He Is A Nymphomaniac. Chapter 5 - Ohhh! Its Calling Me!

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Rhehan was taken aback at Dr. Steve's words. Date? commitment? no s.e.x? no new bodies? boring!!!!

"Ahem! doc are you trying to tell that i have to stick with one v.a.g.i.n.a"? Blurted Rhehan trying to look as innocent as he could.

Dr. Steve was stunned at his words. Women were nothing but mere for him. He could not help but feel pitty for him again. Can he ever know the meaning of true love? Will he ever encounter a woman who can make him cry? Is there a woman brave enough to tackle this beast?

"There is more to a woman than her body. You need to find a person who will love you unconditionally and will smoothen your life. A person who will support you in your hards.h.i.+ps. A person..."

Just as Doctor was speaking he was interrupted by a knock on the door of his cabin.

"Come in" a.s.serted doctor looking at the door.

Rhehan too looked at the door, thankful to the person who made the doctor stop his boring speech.

A girl in a short white uniform entered the room with a slight smile on her face. She was wearing a white s.h.i.+rt with b.u.t.tons on it. Rhehan couldn't help but notice the strain appearing on the b.u.t.tons which were keeping the s.h.i.+rt closed to cover her brless Her short skirt hardly covered her thighs and her face was full of makeup that could make anyone pretty.

Dr. Steve looked at his a.s.sistant in surprise. Today her dress was extremely short and s.h.i.+rt too tight. She was over dressed for her job and was walking towards Dr. Steve as if she was a model on a runway. The doctor tried to control his anger when it suddenly occured to him why she was behaving this way. She knew Rhehan the famous and richest bachelor of not just the country but the continent had an appointment. Lhea the girl dressed in skimpy white clothes stood between Dr. Steve and Rhehan, facing the doctor, while her back was towards Rhehan.

"Doctor, sorry to interrupt your meeting. But madame Wu ordered me to hand over this paper to you", she said with a smile.

Doctor Steve knew his wife always told Lhea to hand over the slips only after the meeting was completed. But Lhea took this as an opportunity to meet Rhehan, who was already staring at her wide eyed as if she was his favourite dessert.

Lhea then handed over the paper to Doctor

and bended towards him much more than needed. As she bended ,she made sure Rhehan could enjoy the full view of her below the belt a.s.sets.

Rhehan could not help but drool over her panties which was nothing more than three strings of cloth. He could see her plumpy pinkish bottom and everything between them.

Rhehan could not help but gape at her pinkish v.a.g.i.n.a which was oozing a small white fluid.

Oh!! Its calling me!!

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He Is A Nymphomaniac. Chapter 5 - Ohhh! Its Calling Me! summary

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