Reborn : Space Intelligent Woman Chapter 1936: Record The Video

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Chapter 1936: Record The Video

"Hmm... It's okay... They are fine since you are not cheating on me." Yu Qi smiled. "By the way, what do you want to eat for dinner?"

"About dinner, you don't have to worry about that. I already take care of that." Long Hui said.

"Oh... Really? Thank you..." Yu Qi was happy that Long Hui took the opportunity to take care of the dinner for her. "Are we going to eat outside?" Yu Qi asked.

Long Hui shook his head.

"Are we going to order it and eat at home?" Yu Qi asked again.

Long Hui shook his head again.

"Then... Did you cook for me?" Yu Qi asked in antic.i.p.ation. Long Hui's corner lips curved up. Meaning Yu Qi's guess was correct. "Really? I can not wait to eat your cooking." Yu Qi said.

Having someone that you love cook for you was something that everyone loved. And it was even precious when that person was someone who rarely cooked for you. That was why Yu Qi was so happy to hear that Long Hui cooked for her. They arrived home. Long Hui asked the same question that Yu Qi asked him yesterday.

"Do you want to eat first or do you want to take a shower first?" However, Long Hui added another question. "Or do you want to eat me first?" Yu Qi coughed to clear her throat. She almost choked on her saliva when she heard that question from Long Hui. "You... What do you ask?" Yu Qi looked at Long Hui. Long Hui chuckled when he saw the reaction. Even though they had already been together for a long time, his beloved Qi Qi still blushed when he asked a straight question like this. "I am asking you if you want to eat me first." Long Hui repeated the question.

"Idiot. I will go to take a shower first. Then I will eat the food that you cook for me." After saying that, Yu Qi rushed over to her room. "Hmm... Good choice. After that, you will have the energy to eat me." Long Hui chuckled. Yu Qi got out after a shower and had clean clothes put on her body. She looked for Long Hui. He was in the kitchen setting up the table. "Let me help you," said Yu Qi.

"It is okay. You just need to sit down. I will serve you tonight." Long Hui pulled Yu Qi to the table, pulling the chair and making her sit. "Oh... Okay..." Yu Qi obediently sat at the table. She watched Long Hui swiftly serve the food on the table. Finished setting up the table, he sat down facing Yu Qi. "Let's eat." Long Hui said.

"Hmm..." Yu Qi nodded.

"Here, taste this." Long Hui took the beef dish and put it into Yu Qi's bowl.

"Hmm..." Yu Qi nodded. She took the beef into her mouth. The flavour exploded inside her mouth. It was hot and spicy. However, the spicy could be tolerated. Long Hui cooked this dish considering how much spicy both of them could take. He did not want his beloved Qi Qi's stomach hurt due to the spiciness. "How does it taste?" Long Hui asked.

"Hmm... It is delicious." Yu Qi nodded while taking another mouth of the dish.

Long Hui instantly smiled up to his face. It was worth it. The dinner was very good. After dinner, they focused on the matter, the picture. They needed to verify the ident.i.ty of the blond woman. Yu Qi took out the blond wig. After all, the source of the cheating rumour was because of the blond wig.

Then, she set up her phone to be the camera as they would record the video. Both of them sat comfortably on the couch facing the camera phone.

"Are you ready?" Yu Qi asked Long Hui.

Long Hui nodded. Yu Qi clicked the record b.u.t.ton. "h.e.l.lo everyone. I am Tang Yu Qi and this is my fiance, Long Hui. We would like to talk about today's trending news mentioning that my fiance has an affair with a blond woman. First of all, there was not the truth. He never cheats on me. We are in love together. I believe in him and he believes in me.

Next, the blond woman that you guys see in the picture was not other than me. It was me who wearing that blond wig. This is the blond wig that you saw in the pictures."

Yu Qi took the blond wig and showed it to the camera. Then, she continued talking. "I went to the airport to fetch him up when he returned to the country. I wore the blond wig as a joke to see whether my fiance could recognize me or not." Long Hui looked at Yu Qi. How could he not recognize his beloved Qi Qi? Her body, her gestures, even her smell, he remembered it all. "So, please stop spreading the rumour that my fiance is cheating on me. And I hope that the person who posted the picture took the picture down. Otherwise, I will sue you." Yu Qi finished the ending with a smile. They saw the recorded video. Yu Qi felt it was good. Long Hui also did not think there was any problem with the video.

"Well, then, I will ask Sister Yingtai to put the video online." Yu Qi stated.

She sent the video to Lei Yingtai. After that, she called Lei Yingtai.

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Reborn : Space Intelligent Woman Chapter 1936: Record The Video summary

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