I'm An Olympic Superstar Chapter 37

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"Penta Kill, Penta Killllll!!! My eyes!!!"

"G.o.d Kun, you are d.a.m.n incredible, do your parents know that?"

"After waiting for such a long time, G.o.d Kun finally exploded, satisfying!"

"My blood is boiling! G.o.d Kun, kill them all! This won't do, I am too excited, I have to go eat some dung to cool myself."

"Holys.h.i.+t G.o.d Kun, you put on a pretense and suspended our appet.i.te for so long before making a move."

"Brothers, time to depart!"

"The train is entering the cave, wu wu wu~ Entered! Entered! Hot and tight! Wu wu wu~~~"

"Beep~ Deep Cavity Card!"

"Beep~ Women's a.s.sociation Card~"

"Beep~ Baby Card!"

"All of you filthy demon kings better stop it!" Xiao Ran chuckled and said, "Please be pure and concentrate on the match. My item build is already enough to solo kill Orianna!"

The fans in the streaming room had gotten invigorated and were instantly leaping with excitement. G.o.d Kun was finally going to have a deathmatch with Dopa?"

All the haters were in silence but some of their hearts had developed hope.

If this Katarina was so conceited to duel alone with Orianna, with Dopa's damage, skills, and the support of the turret, there might be a chance to exchange kills with Katarina.

If Katarina was also killed, her Mejai's Soulstealer would drop some stacks.

Furthermore, if Katarina was focused on brawling with Dopa, then Rumble and Sivir would have the time to take a breather. Perhaps, they would be able to take the time to farm their way back…

But just as these thoughts were flas.h.i.+ng in the hater's mind, their hope were ruthlessly shattered.

Because Xiao Ran paused and supplemented another statement with high spirits: "Alright, let's continue killing Rumble and Sivir then!!"

Fans: "…"

The haters didn't have time to catch a breath and had nearly fainted.

A man shall keep to his words!

Xiao Ran was rather determined to carry out this conviction as he had led Clearlove to the top-lane to dive and kill Rumble.
(TL note: Diving is a strategy to go within turret range to kill the enemy champions)

After killing Rumble, the duo swept the blue side's jungle area from top to bottom and had arrived at the bot-lane.

"Smlz, five, there isn't a need to be so cautious, just fight!" Once Xiao Ran spoke, he commanded Clearlove, "Go on then Clearlove, it will depend on the accuracy or your E spell."

It was a frank and simple statement, but it had an alarming and tyrannical feeling.

The Korean team knew that Katarina and Elise were heading towards the bot-lane, but there was nothing they could do.

Hecarim's development was extremely bad and he was only able to follow behind the siege minion to gain a few levels.

Rumble? He had just finished the death timer's countdown and was still at the fountain.

As for Orianna, she didn't even think about helping at the bot-lane and was frenziedly farming in the mid-lane.

As such, the bot-lane could only fend for themselves. They would have to see if they could rely on their personal skills and turret to counter kill one of the enemy champions. It would be the best outcome they could hope for.

Clearlove asked frankly, "Are you thinking to sacrifice us and take the kills for yourself again?"

Xiao Ran retorted with righteousness, "What are you talking about? I am Katarina you know? Katarina!!! You know Katarina is an, right? Isn't the's role to enter and pick up the kills? Are you expecting me to make the first move?"

It was evident that Clearlove had already gotten used to Xiao Ran's false arguments. He simply spoke in the team voice chat, "Smlz, later on, try to steal the kills. Mm, five, if you have the opportunity to take the kills, don't hold back."

"WTH!" Xiao Ran was stunned.

Clearlove is too shameless!!! His statement will hasten the speed of Sivir and Braum's deaths!

Since five who was Thresh had already dashed in bravely to steal the kills, Xiao Ran had to rush in courageously as well. After forcing Sivir's E spell, Xiao Ran was able to kill her in a single combo.

Braum, on the other hand, was exploded to death by Clearlove's Q spell.

Clearlove saw he also had a kill, he was very happy. He could already imagine G.o.d Kun's resenting expression.

It is so fulfilling to steal his kills! So G.o.d d.a.m.n satisfying!!

For the next period of time, the match had turned into a one-sided crush, oh, not right, it should be a one-sided slaughter.

Clearlove had already given up on killing the dragon and started to formulate all sorts of offensive tactics.

At times, he would coordinate with Flandre to dive the turret and kill Rumble.

At times, he would coordinate with Smlz and five to kill Sivir and Braum.

In the end, Clearlove had actually coordinated with Flandre and five to kill mid-lane's Orianna when Xiao Ran returned to base to buy items.

Xiao Ran cried.

This group of ingrates!!!

Now that they are farmed up and can crush the opposition, they are using all sorts of methods to kill and steal the kills. They have abandoned me…

Don't they know who is the protagonist??!!

Hurhur, isn't just stealing kills, who is afraid of you guys?

I am Katarina, I am specialized in taking kills!

Come on then, let's mutually steal and hurt one another. Let's see who can steal more kills!!!

Just as Xiao Ran was preparing to roam to each lane to conduct a ma.s.sacre, the blue side had surrendered.

The in-game image switched over to the blue side's nexus that was distorting and suddenly exploded.

Xiao Ran was so angry that he cursed out in his heart:

Didn't the Koreans have great Esports spirits!?

Why did they surrender?

Can't they have a little backbone?

Aren't you supposed to fight to the end and never admit defeat?

Even if you lose, you have to lose with dignity! Where is your dignity??!!

Xiao Ran was very depressed, but the fans and viewers in his streaming room was bursting with cheers!


A satisfying victory!

It was a one-sided beating to the heart's content. This vent of anger was so comfortable that it was as refres.h.i.+ng as drinking an ice-blended watermelon juice during the hot summer!

d.a.m.n it, this was called a satisfying match!

All those anger, frustrations, and wrath that held against Dopa and the Koreans were all vented to the greatest extent in this single match!

Xiao Ran's fans had started to sneer and taunt at the Korean fans:

"Mm? Why aren't you trash-talking anymore?"

"Do you have anything else to say now? Go on!"

"Weren't you very good at hooting earlier?"

"Come come come, who is the one that said if the Korean's lose, they will suck my bird? My big eagle is revealed, come and suck on it!!"

"G.o.d d.a.m.n it, who dares to trash talk and say that my G.o.d Kun is weak? Any more nonsense and I will give that person a big fat slap!"

"Crush his b.a.l.l.s!"

"Ruin his private~ part~"

All those haters had nothing to say. They would occasionally retort, but they wouldn't able to resist the imposing barrage from Xiao Ran's fans. Their messages were all instantly flooded.

There were even more haters and enemy fans that couldn't utter a single word in Xiao Ran's streaming room and had exited.

Just as Xiao Ran wanted to make a speech, his mind suddenly echoed with a 'ding'.

"Ding… Congratulations to the host for taking back the no.1 position for China's server and achieving glory for the country in the Esports event. A special reward gift has been issued. Please sign for the acceptance."

Xiao Ran was stunned.

What is happening?

The system has given a reward gift?

Please sign for the acceptance… Why is it like a courier?

Xiao Ran didn't care if it was signing for the acceptance or serving the sentence. It was most important to see what was in the reward gift.

< =="=">> Chapter 38

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I'm An Olympic Superstar Chapter 37 summary

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