The Undefined Love Chapter 220 - Annual Anniversary Party (15): Is There Something Between Them?

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Lifen was about to story the reasons behind hiding her ident.i.ty when a familiar voice sounded behind her, "Congratulations!"

Hearing the voice, Lifen's lips curled up into an arc as she turned to look back, "Thanks Brother Yuzhe! I am so happy that you come all the way here to support me".

"You have learned everything well. I can see that", Yuzhe hasn't come all the time when the women were cursing her as he knew that it will better for her if she take them down herself. He wanted her to know that she face it by herself.

During the last two years, he has always make her realise that at the end of the day, it's her happiness that should matter to her. No matter what the world say, it shouldn't affect her and she should always remain calm and composed at all times as calmness is the best wepon in the worst situations.

She doesn't have to explain things to others unless and until she wants to. Only then she will be able hold the crown which is waiting for her.

And now it seems like she has got everything according in her behaviour. She has learned everything well, making him successful in his task.

"How can I not learn all that well when I have got a mentor as capable as you", she said.

"You have learnt the smooth talking too. I doubt it wasn't me who taught you this", he said as he raised his brows.

Lifen let out a giggle. Everyone around were taken aback when they saw how fluently the young miss of Li's got along with the strict young Dr.Yang .

Do they know each other from before? Why it seems like they have an unseen chemistry between them? 

Seeing them like this, a suspicion rose in their mind, 'Is there something going on between them? Otherwise how can such a person who has avoided women the whole evening, will take initiative to approach someone?'.

The reason made sense to them.

Lifen then introduced her friends to him. Looking at them having the introduction with the great legendary figure of medical science, the socialites from before regretted a lot. If they knew it before, then they would have befriended with this new Ms.Li, and would have become lucky to be introduced to Dr.Yang .

But now they have lost such a golden chance.

Jie, who has been disappeared suddenly was standing in a corner from where no one can see her and was looking at the scene which has amused everyone.

Now she knew about whom Dr.Yang was talking before in front of the reporters. It must be Lifen, who would have asked him for his help. That means she is the woman whom Dr.Yang admires. She felt so envious of her.

Why it has to be her getting such a treatment? Why do she have to steal the heart of the two men, about whom the whole nation dreams of? Why it has to be her having so much power and formidable status? What right did she have to have all this?

And now above all with her presence as the CEO of Li Corporation, will she able to get the coming contract for her studio? And not to mention, now she also knew the deepest secret of her life. If she revealed it, she will be done for this life. The only thought of it brought her helplessness made her clench her fist tightly.

"I have to do something soon. I have to get rid of her. But how?", she said to herself, downing the wine of her gla.s.s.

Her eyes were glistening darkly with jelousy, contempt, resentment and light that can burn a person ift it would be capable of.

After sometime, a soft music was played in the hall making the atmosphere more light. Yuzhe was still standing with Lifen and having some small talks with her while Daiyu, Guang and Erica has excused themselves saying, 'they are famished'.

As the music filled the air, Lifen eyes silently ran around the guest in search of someone. She was smiling occasionally giving everyone a view that she is enjoying the conversation and is into it.

But her real expression didn't go unnoticed by Yuzhe. And he knew well, whom she was searching in the midst of crowd.

"Looking for someone?", he asked as he too followed her running gaze.

Lifen reverted her gaze back at him and shook her head, "Nope! I am just enjoying the lively music".

Yuzhe smile as he put his gla.s.s of wine at one of the nearest table and turned back to her. He raised his hands in front of her, "Really? Then may I have the opportunity to dance with the young beautiful lady!"

Lifen didn't hesitated and accepted his hand readily. They walked to the centre of the hall which was prepared as the dance floor.

Soon the centre light of the fell over them and move over their every move.

Following the leads of Yuzhe, Lifen danced gracefully leaving everyone in an awe. The dance was very simple but since there was some they didn't expect on the stage made them awestruck.

She was dancing, but still her eyes were searching that particular someone. When the music was about to come to an end, Yuzhe leaned a little closer to her ear as he said, "He is not here".

Just the information of his absence choked her breath as several thoughts came to her mind. But then he added to her, "But don't worry, he is still in somewhere in the party. I am sure he won't leave unless he meets you. It's just that the information from today was something he haven't expected ever".

Lifen felt a little ease when heard him but somewhere she was fearing something. Since she knew it was her fault for misunderstanding him, she can't find a way where she could tell him that it was her whom he was searching all these years and not Jie.

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The Undefined Love Chapter 220 - Annual Anniversary Party (15): Is There Something Between Them? summary

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