p.e.n.i.s tightly. She was afterall the most beautiful sight he had ever seen in his entire life.

"Ok...ok...I am sorry. Please come here", groaned Rhehan in despair. He was sweating profously while starring at Rose.

"So will you tease me again?" she chuckled sweetly.

"No my hotness. I would not dare to", he surrendered.

"Ok then!" she replied and turned to face Rhehan.

"Ohhhhhh," groaned Rhehan when the beautiful girl turned to face him, revealing all her frontal a.s.sets.

Her perfect V was white and slightly pink in color. Her toned legs were moving gracefully towards him. She was a G.o.ddess of seduction who was making Rhehan go completely crazy. Her waist was thin and tonned, complementing her bulky and hips.

Rose was purposely walking very slowly towards the bed and was slightly flushed feeling Rhehan's piercing gaze at her. He was lying on the bed, clutching his p.e.n.i.s and panting heavily. His beautiful face was covered in sweat and his gaze was too intimidating for Rose.

"Faster please," he requested.

Chapter 92 - DOG-style!

Rose blushed at Rhehan's request. Her breathing was getting heavier and faster, the closer she was moving to the bed on which Rhehan was lying.

As soon as she reached the bed she paused for a while and gaped at Rehehan's half naked body. It was thoroughly covered in sweat, making it s.h.i.+ne under dim light. She slowly climbed the bed on both her knees and hands, moving closer to him.

Rhehan was taken aback at her s.e.xy moves. Her heavy were hanging down loosely and both her legs were wide apart. Her arched body which was balanced on her knees and hands were making her hips buldge out even more.

She slowly moved her hands on Rhehan's waist and pulled down his lower and boxers in one go. His p.e.n.i.s was already dark red in color, standing erect, waiting eagerly for Rose.

Rose flushed at the sight and moved herself on top of Rhehan, still balancing herself on her hands and knees. Rhehan who was still gaping at her beautiful body, suddenly realised that his face was just few inches closer to hers. Just when Rose was about to bend down to kiss his lips, suddenly her hands lost the grip of the satin bed-cover and her upper body fell on his chest.

Chapter 93 - Steamy!

Rose's touched Rhehan's chest with much force and her face fell flat on his neck. Rhehan could feel the warmth of her body touching his chest and neck. Her fragrance was enticing and her soft white skin was making him drool like a mad dog!

Rhehan quickly grabbed her hips tightly and jerked it down-wards making her fall completely flat on his body. Rose was stunned at his actions and gaped at his face in nervousness. She was now conpletely over him and his d.i.c.k was held tightly between both her thighs. She could feel his hardness at the top of her lips, making it more and more wet.

Rhehan caressed her smooth back with his hands and again grabbed her round a.s.s, this time even more tightly. He suddenly started jerking her hips with much force in different directions. The strong jerks were making her v.a.g.i.n.a rub against his p.e.n.i.s roughly, arousing her even more.

"Ahhhhh," Rose moaned in both pleasure and distress. She was now craving, for him to enter ,inside her body.

As soon as Rhehan heard her s.e.xy moan he grabbed her waist tightly pushed it back-wards making her sit again on her kneesand balance hersekl with her arms.

Rhehan quickly got off from the bed and glanced at Rose's amazing posture. She had balanced herself on her hands and knees again and her back was arched inwards. Her were hanging down again, wriggling slightly as she breathed heavily. Her hips had protruded outwards, opening a little to reveal her beautiful wet v.a.g.i.n.a.

Rhehan caressed her hips skowly and stuck his middle finger inside her v.a.g.i.n.a carefully.

"Aghhhhhhh," screamed Rose.

"Is it hurting you?" he asked worriedly, taking out his finger immediately.

"A little," Rose confessed shyly.

Rhehan was stunned for a moment.

"Not that it matters to me, but baby are you a virgin?" he asked perplexed.

Rhehan knew Rose would have never reacted if it would have been just a minor burning or sting. She had after all a very good tolerance for pain.

For a few seconds Rose did not reply and finally lifted her her head to speak.

"Ummm... YES" she replied.

Chapter 94 - The virginity!

Rhehan gaped at her for a few seconds. She is a virgin! But how can a girl this pretty be a virgin? Boys must be falling for her all the time!

