He Is A Nymphomaniac. Chapter 111-120

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Chapter 111 - No matter what!

Soon after Rose finished her breakfast, they hurried to the medical centre. The lady doctor was already waiting for them while going through the reports again. Soon they greeted each other and proceeded with the discussions.

"Miss Rose, you have been diagnosed with an underdeveloped cavity. You should abstain from any s.e.xual activity for atleast 8 months. We have certain exercises for you which will help you widen your cavity," said the doctor.

"Oh!!" replied Rose in surprise.

She glanced at Rhehan who was looking quite relaxed. He held Rose's hand a.s.suringly and smiled at her.

"We will give you certain things which you will insert in your v.a.g.i.n.a for 1 hour everyday. Doing this everyday will gradually loosen up your cavity and later ypu can have a normel s.e.xual life," a.s.sured the doctor lovingly.

"Ummm...ok. Will it definitely get cured?" asked Rose in apprehension.

"Offcourse. It's just a matter of time. Till the time you don't risk a s.e.xual intercourse you can have a normel lifestyle. After 8-9 months we will scan ypu again for results. Luckily it is not a very severe condition since all your other organs are fully developed," a.s.sured the doctor.

Rose glanced at Rhehan in nervouseness. Though it was not somthing serious but it was definitely not a good news!

Rhehan also knew what was going in her mind. He held her hand even more tightly and looked into her eyes lovingly. His eyes were saying everything what his lips were not saying!

I will love you, no matter what!

Chapter 112 - My favourite place

After few more minutes of being explained by the doctor, they both moved out of the medical centre in contemplation.

"Come, I want to take you somewhere," said Rhehan, holding Rose's hand.

"Huh? Where?" asked Rose after snapping out of her thoughts.

"My favourite place," he said smiling at her.

Rose was puzzled at his sudden transformation but anyways followed him happily. Her mood had already lifted up by looking at Rhehan's excitement.

"Any hints?" asked Rose in excitement.

"No," replied Rhehan instantly and chuckled.

Soon they walked past the medical centre and entered a path-way covered on both sides with thick palm trees. They walked for a few meters and reached a cemented patch where various battery operated carts were parked.

"Hop in madame," said Rhehan bowing slightly.

Rose chuckled at his cuteness and bowed slightly and replied," with pleasure."

Rhehan seated himself in the driving seat of one of the carts with Rose seated besides him. He then skillfully maneuvered the cart on the adjoining track.

Rose was surprised at the vast area of the place. The place was like a little world in itself. They had already drove past the lake, gymnasium, library, spa, sauna, beach, restaurant and various pools but the place was still not fully covered.

"This place is huge. You have your own private little world," exclaimed Rose in fascination.

"Yes. It used to get very lonely, untill now," he replied excitedly and gave a quick peck on Rose's cheek.

"Where are we going? I feel so funny moving around in this hospital gown," she said looking at herself in disgust.

"You look beautiful in everything. I have fallen for this morning look of yours," replied Rhehan, taking a sharp right turn.

Rose blushed at his words and kept mum.

"And if you are not comfortable

with the attire just undress," chuckled Rhehan and gave a devilish smile to Rose.

Rose blushed much more at his words and turned her head away in the other direction to avoid his gaze.

"Stop teasing me Rhehan," she said nervously.

Rhehan chuckled at her coyness and gave her another quick peck on her cheek.

Chapter 113 - Their small world!

"We are about to reach. I just hope you like it," said Rhehan, smiling nervously.

"Offcourse I will. It's your favourite place so it already holds a special place in my heart," replied Rose leaning her head lovingly over his shoulder.

The cart moved past a dense patch of trees on both the sides. The patch was so dense that it looked like a secluded forest.

"Wow! This place is something! Does anybody come here?" asked Rose, astonished.

"No visitors are allowed here. Just a counted members of staff to maintain and clean it. This place is like my hide-out," he confessed.

Rose glanced carefully at the dense green trees on both the sides. Though it looked like a dense forest, but it was definitely very clean and well-maintained.

In another few seconds Rhehan stopped the cart outside a huge wooden gate and turned to look at Rose.

