He Is A Nymphomaniac. Chapter 480 - Girl Without Makeup...

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The girl simply brushed her teeth and stepped out of her bathroom, still looking like as if a tree has fallen over her. The girl had messy hair, swollen face and puffy dark circles. She was wearing a wrinkled satin pink colored s.h.i.+rt and a matching loose fitted lower. Today, for the first time, in so many years she had dared to step out without any makeup on her face. She had not even bothered to look at her reflection in mirror. 

She quickly locked her room and stepped in the corridor, walking towards the elevator. As soon as she entered the elevator, an elderly lady, who was already inside the elevator, frowned looking at Cheryl from head to toe. 

"What you looking at lady? Never seen a girl in a night suit. Mind your own business!" Cheryl shouted at the lady, as she pressed the elevator b.u.t.ton for the lobby area.

The lady frowned at Cheryl again, before the elevator halted at first floor and the lady quickly got off, as if rus.h.i.+ng away from a maniac. Soon the elevator stopped outside the lobby area and Cheryl stepped out, wearing her white bunny ears carpet slippers and walked towards the reception area quickly. The lady from the previous day, was sitting at the reception and she immediately gave a notorious smile, recognizing Cheryl. 

"h.e.l.lo. I had asked you, about my friends in delux room no.1. I can not seem to locate them. Can you tell me about them?" Cheryl smiled plaeasantly at the lady.

"Uhh!? Excuse me but, are you staying in this hotel? I don't remember seing you before!" The receptionist frowned, pretending to have not recognized the girl. She was secretly enjoying grilling the girl, after she was told that she had been trying to sabotage the relation of the biggest investor of their hotel, Rhehan Jobs!

"Huh? You do not remember me. I am Cheryl. I am staying in one of your best delux rooms. How can you not remember me?" Cheryl frowned in confusion.

"Ohh!! Is that you?" The receptionist gazed a the girl carefully from head to toe. "Ohh! Yes it is indeed you. You looked beautiful yesterday. Ah! It must be the makup probably. I did not even recognise you without your makeup. Haha! How silly of me. I apologise." The receptionist chuckled, looking at Cheryl's hideous face and clothes.

"Huh? Whatever!" Cheryl frowned coming back to the main point. "Did you see Rhehan jobs with his wife around? I don't think they have left the room! Have they?" 

"Ohh! Yes! They have left the room. I spotted them going to the pool's changing area. It is just around the corner in the same floor. You can go walking." The lady pointed towards an open garden, having several bricked walking tracks. 

"Ohk! Thank you!" Cheryl was about to go towards the garden, when the receptionist called again. 

"Wait!!!" Shouted the receptionist, smirking at her.

"Now what?!" Cheryl frowned. 

"You will not be allowed to enter in this attire. You need to wear casual clothes first and then bring along your swim gear. Then you need to change into your swim gear in the changing rooms, just outside the pool entry, only then they will allow you." The receptionist smirked even more

"What? Do you mean, I need to to go back to my room again and change!!?" Cheryl gaped at the lady in horror. "But the pool is just nearby, can not I just have a glance and not enter the pool!!?" 

"I am sorry mam. The guards will not allow you. These are the hotel rules, which even I can not help. And the couple has been in the pool area, from half an hour. You better hurry up, before they leave!" She smiled notoriously.

"d.a.m.n it!!!" Cheryl rushed towards the elevator clumsily, in her carpet slippers.

She sprinted inside the elevator, while everybody around was now frowning looking at the girl.

Soon she came running back inside her room, taking deap breaths. She stepped inside her closet and took out a simple white dress, changing into it. She then quickly packed her bikini in a small swim bag and finally looked at her reflection in mirror. "Aaghhh!!!" The girl shouted. 

Last night the girl was so tired that she had just mamaged to change into her night dress. She had forgotten to remove her makeup from her face. Her mascara and eye liner had darkened her swollen eye bags terribly. Their were thick patches of foundation on parts of her face, making her skin tone look really uneven. Her red lip shade had created cracks on her lips, making it look like blood. Her chin was also stained in red color. "Oh! my G.o.d!! Did I just step out like this? No wonder that lady was starring at me and that receptionist could not recognise me!!!" Cheryl gasped at her reflection in horror. 

She then quickly washed her face with cold water, removing most of the puffiness instantly. She did a quick makeover of her face, with help of a foundation, blush-on, striking lip shade and a mascara. 

"Now! Am good to go! Rhehan Jobs, you can not resist me in a bikini now!" She quickly changed her footwears and sprinted out of the room, towards the elevator. 

Soon the girl had entered the changing room, just outside the pool. She quickly changed into a stricking hot pink colored tiny bikini and covered herself with a white transparent sarong. She again switched on her seductive G.o.ddess mode 'on' and walked towards the gigantic infinity pool of the hotel. 

There were several pool chairs, situated on two sides of the pool, will people sittong and soaking the sun. Cheryl quickly grabbed a seat and glanced around searching for the couple. She was in a mood to take a dip, but before that she had to search for the couple. She looked for them, for fifteen more minutes, but failed to spot them anywhere!

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He Is A Nymphomaniac. Chapter 480 - Girl Without Makeup... summary

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