The Invincible Hero 112 Royal Riot!

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Boval was shocked, when had he and Freg provoked the Gremlins to riot? Freg looked just as confused as Boval.

"Captain, Freg and I never provoked the Gremlins to riot," he said.

"Really?" asked the Captain as if not believing him.

"Yes, sir, really," Boval responded still confused.

"Let me show you something," said the Captain.

The Captain let Boval and Freg out of their cell. The pair was placed in cuffs and escorted to a monitor room. All of the scientists followed them into the monitor room. On a large screen in front, the Captain played footage from areas all over the s.h.i.+p.

In the starfighter bays, Gremlins were climbing all over the equipment tearing off little pieces of material. It looked like they were dismantling the surrounding equipment. In other videos, Gremlins were climbing out of walls, ceilings, and floor panels taking bits and pieces of things. The entire time, the Gremlins were laughing evilly. On the outside of the s.h.i.+p, Gremlins climbed everywhere pulling bits and pieces of the Igmus and taking it back inside. Gremlins were one of the few races who were able to exist una.s.sisted in s.p.a.ce.

On every screen, Gremlins were running amok. In some of those screens security personnel, soldiers, and at times janitors and cooks were chasing after the Gremlins and even shooting at them. Whenever someone shot at them they would turn and counter-attack. Mostly, the Gremlins were ignoring everyone unless they were attacked.

"Cadet, tell me, wouldn't you say the Gremlins are rioting?!" demanded the Captain.

"No, sir, it doesn't look like they're rioting to me," said Boval.

When the Captain heard Boval's response his face turned red and his eyes bulged out. Was this cadet trying to s.h.i.+rk all of his responsibility? The city was blue but this cadet was trying to convince him it was green!

"If they aren't rioting then what are they doing!" asked the Captain.

Boval continued to watch the screen for a few more moments before answering the Captain.

"Captain, sir, if you will allow me, I would like to tell you it looks like they are gathering up a bunch of useless materials," he said.

The Captain looked at the screen and noticed nothing the Gremlins gathered were particularly valuable, but he just couldn't understand why they were taking things.

"I can also tell they aren't attacking anyone unless they are provoked. If they were rioting wouldn't they focus on attacking people and not on gathering a bunch of useless materials?" Boval asked.

The Captain's rage red cheeks which were puffing up and gathering steam in his cheeks slowly deflated and lost some of the scarlet colorings. The cadet was right, the Captain realized, if the Gremlins were rioting they should be attacking people and things not dismantling things. The Captain was thinking about Boval's words when he heard the distinctive snarl, squeak, grumble, and evil laugh which indicated a Gremlin was talking.

Looking at Freg and Boval, he realized Freg was talking to the young cadet and the cadet seemed to understand him! How many beings could understand the Gremlin language, truly remarkable!

Boval looked back to the Captain and spoke, "Freg agrees with me, he says it looks like everyone is gathering materials and taking them somewhere."

"Where are they taking these materials," asked the Captain.

"I don't know," said Boval. Freg also shrugged his shoulders in a very human manner indicating he too didn't know.

"How can you not know what they are doing or where they are taking these things when you are the one who commanded them to do it?" asked the Captain. Although he wasn't enraged anymore he was still furious. Even though he was upset, enough of his reason returned to himself to see things probably weren't as obvious as he once thought.

Both Freg and Boval looked at one another and laughed after hearing the Captain's words.

"Is something funny, cadet?" the Captain asked in a very strict tone.

"It's not so much it's funny, sir, as I don't know what to make of your words as they seem so absurd to us," Boval said.

"Absurd, how so?" asked the Captain.

"How do you expect me to command Gremlins to do anything. You can only ask them if they are interested in doing something, no one commands them. They are too free-spirited to listen to anyone, even other Gremlins," he said.

"Normally I would agree with you cadet, however, I think they would certainly listen to a very powerful person," the Captain said.

"Maybe?" Boval responded while shrugging his shoulders as if he wasn't too sure of the likely hood of the Captain's theory.

"Who would be powerful enough to tell Gremlins what to do," Boval asked finally.

"What about their king?" the Captain asked. Both Boval and Freg were startled by the Captain's response. Freg even made a strange little noise he was so surprised. Finally, he looked to Boval and seemed to ask him a question.
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"What did he say," asked the Captain.

"Freg wanted to know when the Gremlins got a king, sir."

The Captain now made a surprised sound when he heard Freg's question. He thought for a moment before responding.

"Do they normally not have kings?" asked the Captain.

"No, who told you that nonsense?" asked Boval, Freg just drooled evilly as he listened intently for the Captain's response.

"Aren't you the king of the Gremlins," the Captain asked surprised.

Boval felt his pointy ears and then felt the almost comically much larger ears of Freg and then seemed to compare his size to Freg's as well as many other physical comparisons.

"Do I look like a Gremlin to you sir?" Boval said with confusion. Freg merely laughed evilly as he looked at Boval and then slurped up some of his drool while watching the Captain. This question ticked off the Captain who went back to yelling. I know you're not a Gremlin you d.a.m.n Elf! Do you think I'm stupid?" He asked as he raged.

"No, sir, I don't think you're stupid but why would you think an Elf could be the King of the Gremlins, if there were such a thing?" Boval asked.

"Because the Gremlins told us you were their king and you were the one who told them to do what they were doing," the Captain yelled.

Freg and Boval both jumped when they heard this.

"Excuse me, Captain, I don't mean to be impudent for saying this but as a medical professional, I feel I must ask you the following. Have you recently been exposed to any chemicals, or taken some new medication? Are you feeling bloated, have you noticed anything in your stand, or do you find yourself talking to people who others can't see?" Boval asked very seriously.

"You d.a.m.n little elf, I'm not suffering from s.p.a.ce fever, hallucinations, and my little friend is healthy and strong! d.a.m.n it! Someone get Sergeant Dumas in here right now!" Captain bellowed.

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The Invincible Hero 112 Royal Riot! summary

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