I'm An Olympic Superstar Chapter 45

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Xiao Ran didn't hesitate and bought the Bless Card, Steal Dragon Card, and also G.o.d's Vision Card.

Jay Chou was playing bot-lane for this match and he was using Vayne. Xiao Ran knew that the bot-lane was definitely going to collapse.

If Xiao Ran wanted to win, he would have to carry hard during the late-game.

By the time Xiao Ran bought the three cards, everyone had already locked in their champions:

Top-laner, Ergua: Maokai.

Mid-laner, Xiaoqiang: Lulu.

Jungler, Xiao Ran: Kog'Maw.

ADC, Jay Chou: Vayne.

Support, fat chick: Malphite.

Ergua and Xiaoqiang looked at one another and understood one another's thoughts.

Play a little more safely. Since Kog'Maw is playing jungler, let's not have any hopes for the jungler to a.s.sist us.

If Kog'Maw is playing jungler, it will already be good enough if he doesn't get counter-jungled into a piece of c.r.a.p!

Kog'Maw is a late-game champion and he is actually using Kog'Maw to play jungler.

Director Chou is probably going to nag at us for this match.


Top-lane: Poppy.

Mid-lane: Malzahar.

Jungle: Rek'Sai.

ADC: Ashe.

Support: Trundle.

Soon enough, the ranked match was starting.

Xiao Ran picked the first spell, Bio-Arcane Barrage.

Bio-Arcane Barrage: For 6 seconds, Kog'Maw's basic attacks gain bonus range. Gains double attack speed and decreases his other spell's cooldown by 50%. It deals 55% damage to non-minions.

After the patch, Kog'Maw's W spell was considered a divine spell!


This spell could cause additional magic damage base on the opponent's maximum health. During the spell's cast time, Kog'Maw's attack speed would be doubled. It was Kog'Maw's true power.

Even if the player only had this spell, it would increase the attack range to 710 at level 5 and would deal ma.s.sive damage. It was the most powerful damage for those who build health items.

But when this spell was reworked during the patch, the damage wasn't exceptionally high, especially during the early-game when the items have yet to stack up yet, making Kog'Maw very fragile.

Everyone knew that Kog'Maw could be bullied by anyone during the early-game but was a champion that could get Penta Kill very easily.

Furthermore, it would be extremely fast to clear minions and neutral monsters with this spell. Hence, as long as all the lanes could endure the enemy jungler's hara.s.sment during the early-game without any help from their own jungler, Kog'Maw would be a very good choice for jungling.

At the 1 minute 40 seconds mark, all the monsters in the jungle area had sp.a.w.ned.

Jay Chou and fat chick helped Xiao Ran to leash the red buff, allowing Xiao Ran to kill the red buff without any damage to himself. He had successfully leveled up to level 2 and even saved his Smite.
(TL note: Leash is a type of tactic for other players to pull the aggro of the monster so that another player can keep attacking the monster)

After reaching level 2, Xiao Ran clicked on the E spell, Void Ooze.

Void Ooze: Deals Magic Damage to enemies it through and leaves a trail on the ground for 4 seconds, briefly slowing enemies in it.

After clicking on the E spell, Xiao Ran immediately controlled Kog'Maw to spit ooze at the krug camp.

He then Smited the Ancient Krug before activating the W spell. He then kited by using the Gift of Heavy Hands after smiting the Ancient Krug. Xiao Ran cleared the krug camp without any receiving any damage.

Subsequently, Xiao Ran didn't continue clearing the jungle camps. Because he saw the opposition's Rek'Sai clearing the krug camp and was heading straight for the top-lane.

Since that was the case, he was going to gank the bot-lane.

"Top-lane and mid-lane be careful. If Rek'Sai starts with red buff, it is very possible for him to gank the top or mid-lane."

After giving the reminder, Xiao Ran said, "Bot-lane withdraw a little. I will gank the bot-lane."

"Aiyo, you sound very professional."

Xiao Ran nodded and agreed, "That's right, my shot-calling is incredible."

Finis.h.i.+ng his statement, Xiao Ran entered the bot-lane's jungle brush.

With G.o.d's Vision, Xiao Ran knew that this brush didn't have any ward, thus, he entered the brush without hesitation. When the opposition pushed the minion wave over, he shouted with resolve, "Fight!"

When the command was given, fat chick made a move.

Originally, fat chick's Malphite was rather cowardly. After hearing Xiao Ran's command, she tossed the Q spell, Seismic Shard at Ashe.

Seismic Shard: Malphite sends a shard of the earth through the ground at his target. Deals magic damage and steals Movement Speed from the target for 4 seconds.

The opposition's Ashe and Trundle didn't expect for Malphite to actually start a fight. They were startled at first but was pleasantly surprised.

During early-game, if Malphite and Vayne was to fight with Ashe and Trundle, it was the same as delivering a Double Kill!

Ashe released her W, Volley. After reducing Malphite's movement speed, she started to launch normal attacks at Malphite.