Rose tilted her head sideways to look at Rhehan, who was looking lost in his own thoughts.

" Is there a problem with that?"She asked perplexed at his strange reaction.

Rhehan regained his senses and touched her v.a.g.i.n.a softly and lovingly to ensure her.

"Offcourse not sweerheart. I am just wondering how did I turn out to be so lucky that I am going to be the first one to enter you", he replied, smiling sweetly at her.

But at the same time he was equally nervous. He had, had s.e.x a numerous times with various girls but this one was entirely different. He had fallen in love with Rose and also that she was a virgin. He wanted it to be a beautiful and sensual experience for her, which she would cherish for her whole life.

His finger was once again inside her but this time he did it much more softly.

Rose again gave out a loud cry, startling Rhehan.

"Do you want me to take out my finger?" he asked lovingly.

"No....I guess it's pretty normel to feel the pain", she replied nervously, not wanting to hurt Rhehan's feelings.

"Should I enter you now? Are you prepared?" he asked taking out his finger and licking it seductively.

Rose flushed at the sight and turned her head downwards to avoid looking at him. The sight of him licking his finger had made her wanting him inside her, even more.

"Yes", she replied shyly. Finally she was about to lose her virginity and it was just the way she wanted.

She always wanted her first time to be with somebody she felt strongly special about and Rhehan was the one for her! The way he saved her and took a stand for her had touched her deeply! He was sombody different from the rest of the boys. Though he was a s.e.x addict but behind that trait was hidden a gentle and caring man, who loved her selflessly.

Chapter 95 - Faster! More!

Rhehan quickly brought his mouth closer to her light pink opening and licked it lightly with his tongue. He then pushed his tongue further inside her and swirled it in clockwise direction slowly.

"Ahhhhhhh....ohhhhhhhhh.....ahhhhhhh" moaned Rose in great pleasure. It was a fluttering feeling in her lower abdomen that she had never experienced before. Her mind was going numb from pleasure and the strong sensation from her v.a.g.i.n.a was travelling all across her abdomen to her head.

"More....more....faster please" she cried in desperation holding the sheets tightly with her hands.

Rhehan swirled his tongue faster inside her, tasting her wetness in the process.

"Ohhh... Rhehan...ohhhh....This is amazing. Please don't stop," she said biting her lips tightly. Her wide open lips were completely wet from saliva and she looked like a hungry seductive G.o.ddess wanting to be f.u.c.ked!

It was getting difficult for her hands to balance her body and after few seconds her hands gave up. Her face a breast fell on the bed, while her rest of the body was still balanced on her knees.

The posture made her hips open further, giving a much free access to Rhehan's tongue. After another few seconds of swirling, Rhehan stopped and looked up at Rose's beautiful curled up body. She was drenched in sweat and her white skin had turned pink. Her heavy panting was making her beautiful curvy body wriggle.

He quickly opened his bed side drawer and hurriedly took out a blue colored s.h.i.+ning packet. He peeled it swiftly to reveal a brown colored condom. He himself could not wait to enter her and his hormones were giving up already making him dizzy and light-headed. He quickly fixed the condom on his p.e.n.i.s and held it tightly ready to enter her.

Rose who was oblivious to all the activity around her was still drunk in pleasure, travelling all across her body.

Rhehan carefully grabbed her hips and carefully thrusted his p.e.n.i.s inside the small wet opening. Soon the p.e.n.i.s had entered completely and Rhehan was transported to a different world. Her small v.a.g.i.n.a was too tight and it had held his p.e.n.i.s stongly inside it.

"Ahhhhhhh," moaned Rhehan with his eyes closed.

Chapter 96 - Rose?

This was probably the best penetration Rhehan had ever experienced! She was a virgin and also physically very active and strong. His guess was right afterall ! Her muscles were strong and tight giving him intense pleasure in an instant.

After a few seconds, Rhehan wrapped his arms around her thighs and started moving to and fro gently. His eyes were closed and he was absorbing the amount of pleasure his every movment brought!

He wanted to be really harsh and wild but he was controlling his speed to avoid any kind of discomfort to Rose.

