The Inheritor 52 Quest Part 1

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As Quinn was flying to his dorm, Elgar notified that the Quest Sheet has been updated; Quinn thrilled just dreaming of the rich rewards the Quests hiding.

Immediately he pulled back his Flying Cloud and asked Elgar to display the Quest sheet through Zenith Box interface. Soon, the quest sheet appeared in the illusionary Zenith Box interface.


[Grove-BeesValley: Collect Red-Nectar Drops, each drop 100 credits. 3-star difficulty]

[Grey Swamp: Steal Yerq Frog eggs, each egg 10 credits. 3-star Difficulty]

[Grey Swamp: Pick Taiga Tulip Flower, each flower 24 credits. 4-star Difficulty]

[Opel Graveyard: Pick Retia weeds, each weed 13 credits. 2-star Difficulty]

[Dark Star-Crab cave: Steal Jade pearls, varies based on the Quality 100 credits to 10000 credits. 5-star Difficulty]

Quinn was a bit disappointed seeing the limited options, he was expecting more Quests. It's actually pretty normal as Quests generally involves dangers and risks so only when they reach higher cultivation could they gain access to the majority of the Quests.

After lots of contemplations and discussions with his Elgar Quinn decided to take up the most difficult Quest - Dark Star crab cave Quest. Not for the juicy credits, Elgar seemed to have some info about the caves.

Dark Star crab cave was pretty common outside, so Elgar managed to gather some extra knowledge; actually, he managed to ama.s.s knowledge far greater than any normal PI, though it was still a drop of water in the sea when compared to the knowledge entire Unigux-Net holds.

This bit of info was enough to give an edge over others. After deciding the Quest; he energetically flew to his dorm to inform his friends. The school forced them to band together in groups for Quest and his roommates happened to be the best candidates in the cla.s.s, they were all top cadre students in the cla.s.s. Moreover, Quinn would never trust his back to some stranger.

Even if Quinn was given an option he would opt the attend Group Quest without any hesitation after all its better than letting them roam around to carelessly only to step into some death traps.

All his friends accepted the challenging Quest without batting their eyes, while strongly exhibiting their confidence and trust.

"Select Dark Star-Crab cave Quest"

Quinn applied for the Quest through his School Ring, a small hologram projected from the school ring.

[Please give all the names of the students in the group. Maximum members in a group - 4 students]

"Group Quest Members - Quinn, Lardo, Boris, and Kallis"

[Consent for joining Dark Star crab cave Quest – Y/N]

The same dialogue popped in all their school ring after exchanging eyes and a small nod from Quinn everyone accepted the Quest.

[Please select the Team Leader- must get majority support from the group.]

All his friends elected Quinn without any hesitation, Quinn had long become their boss.

[Group Quest for Dark Star crab cave Quest with Team Leader - Quinn Moore; Group Members - Lardo Rotes, Boris Hustling and Kallis Foster of Dorm '9' has successfully registered.]

[Quest period 4-days; please collect the necessary items for a Quest given form your Butler.

Description: The Jade pearls are special nourishments made from the essence of an adult crab. Since it requires essence, not all the eggs are presented with such gifts, 1 out of every 10 eggs would generally have Jade pearls.

Generally, a crab will safeguard their nest holes till the eggs hatches; the crab guarding eggs with Jade pearls will be keener and a lot more aggressive so it's advised to exercise extra caution.

Reminder: You can't leave the cave before the 4-days, if you return before 4 days then it would be considered as a failure.]

Only after reading the notification did his friends calmed down. Everyone went to Butler M9 for their package and stored it in the School Ring, it's a good thing that the school provided the necessities for every Quest reducing unnecessary work.

But the package only had 1 meal so they must hunt their dinner, Quinn already warned his friends.

It took Quarter-an-hour to reach the Dark Star crab cave from their dormitory to the caves even by Flying Cloud. Dark Star crab cave was situated in an isolated corner of Pergandis Lake, though it called 'Cave' Dark Star crab cave is actually an empty island only a large hole. The hole was like a mouth of an ancient beast, sending chills down the spine.

A blind old man guards this peaceful yet lonely island; the old man was sitting on a wooden stool at the Gigantic cave entrance.

The Blind old man's white pupils with neatly kept white hair sent out an unusual dignified aura, even his rugged yet clean worn-out grey robe couldn't conceal his refined manifestation.

Quinn wasn't bothered with the old guy's mysterious aura; he was well aware that his school was filled numerous sleeping dragons and crouching tiger. Unintentionally provoking one of them is the last thing he desired; actually, he very much appreciated Fran advice about respecting elders.

The old man was sitting near the cave entrance was aimlessly staring into the clear sky; only when the kids approached the cave did he turn his head. He was slightly surprised; it was a bit too early for the First Year students to attempt 5 star Quest.

Normally they would try their luck before the Promotion exams, and it will be their first and last visit. Since its outset Dark Star Cave only has a handful of frequent visitors, the rest of the students were scared s.h.i.+tless after their first visit.

However, the blind old man quickly recovered he has seen numerous heaven-defying geniuses and overconfident idiots, trying to break the records.

Though Quinn and his roommates were much quicker they weren't the fastest, actually, they were nowhere near the record of earliest Quest completion. Moreover, Quinn wasn't even aware of the records.

"Hoho, congrats!! you guys are the first to enter the cave this year. This old man awaits your triumphant return. Please Show your application for verification."

The old protector didn't waste any time chit-chatting with the kids. Surprisingly his blind eyes didn't stop him from recognizing their arrival. Since he didn't find anything interesting about Quinn group he directly proceeded with his work.

Quinn and his roommates were also eager to start their first Quest so they quickly raised their hands and projected the application form their School Ring.

"Okay you can enter; everything regarding Quest is in your school ring so read it carefully and one more thing to find the value of the pearl you collected just scan it and the Ring will appraise jade pearl automatically."

"If you are stuck in a life-threatening situation just shout for help; your ring will send a signal to the androids for rescue. School Ring is the only way the Rescue Androids could locate you so don't lose it. Oh yeh, one more thing you only have 4 days, and you're responsible for the dining."

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The Inheritor 52 Quest Part 1 summary

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