"We will walk from here," he said getting down from the cart.

He hurriedly walked to the other side of the cart and held Rose's hand while she got off the cart.

They walked hand in hand inside the gate and Rose was left stunned, the moment she stepped inside the gate.

A huge wooden bridge was right in front of them, leading the way to an aethetic wooden cabin. On one side of the bridge was a beautiful segreen lake, with two white swans happily playing with each other. While on the other side of the bridge was a huge rocky mountain, full of colorful flowers. On the foot of the mountain was an exiquisite garden, having an open sitting area in one corner.

Rhehan was carefully studying Rose's facial expressions, who was gapping at the scenery around her wide-mouthed.

"I have never, in my life, seen a place more beautiful than this," she exclaimed in excitement. "Thank you for bringing me here," she added greatfully.

"Don't thank me! You are the one who created a meaning to this place. Till now, I had n.o.body to share my dreams with. But now, I have you. I want to live my every dream, every fantasy with you," he said hugging her tightly.

Tears slowly fell from Rose's eyes, when she heard his words. She hugged him back tightly! She thanked G.o.d for making Rhehan enter in her life. How lucky she is to be loved by a man so deeply and pa.s.sionately!

"Come I want to show you something else too," he said retracing her from his arms.

"Ok" she replied meekly.

The moment he saw her tears, he got worried and asked her," what happened? Do you feel unwell?"

Rose lovingly held Rhehan's face with both her hands and smiled at him.

"I am just very happy. I don't know what did I do to deserve you. I feel so lucky to be the first one to come here with you. This water is so similar to the color of your eyes. The swans remind me of our kiddish acts together. The mountain full of colorful flowers remind me that, no matter how rocky it will be, it is still beautiful as long as its with you. This cabin is our small little world. Just you and me!" She said looking deeply in his segreen eyes.

Rhehan stared at her beautiful eyes and in an instant locked his lips with hers, holding her tightly from her waist. There lips were pa.s.sionately tasting each other and they were both lost in their own little world!

Chapter 114 - Memory world!

Blood started to flow in Rhehan's lower body and his body had started to react rapidly. As soon as he realised that it is the threshold of his hormones, he quickly retraced back his lips from hers.

They both were panting profousely and were highly drunk in pleasure.

"I will have to stop here or I will not be able to control myself," said Rhehan trying to catch his breath.

"I understand," replied Rose sadly.

"Come, I have to show you something," said Rhehan, holding her hand.

"I can not wait," replied Rose excitedly.

They both walked on the wooden bridge holding each others hands. The closer they moved to the cabin, more surprised Rose was, looking at the carving done on its four sides. The wood was carved finely to create beautiful patterns all over.

"So how often do you come here?" asked Rose, fascinated.

"Only on two occa.s.sions. Either when I am too happy or when I am too sad," he replied.

Soon, they reached the gigantic door of the cabin and Rhehan opened the door quickly.

"After you," he bowed very elegantly.

Rose chuckled at his actions and entered the door and soon followed by Rhehan.

The entire wooden cabin was full of small photo frames, all across the four walls. On one corner was an electronic guitar, hung on the wall. A small sitting area with a fire place was elegantly placed across the room.

"These are all the photographs of the moments I have felt proud and happy about," he said pointing at the wall.

"Oh really!" replied Rose in excitement.

She moved closer to the wall and noticed a photo of Rhehan standing with the formar president of the country.

"This was four years back, when I recieved the youngest achiever award," he explained.

Then she s.h.i.+fted her gaze to another photo. A much younger Rhehan was standing outside "Cafe Island." She smiled at the innocent boy, wearing ragged clothes who was looking extremely excited.

"This one is when I finally started a second branch of the cafe," he said,as if getting lost in old memories.

Rose glanced at Rhehan with a wide smile.

"You have come a long way. I am so proud of you," she said patting her shoulder.

Rhehan's eyes moistened at Rose's sweet words.

"Never in my life I have heard these words. Even after working so hard, I used to come back to an empty house. I could never describe or share my achievements with anybody," he said smiling fondly at her.