When Trundle saw Vayne rus.h.i.+ng over, he immediately activated the E spell and erected an ice mountain to prevent Vayne's retreat.

They were trying to kill both Malphite and Vayne.

In fact, if Xiao Ran wasn't around, their wish would be fulfilled.

Both sides had used their summoner's spells Heal and Exhaust. The four were in a bitter contest.

But it was very obvious that Jay Chou and fat chick were at the losing end.

Be it the weak champions, the rubbish mechanics or both, Jay Chou and fat chick were about to get Double Killed. The opposition's Ashe could already imagine herself flying towards victory after the Double Kill…

But, the reality was always cruel.

When Xiao Ran saw that all the spells were used, he emerged from the brush and activated the W spell and vomited at Ashe.

This was a rather early gank and the bot-lane were all still level 1. Furthermore, they had been fighting for a long time, Ashe's health was already rather low. After the W spell from Xiao Ran, Ashe's health was immediately at the danger zone.

"WTF!" Ashe got a shock and immediately used Flash to put a distance between herself and Kog'Maw.

How could Xiao Ran allow a slice of meat in his mouth to fly off? He immediately Flashed and spat at Ashe twice…

"First Blood!"

The female system voice announced the kill that echoed in Summoner's Rift.

"Aiyo, not bad uh." When Jay Chou saw Ashe getting killed, he controlled Vayne to run over. He was thinking he could get a share of the profit by ganking the Trundle with the three of them.

But Xiao Ran wasn't going to give Jay Chou the chance.

The Kog'Maw with red buff was right in front of Trundle as he had Flashed to chase after Ashe earlier. He simply had to turn back and used normal attacks while moving.

Jay Chou's Vayne had just made contact with Trundle and was immediately left behind by Trundle's Flash. Immediately after, Trundle desperately tried to scuttle under his turret when barraged by Kog'Maw's normal attacks.

Do you think you can run?

I am Kog'Maw you know? A late-game champion. How can it be enough to kill only one?

Of course I have to kill another one!

When controlled by Xiao Ran, Kog'Maw didn't stop moving even for a moment as Xiao Ran's mechanics was executed at extreme speed.

The saliva from Kog'Maw was constantly spat on Trundle, causing his health to rapidly decrease!

Trundle who was inflicted with the red buff's effects was currently crying without any tears.

What kind of strategy is this?

It is fine for Kog'Maw to be a jungler. A level Kog'Maw actually dared to come for a gank!

I have never seen this way of playing beforeeee!!!!

"Double Kill!"

Trundle was killed by Kog'Maw when he was near his turret. The scene was accompanied by the female system voice.

Another kill's gold had entered Kog'Maw's pocket.

Xiao Ran's Jungler Kog'Maw gotten fed in a just a single gank!

"Haha, my Kog'Maw is unmatched!" Xiao Ran was beaming as he declared.

Fat chick, Ergua, and Xiaoqiang were all rather speechless.

Why is this young man as disgustingly prideful as Director Chou…

But Xiao Ran's words weren't wrong. For a Kog'Maw to get a Double Kill at the start of the match, it was the same as launching on a rocket. It was simply unstoppable.

After Xiao Ran obtained his Double Kill, he headed back into the jungle area.

After clearing a few more jungle camps, he recalled to the base to buy his items.

Xiao Ran formed the Skirmisher's Sabre which was also the upgraded Hunter's Machete. He then bought the Recurve Bow.

"Mid-lane, Malzahar is playing so aggressively, the enemy jungler is definitely camping. Back up a little."

"Top-lane, stop chasing. Poppy is obviously acting… See, why didn't you listen to me? Hurry up and use your Flash and you will be able to run back to the turret safely."

"Boss Jay, calm down. You must calm down. Vayne and Malphite will not be able to win Ashe and Trundle before level 6. Play safely first."

Actually Xiao Ran was just embarra.s.sed to say: Your Vayne and the fat chick's Malphite will not be able to win even after level 6…

As Xiao Ran cleared the jungle camps, he was observing the mini-map and giving warnings, allowing their team to suffer no deaths.

In just slightly more than five minutes, Xiao Ran's Kog'Maw was already level 5 and was one level ahead of the opposition's Rek'Sai.

After taking a look at the CS, Xiao Ran was about to cry.
(TL note: CS means creep score, meaning the number of minion kills)

Bot-lane was over 20 CS lower than the opposition, while the top and mid-lane weren't doing great either.

Even with Xiao Ran's leading two kills, in terms of economy, their team had been surpa.s.sed…

This isn't going to work. I need to turn the situation.

The opposition's Rek'Sai is at the bottom jungle area's Gromp, Poppy actually dare to push so deeply?!

What is this? This Poppy is truly daring and didn't even plant a word at the river!!

Alright, let me start the killing spree with Poppy…

< =="=">> Chapter 46

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I'm An Olympic Superstar Chapter 45 summary

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