After a few seconds, Rhehan opened his eyes and saw Rose was unusually quite. He was so drunk in pleasure that he forgot to notice Rose's reaction upon entering her. Rose's face was still hung downwards and she was no longer moaning or wriggling.

"Rose?" called out Rhehan in confusion stopping his to and fro movements in confusion.

Rose was silent with her head still hanging down. She did not reply to Rhehan's calling.

"Rose? What happened?" he asked again perplexed.

Rose did not reply or did not move at all.

Rhehan's heart raced in nervousness.

"Are you fine?" he asked again but Rose did not reply. She was curled up motionless as if she had no life!

Though his body and brain was unwilling to withdraw from Rose's body but his heart was too worried.

He gathered all the self-control and carefully moved out from her body and rushed to see Rose's face. The condom on his p.e.n.i.s was covered with traces of blood.

He quickly lifted Rose's head upwards with his hands.

His face grew pale at the sight of Rose's face!

Chapter 97 - Its not your fault!

Rose's face was drenched in sweat completely and her lips were trembling rapidly. Rhehan looked closely and noticed that it was not sweat but tears! Her eyes were completely red as if she had been crying from quite a few minutes.

She did not look into Rhehan's eyes as if trying to hide her tears.

"Heyy! What happened", he asked panic-struck.

He quickly sat beside her and held her waist lovingly and turned her upside down carefully. He wanted to make her lie down comfortably on her back.

After Rose was lying down flat on the bed and facing upwards, he lovingly wiped off her tears with his fingers and patted her head lightly.

"What happened dear? Did I hurt you somewhere?" he asked looking sadly in her teary red eyes.

Tears were flowing down her eyes swiftly. Rhehan was getting to nervous to handle this pressure. A strong girl like her was currently in an extremely vulnerable state. She was trying to hide her tears but it was evident that she was suffering unbearable trauma!

She opened her mouth to say something but failed to do so. Her hands went down to her pubic area and her lips trembled again. Rhehan had guessed that it had something to do with her v.a.g.i.n.a. He quickly switched on the lights of the room and settled himself close to her thighs.

"Here! Let me check. Don't worry, I am there," he said, lovingly touching her hands which were clenched around her pubic area.

As soon he moved her hands away, he noticed traces of blood on her hands and on the bed-sheet. Rhehan was sh.e.l.l-shocked to see the amount of blood oozing out from her v.a.g.i.n.a.

He frowned at the sight and wondered certain things. Was I too harsh? But no, I was quite slow! Is she on her periods? Is it normel to bleed this much for the first time? Oh G.o.d! What should I do? She is in terrible pain!

"Sweetheart, please talk to me. When did it start to hurt?" he asked caressing her stomach and thighs.

Finally a weak and fumble voice came out of Rose's mouth.

"When you entered" she said, clutching her pubic area again.

"Oh! I am so sorry! I will bring your clothes and call the doctor. Just give me two minutes," he said kissing down on her abdomen lightly.

Rose nodded lightly and gently touched his head with her hands.

"It's not your fault. You were very careful. Don't blame yourself," she said meekly, looking lovingly at Rhehan.

Rhehan who was kissing her abdomen abruptly stopped and looked at Rose. He was now trying his best to control his tears. He couldn't stand the sight of the girl in so much pain.

Chapter 98 - I am sorry!

Rhehan so much wanted to hug the girl in his arms, but he knew this seemed like an immediate medical emergency situation. He was trying to act calm before her but from within he was panic-struck!

He quickly rushed to the bathroom and grabbed two white bathing gowns and few towels. He carefully made Rose sit on the bed and wrapped the gown on her, tying it securely. He then himself wore the other one and rushed to grab the inter-com on the table.

"Connect me to medical-centre! Emergency!" he commanded.

After few seconds he spoke again "I need the team here..... She is bleeding....Lady doctor....yes...quite a lot....yes...first time...ok," he said and hung up the call.

He took deap breaths before facing Rose again. He tried to relax his tense facial muscles.

Rhehan then quickly seated himself, besides Rose, on the bed and hugged her carefully.

"Don't worry! Doctor is coming in few seconds. They said it might be just an infection," he said, caressing her abdomen lightly.

