He Is A Nymphomaniac. Chapter 479 - Karma...

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Rose stepped out of the shower and walked inside her walk - in closet. She selected a cute heart shaped neck, flary mini dress in peach color, for a romantic breakfast date with her wifey.

She then happily applied a light lip gloss on her lips and a mascara and stepped out of the closet, wearing her matching ankle length sandles. 

She walked inside the bedroom and saw another handwritten note on top of the bed. Rose giggled yet again and picked up the blue note excitedly.

'Hey beautiful. I am waiting for my hot hubby, downstairs at the beach.' 

Rose smiled and walked inside the living room and finally climbing down the stairs. Soon she got out of the house and spotted Rhehan standing at a distance, dressed only in a beige knee length cargo shorts and matching shoes. He was carefully placing down the dishes on the table, while singing the lyrics of a song, that was playing loudly in the kichten. 

The early morning sunrise, was looking extremely eye-catching, s.h.i.+mmering over the blue tranquil water. Rose smiled looking the man who was way more beautiful and eye catching than the sea, in front of her. 

His slightly sweaty body, looked extremely alluring and drool-worthy to the girl. She happily walked upto the man, once again thanking the G.o.d's for blessing her with such an amazing life -partner. "Ohhh!! This looks so amazing wifey!!" She looked at the wooden table, loaded with several dishes.

Rhehan looked up at the girl and bent her back a little. "Thank you my dearest hubby. I fully intend to impress you with my skills. I hope you like it mam." 

He pulled out a chair for the girl and made the girl sit comfortably. He then started serving the dishes one by one, on her plate, like a perfect host. "Well, mam, first we have the exotic Lasagne and then the Khao pad, cooked in exotic sausages." He then picked up another bowl, serving it in her plate. "This is the special papaya salad, The Som Tam and then we have the spicy chicken Laab for you. Also we have some sweet iced black coffee to go with all the dishes." Rhehan smiled at the surprised girl.

"Did you do all this by yourself !!? Gos.h.!.+ This is so sweet of you Rhehan!! Thank you so much!!" Rose looked at the man, feeling overwhelmed amd pampered. 

"It is my pleasure, to cook for my hubby. Ohk! Now taste this salad first and tell me, how it is." Rhehan picked up a small slice of the chicken salad with the fork, holding it close to Rose's lips. 

Rose chewed the chicken and looked at the man in surprise. "Oh! My G.o.d!! This is so d.a.m.n good Rhehan! I did not know, you could cook so well." Rose savoured the delicious and juicy taste, licking her lips. 

"Aww! Thank you wifey. I can cook such meals for you as many times as you want, just to hear this beautiful compliment." Rhehan bent down again, accepting the compliment happily.

"Ohk! Now sit." Rose pointed at the chair, placed next to her and she then started serving food in Rhehan's plate. 

They both clinked their of iced coffee and took a sip each, from their 

"Let us go for a yacht ride after this!" Rhehan pointed towards the tied up yacht.

"Oh great!! I want to drive it too!!" Rose exclaimed excitedly, looking the beautiful white colored yacht.....

While the couple in Greece had the perfect romantic morning, in each other's company, Cheryl was having the worst time of her life, inspite of being in world's most romantic city. 

It was 11:00 am, in the morning and the girl woke up frowning looking at her phone, that was buzzing constantly. "Who the h.e.l.l is that?" She looked at the phone and straightened up immediately, looking at the time. "s.h.i.+t!! It is 11 in the morning? How did it get so late?" 

She checked her phone and there were five missed calls from the same unknown number. "Ohh!! Darn!! He will kill me now!! How the h.e.l.l did it get so late!!!" 

Cheryl quickly dialled the number and took a deap breath, gearing up herself for the man's shoutings and abuses.

"Where the h.e.l.l have you been. Do you plan to elope with my money or something!!!" Came a terrifying voice from the speaker of her phone. 

Cheryl pressed her foreheard with her hands, frowning. She was already having a bad migraine amd now she had to tolerate this man's screams, early in the morning. " Offcourse not! Why would I elope!!? I just got up very late today!" 

"Girl!!! Are you on a holiday or something!!? Why the heck did you miss the morning buffet time? The breakfast would have been the easiest to caught hold of them!! Now we will have to wait for another update by them!!! You jerk!!!" The angry man shouted again at Cheryl, giving her terrible goose-b.u.mps.

"What!! You are calling me a jerk!!? I was sitting in the lobby of the hotel till 3:00 am, waiting for that couple to enter the hotel. Is it my fault that they hardly come to the hotel? The entire day, I did nothing but ask the receptionist, about their whereabouts, after every one hour. How else do I track them!!?" Cheryl snapped back in frustration, looking at her yet swollen and red feet. Her legs were terribely cramped and her back was extremely stiff.

"I really don't give a d.a.m.n about your sleep. Just move your lazy a.s.s and get going. Ask the manager, they might be still in their room, if they came back so late yesterday night. Just go now!!!" Shouted the angry man and then hung up the call immediately. 

"d.a.m.n!!! Why did I even consider his deal. I was fine, without it. He is so dominating and rude to me!!" Cheryl took few deep breaths and then stepped out of the bed, with great reluctance. She stretched her body, wincing at the errupting pain from her legs and back and went inside the bathroom to freshen up, while still grumbling curses at the man.

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He Is A Nymphomaniac. Chapter 479 - Karma... summary

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