Empty Promises: The CEO Cunning Bride Chapter 69: Pompom

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Xiong Jingfei, on the other hand, obviously forgot why she asked for 'Lu Weisheng' to come to the cafe. The one word that was coming to her was, run! Run! She dashed out those gla.s.s doors and did not stop until she reached her apartment building. 

When she felt like it was safe to take a breather. She leaned against the brick wall, gasping for air. The last time she ran this fast was when... She shook her head, trying to erase the memory from her mind. 

Ah, forget about it! Xiong Jingfei told herself. It's been such a long time now, and not like it was a happy memory too. 

"Are you alright young lady?" An elderly woman who lived in the same building asked. She was startled when the quiet young lady who lived upstairs of her ran as if someone was chasing her. "Come inside." 

The elder woman pulled Xiong Jingfei by the hand and closed the gla.s.s building doors shut. She took a quick look outside to make sure no one was following Xiong Jingfei. These days, it's no longer safe for anyone to be walking around.

"Is someone chasing you?" She asked, however, she did not receive a response from Xiong Jingfei.

This was the first time someone in her building had spoke to her. Xiong Jingfei felt touched by the elderly woman's kind gesture. She shook her head. 

It wasn't like she ran because someone was chasing her. It was more like her problems were chasing after her and finally caught up to her. She tried avoiding the reality of her arranged marriage for it just to come falling at her doorstep. 

"Alright, then. A young lady like you should not be out by yourself." The elderly woman scolded as if Xiong Jingfei was family to her. "I always have to tell my granddaughters the same thing too. They never listen!"

Eventually, it dawns on her that Xiong Jingfei couldn't talk. While she was talking, Xiong Jingfei kept nodding her head or shaking it as a yes or no. She took pity on her. Such a beautiful young lady and around her granddaughter's age too. 

The elderly woman was the longest resident in the building. She has always taken notice of Xiong Jingfei, who seems to also be alone. Being as no one seems to be living with her and no one to watch out for her. 

Xiong Jingfei reached into her purse to grab her tablet, so communication between them will be easier. Except, it was not there! Dropping her purse on the ground, she began searching inside of it as if her tablet was "small" enough to be hidden in those small pockets. 

Argh! Xiong Jingfei slapped her palm against her forehead. 

"Are you sure you're alright?" The elderly woman asked again, seeing as Xiong Jingfei gave her quite a shock a second time. 

Xiong Jingfei got up from the ground with her purse in her hand. She smiled and nodded her head. 

I'm not okay! Sh*t... Xiong Jingfei scolded herself. 

Everything at the cafe rushed at her so quickly that she forgot her tablet at the cafe. She didn't even get her drawing too! Now, she was too embarra.s.sed to ask for it back. She didn't want to see them again. 

"I don't know what is happening in your life, but here..." The elderly woman took out two tangerines from her bag and placed it in Xiong Jingfei's hand. She kindly patted Xiong Jingfei's twice, "When you look back one day, whatever you're dealing with would seem silly. Soon, all your problems will pa.s.s you by like they never happened." 

Soon, all your problems will pa.s.s you by like they never happened? How soon will it be? Xiong Jingfei smiled at the elderly woman's comforting words as if she was agreeing. Although on the inside of her head, it was a crazy turmoil. Telling her, this is not even close to the finish line but only the beginning. 

The elderly woman and Xiong Jingfei bid their farewell. Apparently, she was on her way to visit her granddaughters. Explains why she was carrying a bag of tangerines, and scolding her for being out alone. 

Xiong Jingfei unlocked her apartment door, and four tiny legs could be heard running right at her. The little pants and footsteps filled with excitement. The only thing blocking Xiong Jingfei from seeing the love of her life was her door. 

'Baby, I'm back!' Xiong Jingfei worded voicelessly. 

Pompom wagged his tail seeing Xiong Jingfei's bright smile. He showed his welcome back ceremony by running circles around her. 

Xiong Jingfei giggled on the inside and picked up Pompom. She gave him many hugs and big kisses. She can't bear to be away long from him. Even the night she was away because of the last scene shooting. She made sure to text Xu Suying multiple times, checking in on him. 

[Xu Suying]: You're a worrywart mommy!

Xiong Jingfei laughed at the text. Yes, she knows. She was annoying Xu Suying with her crazy texts asking for an update on her beloved. 

Which if Yang Zheyan had seen how she treated her dog versus him. He would have died from being infuriated. She gave her dog kisses and hugs, but ended up giving him a pat on the head! If she was going to treat him like her dog, at least show the same affection she was doing now. 

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Empty Promises: The CEO Cunning Bride Chapter 69: Pompom summary

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