"You can tell it to me now. Everything that you have achieved in your past and everything that you will in future. I will listen to it all," she said gently running her fingers in his hair.

Rhehan smiled at Rose and then suddenly held her hand excitedly.

"Then come! I will show you my favourite amongst all," he said making her walk towards the adjacsent wall.

Chapter 115 - Hide-out

"This one," he said pointing a small old and ragged photo. The photo was an inside view of a cafe with a boy sitting happily on the seat of the cas.h.i.+er.

"Is this you?" gazed Rose excitedly.

"Yes. Earlier I used to study and clean the cafe. Later my old man told me that now I was grown up enough to start looking at the accounts. This was the first time I sat on this chair. I was ecstatic!" he said smiling at the photograph.

"Look at you! You looked so cute and your front teeth are missing," chuckled Rose, while looking at the photo.

"What do you mean by looked? Don't you find me cute now?" asked Rhehan with a puppy face.

"Hehehe....Offcourse I do," she said pinching his cheeks.

"Let's go to the other room," he said excitedly.

"Oh! There is another room? This place doesn't fail to amaze me," she said in surprise.

Rhehan walked towards the corner of the room and pulled out a red book from the shelf full of books. This immediately caused the adjescent wall to slide sideways. The wall slowly glided and a beautiful wooden bedroom could now be seen.

"Wow! This is like a secret room. Just like they show in the movies," sge sqid clapping her hands.

"Yes! Even my staff is not aware of this," he said winking at her.

Rose gaped at him in surprise.

"I can just keep you here in hiding and n.o.body in the world would be able to find you," he said with a devil smile.

Rose chuckled at his words and took another look at the room.

"Come," he said, holding Rose's hand again.

They walked inside the room and as soon as Rose looked around she was caught off guard.

She twirled and looked around in every direction. The more she looked, the more she was engulfed with surprise!

How is this possible?

She looked at Rhehan with tears in her eyes.

"How did you do this?" she asked in surprise.

Chapter 116 - Pictures!

She twirled and twirled around to look around at all four walls of the room. The more she looked, the more she was feeling overwhelmed.

The walls were full of her pictures right from her childhood to present day. There were cute pictures of her with her mom and dad too!

Some were her solo pictures, while she was walking the ramp for Fabiosa. All her achievements and happy moments had been displayed in this room.

Then the most interesting one was the one when Rose and Rhehan met for the first time at the event!

"Where did you get all these?" she asked in surprise.

"Well, I have my sources," he replied and winked at her.

Rose went closer to one of the walls and gaped at a photo. It was her and Rhehan sitting inside the "Cafe Island" talking to each other. She had slapped him right after this moment!

"Oh my G.o.d! That's us in the cafe," she said bewildered.

"Yes! This was a little difficult to get through CCTV footage," he said pondering.

"This is amazing! My entire life is inside this room. I just love it!" she exclaimed and hugged him instantly.

"I am glad. Now we need to make many more memories together for this room," said Rhehan, hugging her back tightly.

"With pleasure," she said giving him a peck on his lips.

"Whenever I will miss you, I will come here," he said, sadly.

"You don't have to miss me! I will never leave your side," she replied holding both his hands........

Back in Rose's room her phone was ringing constantly and was bombarded with many messages.


-"Boss, where are you?

-I have to talk to you asap!

-That day your malfunction was planned by CEO Rhehan.

-He is playing games with you and wants to destroy you.


-Why arn't you replying?"

Chapter 117 - I love you too!

They both seated themselves inside the cart and moved back to the house. They both had happy smiles on their faces and a sense of satisfaction in their eyes. Life could not get better than this!

Soon, they reached the living area where the staff were already busy cleaning and mopping it. While Rhehan rushed to his office to complete some paper-work, Rose went to her room for a hot shower.

As soon as Rose entered her room, she heard her phone vibrating on the table. She smiled reading the caller's name and swiped the phone quickly.

"Hi mum!" she exclaimed.

'"Hi sweetheart. How are you?" replied the lady.

"Very well! Infact amazing," replied Rose in excitememt.