Rhehan could feel Rose s.h.i.+vering in his arms. Her face had grown pale and she slowly placed her head on Rhehan's shoulder.

"I am sorry! I ruined everything!" She said meekly with tears flowing down her eyes.

"Don't be silly! I love you and I had never been so happy and lively in my life before. Infact, I am angry that you didn't tell me about the pain the moment it started," he rebuked her, still caressing her abdomen.

"I thought I shouldn't spoil the night for you. Also, I understand your physical needs. You can't live without it," she confessed.

Rhehan was taken aback for a moment. She was ready to be in terrible pain just because of his physical needs. What kind of girl is she? Does she ever think about herself?

"Its true that I have addiction but it will never be at the cost of hurting my beloved," he said kissing her head gently.

Rhehan took deap breaths again. Offcourse he was tense! The doctor said it might be something serious! She will have to undergo some immediate tests! He had lied to her about the infection.

Chapter 99 - I am dirty!

After a few more seconds a team of doctors and nurses sprinted inside the room.

A middle aged lady dressed in all white rushed towards Rose and noticed the patch of blood on the bed and on her gown. She then instructed the nurses and other doctors swiftly.

"Take the B.P. and pulse....Tell samantha to prepare for an MRI, since she is bleeding quite heavily. We need a diclofenac injection and her blood and urine samples," she instructed everybody around in a serious tone.

Soon the doctors and nurses moved around checking her vitals, while others prepared the medications.

"Good evening! I am Dr. Daisy Walker," she introduced herself to Rose.

"Good evening doctor," replied Rose in a week tone.

"We would like to take you to the medical centre for a few tests. We will first give you an injection for the pain. A wheel chair has also been prepared for you to take you," replied the doctor pleasently.

"No need doctor. I'll carry her," intervened Rhehan suddenly.

"Very well then. We'll see you there after you get the injection," replied the doctor sweetly and turned to leave the room.

Soon other people from the team left the room after injecting Rose with the pain-killer.

"Don't carry me. My rob is dirty," she said hanging down her face, embarra.s.sed.

Rhehan stood up from the bed and smiled lovingly at Rose. He did not feel the need to give her any reply. He carefully placed his one arm below her thighs and other arm below her hips to pick her up.

Rose was shocked at his actions and Rhehan gave a light peck on her cheek which brought back the color on her face.

"Oh look at you! You are blus.h.i.+ng," he chuckled.

Finally, she smiled back at him and Rhehan's world was brought back to life after watching her beautiful smile!

Chapter 100 - Let her be ok!

Soon Rhehan carried Rose to the medical centre in his arms.

"Your hands must be getting dirty," she said nervously. "I am sorry! I was supposed to take care of you, but I ended up needing the medical attention," she added remorsefully.

Rhehan sighed at Rose's words. He did not even have the right kind of words to expain her once again that how much he loved her. He kept quiet for a few seconds.

As soon as they entered the radiation zone for MRI scan, Rhehan placed her carefully on a wheel chair and kissed her head lovingly.

He then pa.s.sionately looked into Rose's eyes and finally found the right words to describe his feelings for her.

"In sickness and in health....," he said, smiling at her, before the wheel chair moved inside the radiation room and the two parted from each other.

It had been almost two hours and Rhehan was still waiting for any news to arrive. He had changed into his regular clothes and was waiting patiently in the sitting area of the medical centre. After another five minutes the doctor came out removing her robe and gloves.

Rhehan swiftly got up from his couch and rushed towards her.

"How is she?" he asked worriedly.

"Ms. Rose is fine boss. We have made the bleeding stop and she is currently being s.h.i.+fted to her room after changing into another robe," replied the doctor.

Rhehan heaved a sigh of relief and clenched his temples tightly.

"She is sleeping peacefully and don't worry if she doesnt get up for 12-20 hours. The medications have tranquilizers which will help her calm down," added the doctor.

"Thank you so much doctor," replied Rhehan while calming himself down.

"But I have something very important to discuss with you regarding her test results. Can you please accompany me to my office?" she replied in a serious tone.

Rhehan's heart started beating faster as he followed the doctor to her office. What could it be? Will she be ok? Oh G.o.d! Please let her be ok!

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He Is A Nymphomaniac. Chapter 91-100 summary

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