He Is A Nymphomaniac. Chapter 481 - Tom And Jerry...

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She sat with a gloomy face on the pool chair, looking at happy people around her. Suddenly a feeling of intense lonliness and seclusion hit her, heavy in the heart. People around her were usually in pairs or groups, happily enjoying the early morning dip. Some were romancing, while others were playing in the pool happily. She was the only one, who was sitting unhappily, looking at other people. 

She quickly got up, going towards the bar of the pool.

The sad girl could not spot them anywhere near the bar too. "Sigh! I just need a drink now!" Cheryl was about to order a refres.h.i.+ng c.o.c.ktail for herself, when her phone buzzed again. Cheryl sighed, looking at the same unknown number. 

"What the h.e.l.l! Why do you keep calling me?!" Cheryl spoke in a frustrated tone.

"Heyy!!! How dare you talk to me like that you filthy woman!! Don't forget, you were good for nothing, before I gave you a role in the movie!!" The man slammed back angrily. 

"Yes! I have not forgotten that. That is why I am here, running around like an idiot. Tell me why did you call?" Cheryl tried to calm down a bit. She knew, she could not afford to talk rudely to this man. Offending him, meant, loosing her role in the movie, and ruining her career forever. 

"I called to ask you, if you could catch hold of them or not? I am also answerable to my boss! If the work is not done, you will have to pay heavily for it!!" The man spoke in a dangerous voice. 

Cheryl gulped hearing his words. "Look! I am trying my best. I have been looking for them, since morning. I don't know, how quickly they are escaping from every place!" 

"Is this your excuse? That they are escaping very quickly. What are they? Some kind of aliens, that they make themselves invisible everytime, you reacj for them. Living in the same hotel from past one day, you could not even spot them even a single time, let alone seducing the man. I think, I will cancel the contract with you now. Do what ever you want to do in your life. Let us see who gives you a job after being thrown away by a fas.h.i.+on company and now from a major film!!" The man threatened in a calm tone. This was usually his style. The calmer he sounded, the more dangerous he would get. 

Cheryl s.h.i.+vered at the thought of sitting ideal at home and being black-listed from the entertainment and modelling world. "No! Wait! Don't cancel the contract. I will find them for sure!! Just give me some time please." Cheryl now begged over the phone, almost at the verge of crying.

"Sigh! Fine!" The man smiled wickedly. "Then do your job quickly. Then come back to me and I will give you a nice reward in my bed!" The man spoke in a dangerous yet loving voice. He hung up the call, taking a long puff from his cigar, relaxing himself. 

Cheryl looked at her phone for a few seconds in horror and then walked straight towards the pool chair. She picked up all her stuff and walked towards the changing room once again. She clentched her grumbling stomach, feelong extremely hungry, but she did not have time to eat anything right now. 

She quickly changed back into her white dress and sandkes and stepped out of the changing room, once again going to the reception area. The same receptionist sitting on the other side of the wooden counter, smiled warmly looking at Cheryl. But inside her heart, the lady was laughing her heart out, looking at the pitiful condition of the girl. 

"Ahh! Now I have recognised you. Looks like you have applied some makeup, to look much better than your natural self." The lady smirked, speaking in a sarcastic tone. 

Cheryl who was simply worried about being ousted from the film, ignored the lady's sarcastic comment, as if she did not even hear it.

"Excuse me! But you said that Rhehan and Rose had just went towards the pool area. I just looked around everywhere, but I could not spot them anywhere!!" Cheryl frowned in confusion, looking at the receptionist.

"Mam! I did not say that they had just entered the pool area. I told you that they were already inside that part of the hotel!" The lady frowned back, speaking in her defence. 

"Ohk! fine! That is what you said, but why are they not there now?" Cheryl tried to control her anger. 

"Ahh! While you were in changing room, I spotted them going towards the ala carte restaurant on the top most, 20th floor of the hotel building. I heard them talking about trying our special prawn curry for breakfast!! They must be currently enjoying their breakfast!" The lady spoke with a poker face. 

"Ohh!! I see! So they are in the restaurant. I will just straightaway, go their and meet them. Thank you so much!" Cheryl quickly sprinted towards the elevator, when the receptionist chuckled and called for Cheryl once again. 

"Wait a second Mam!" The lady shouted at the preceeding figure if the girl. 

Cheryl halted and turned to look at the lady in confusion.

"What is it now?" Cheryl frowned in anger.

The receptionist smiled and looked at Cheryl from head to toe. "Mam, there is a dress code for the restaurant. You need to change into a formal dress and a formal pair of shoes, before entering our posh restaurant. Otherwise, they might not allow you to enter!" 

"What!!!?? But I just want to have a glance!! I am not interested in having a breakfast!" Cheryl knitted her eyebrows, tremendousely.

"Mam! The restaurant is inside our hotel club. Only formal attires are allowed in the club. I am afraid, these are hotel rules! I can not help you in this matter" She gave a warm yet cunning smiled to Cheryl.

"Do you wish to tell me that I first go change in my room and then go to the club!!?" Cheryl spoke in a sarcastic tone.

"Exactly mam! Have a good day!" The receptionist nodded her head in a 'yes' and then continued with her work.

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He Is A Nymphomaniac. Chapter 481 - Tom And Jerry... summary

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