"Okayyyy. You sound different?" replied the mother curiously.

" tell ,when are you guys coming back? How is kareem and aunty?" she asked excitedly.

"They are good honey. We are coming back day after tomorrow," replied the lady.

"Great!" replied Rose excitedly.

"Can you tell me what's going on?" asked Lillian in curiosity.

"Mum! I am in love," gushed Rose.

"Oh my darling! Who is it?" asked the lady in excitment and surprise.

"I'll tell you once you reach! Can't wait to meet you guys. See you soon," replied Rose.

They both hung up the phone after a few seconds of goodbyes and kisses.

Marina Bay, Singapore.

Room, 402

There was a knock on the door and Lillian hung up the call with her daughter and opened the door. Kareem was standing on the door with a huge red box.

"Kareem! Please come in sweetheart," welcomed the lady.

"Thank you. Here is the limited edition Dior bag you ordered aunty," replied the man handing over the box to her.

"Oh! Thank you so much sweetheart! It's for Rose's birthday next week," she said holding the box.

"I hope she likes it," he said plainly.

"Silly girl! She is so excited to meet you. Now she is saying she has fallen in love! I tell you!" Remarked the lady, while opening the box.

Kareem was stunned at her words. What did she say? She is excited to meet me and she is in love? Does that mean she loves me too? I can't believe it!

"She is in love?" asked kareem, trying to hide his excitement.

"Yes dear. She did not tell me the name. She says i'll know once I reach back," replied the lady in sheer helplessness.

"Hmmm...." replied Kareem trying to sound casual. "Ok aunty, I am heading to the pool. See you later," he said and left the room excitedly.

He closed the door behind him and halted for few seconds, pondering over what just the lady told him. It means, she is definitly going to confess her love to me and she is also very excited about it.

Ohhh! My Rose! I love you too!

Chapter 118 - Revelance!

Rose hung up the call and was about to place back the phone on the table when she saw a new notification emerge on the screen.


Call me urgently boss"

Rose frowned reading the message and swiped it open to read the other messages sent by him.

Rose gaped at the messages in horror and read them all in disbelief. Rhehan is trying to destroy me? He planned my malfunction? How can this be?

She quickly dialed Stefen's number from the phonebook, while trying to calm herself down. Stefen picked up the call instantly as if he had been waiting for his boss to call.

"Boss! I was worried for you," muttered Stefen in nervousness.

"I was a little busy Stefen. Why did you write such a thing about CEO Rhehan?" she asked nervously.

"Boss some of our team members saw him coming out of your vanity after your dress was thoroughly checked. Also he tried to bride one of the staff members to harm you," he explained.

Rose was stunned at his words. How could Rhehan do this?

"But he saved me from embara.s.s.e.m.e.nt and shunted his deals with Lorraine International. Don't you remember that?" She rebuked him.

"That was his plan boss! He wanted to be in your good books so that you start trusting him and then he woukd destroy you," he clarified.

"Hmmm....Ok. So who was this employee whom he tried to bribe?" she asked curiously.

"Boss! She doesn't want her name to be revealed. CEO had threatened to kill her. But, I a.s.sure you she is not lying," he said nervously.

Rose's heart was palpitating too fast. She felt that she could almost faint any moment.

"Hmm..ok. Thank you for the information," replied Rose and hung up the call.

Fabiosa Head Office, Bangkok

Stefen put down the phone and turned his face to look at the beautiful woman sitting on his lap.

"You did a n.o.bel deed today! You are amazing honey," praised Cheryl kissing the man on his lips.

The two kissed each other fondly while there hands were caressing each other's body seductively.

"Thank you for saving the boss. You are too kind," replied Stefen, admiring his lady love.

"It's my duty," she said and started licking his neck with her tongue.

Chapter 119 - Hatred!

Rose threw away her phone on the bed and stood motionless, starting at the blank wall for a few minutes.

But why would he do that? Is he actually planning a revenge for what I did to him in the cafe? I faked getting seduced by him that day, so maybe he is also faking falling in love with me.

Rose pressed the temples of her head. Anger was engulfing her mind strongly. She banged her hand on the gla.s.s table in front of her so strongly, that it shattered into pieces and fell on the ground , creating an extremely loud noise. Her hand started bleeding profousely, but she was left uneffected by it.

How dare he? I loved him sincerely and he is playing with my feelings!

Rose was loosing control of her body and was about to bang her hand again when the door opened with a thrust. Rhehan came running inside the room, worriedly.

He gaped at the Rose's bleeding hand and immediately took a towel from the bathroom.

"What happened?" he asked petrified. He carefully wrapped her hand with the towel and rushed towards the inter-com.

"I slipped. It's nothing! You don't have to worry about it," lied Rose, starring at Rhehan in digust and anger.

Rhehan was so busy making the call to medical centre that he did not notice the hateful glare on Rose's face for him. As soon as he explained the situation to the medical centre, he hung up the call and rushed towards Rose without looking at her face.

"The bleeding is not stopping," he said worriedly looking at her hand.

Rose did not speak anything further and glared at Rhehan's worried face.

"Are you hurt any where else"? he asked her, with a choking voice.

"No," replied Rose in surprise.

She was bewildered to see his sad face. The man looks as if he is on the verge of crying. How can anybody act so good? Does he actually love me? Was I too quick to believe Stefen?

He was holding the towel tightly to avoid much blood loss from her hand. Whereas, she was still observing and trying to figure out any fautlts with his sad face. A tear fell down from his left eye and he hurriedly wiped it, to avoid getting caught.

"Don't cry. It's just a minor cut," replied Rose, still observing his face carefully.

The moment she said the words, Rhehan looked up in her eyes.

She looked at his face in horror and disbelief. His eyes were dark red and tears started to flow uncontrollably from them.

Rose felt guilty at her thoughts.

He genuinely loves me!

Chapter 120 - Cry-baby!

The train of thoughts on Rose's mind was stopped when the doctor and nurses entered the room. They watched in horror at the broken gla.s.s and then at Rose's wrapped hand.

"Miss Rose, can I see your hand," requested the doctor seriously.

Rhehan carefully unwrapped Rose's hand from the towel and gaped at it in horror. The bleeding had yet not ceased and the towel was completely smugged with blood. Rose was least bothered about what the doctor had to say or how much blood was her hand oozing out. She was busy starring at disheaveled face of Rhehan, this time with much less hatred!

"It's too much. We will have to st.i.tch it up," replied the doctor studying her hand.

"Again? But she already has st.i.tches on her arm and its her right hand!" shreiked Rhehan in helplessness.

Rose suddenly emerged out of her trance and looked in Rhehan's eyes with a smile. Rhehan was stunned looking at her face.

"It's ok baby! It's not that painful. Let them st.i.tch my hand. You can feed me with your own hands," she said giving him a quick peck.

The doctor and the staff giggled at their conversation. They had generally seen the patient freaking out and the partner trying to console him/her. This was the first time that the injured one was consoling the other person!

"So do you want an anesthesia this time"? asked the doctor in confusion.

"Offcourse she wants it," replied Rhehan in anger.

"I have a strong body Rhehan. I can handle it without anesthesia. You know all my muscles are very strong, except for one area,offcourse" she winked at him, trying to cheer him up.

Rhehan hung his face in sadness, while the nurses started to wipe the blood. Soon the doctor started to st.i.tch her hand up, while her other hand was busy wipping tears from Rhehan's face.

"There! There! It's almost over," she said trying to console him like a mother consoling her hurt kid.

The staff giggled again at the sight and this time Rose also couldn't help but laugh at Rhehan.

"You all are so mean," he said bursting in tears again.

Rose kept wiping his tears, while the doctor st.i.tched her other hand. Finally after fifteen minutes, the st.i.tches ended and the team left the room. After much consoling and teasing, did Rhehan stop shedding his tears.

"Aww! You are such a cry baby," she said jumping on his lap.

"I love you, and I am so scared of loosing you," he said, again on the verge of tears.

"I love you too my cry baby," she said lovingly, without any doubts in her mind.

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He Is A Nymphomaniac. Chapter 111-120 summary

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