The Talentless Sect Master Chosen By The System Chapter 75: Chapter 75 Chris Ho

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Back in the Blue Wind Inn, there was a young woman probably around fifteen years in age, she was taking a window sit on the second floor with a cup of tea in front of her, it was the famous local tea here known as the Pea flower tea.

She may still be young, but her body was already well develop and with her facial looks which can only be found in a painting of great beauty, she captured the attention of all the guests here.

Even so, no man in this inn right now had the guts to approach her, for she was giving off a terrifying aura stronger than any they have seen.

There was a Martial King early stage realm here who tried to detect her cultivation, only to realise that her cultivation was too much above his, he had no way to check her strength.

Left with no choice, everyone in the inn decided to ignore her as the day continued as per usual, while they enjoy the enchanting music.

The guests in this inn started to chatter as they discuss about the possible ident.i.ty of this young woman. Everyone was thinking that she may be one of those martial talents from the King forces, but no one held any information about her.

"Mr Ho, do you know who that woman is?" A random pa.s.serby asked one of the man who was playing the zither, he was one of the famous musicians in this city and was said to hold great wisdom.

It's said that he may be a gentleman, but if the need for battle rises, he's even crazier than those battle maniacs they know of, he's one who will place his life on the line.

Chris kept silent as he stopped the plucking of his fingers, this made everyone kept so silent that they were holding back their breaths, afraid from interrupting the great Chris Ho.

Everyone knew that Chris Ho was someone who managed to enter the dual mind realm where even if he's just playing his music, the him when in full combat state would still be there.

Seventeen years old and already at the Martial King early stage realm, someone who has once skipped past three sub realms to defeat a Martial King at the completion stage realm. He even has the abilities to fight against a Half Emperor cultivator.

Talking wouldn't even affect him in the slightest, thus showing just how serious it is for him to have stopped playing his beloved music.

Chris Ho didn't pressure them with any aura, him being in front of them was already enough pressure, even if it's with the ident.i.ty of a musician, everyone was still being intimidated by him one way or another.

"I have no idea who that woman is." Chris Ho only spoke out this one line before returning to play his music, no one here understood just exactly what he meant, but it was crystal clear that he doesn't want to elaborate.

"What's with this awfully awkward silence?" A young man in his teens as well stepped onto the silent second floor as he questioned everyone present.

The faces of most people here changed when they saw the lackey and Jin Long who was behind him, one of the top ten experts among this time's younger generation.

One of his lackeys who was scanning around, was shocked when he saw the beauty sitting by the window and whispered into the ears of that young man. "Senior Jin, there's a young beauty sitting down over there."

The lackey didn't have the slightest intention to hide her from this Jin Long as he immediately pointed her out to him. After all, he would get to enjoy her perfect body as well after Jin Long, it would definitely be great pleasure to **** a woman just after another man did her.

Licking his lips, he shouted at the top of his voice, his voice clear for everyone present to hear. "Listen up everyone, this here is the great disciple of the Guards!"

Everyone knew that the lackey wasn't saying this for them to hear, it was for that pretty lady sitting on the window seat alone.

Few looked at Jin Long and his lackey in shock, some ignored him and treated him as air, some even attempted to run up and smack them.

Seriously, did someone on the younger generation just try to flex on Chris Ho?

Jin Long could feel the tense atmosphere in the air, everyone was somehow against him even though he hasn't said anything. If he doesn't regain back his stand, how would he even capture her attention?

Clearing his throat, he told everyone "I'm sorry for the rudeness of my junior, please forgive him for his rash actions as he's still quite young."

The crowd present were all veterans in the lower realm, this was the Emperor City which was renowned as the gathering place of all the strongest cultivators.

Even the weakest cultivators here would be at the Martial Lord realm, all of them were cultivators who have experienced the cruelty of the world to come this far, this was the reason why they didn't disagree with Jin Long.

As for Chris Ho who was sitting there playing his enchanting music, he was merely wearing a smile throughout this whole incident, as though as if Jin Long was nothing but a lowly being to him.

Another lackey behind Jin Long who was at the Martial Lord early realm, flared up when he saw Chris who was merely a musician in his eyes. "Hey, that musician over there, who gave you the permission to continue playing your music?"

Chris ignored him as some of the cultivators from the older generation stepped in and persuaded Jin Long lackey to stop.

"Young lad, you should back out right now if you still cherish your life."

"Young fella, it isn't a bad thing to be arrogant, but there are some people which you should never offend."

The lackey seemingly who seemed to have ignored them, took out a sabre from his spatial ring as he slashed it towards Chris.

Before anyone could react, the lackey had already exploded into a puddle of blood, his corpse nowhere to be found.

This sent a cold s.h.i.+ver down Jin Long's spine as he stuttered "Chris... You're Chris Ho the demonic musician!"

Chris stopped the plucking of his fingers as he asked "Oh, do you know my true ident.i.ty?"

Jin Long wanted to say yes, but he still kept silent after remembering what his master and elders told him. "Remember, if you meet someone by the name of Chris Ho one day, don't ever expose his true ident.i.ty."

Jin Long shook his head as he said "I don't know what your true ident.i.ty is, I only know that you're a talented musician and a genius on top of that."

Chris Ho plucked one of the Zither's strings which sent a mental wave into Jin Long's wave.


"Argh!" Jin Long cried out in pain as he collapsed on the ground, his hands hugging his head as he wailed in pain, but no one stepped forward to help him.

Jin Long who was rolling on the ground started to beg Chris after the soul tearing pain continued to get worse. "I'm sorry! Please spare this pathetic life of mine! Please, I can do anything, just stop!!"

Chris plucked another of his string which immediately stopped the painful reverberation in Jin Long's head, but he had already fallen into a coma at this point of time.

Everyone knew that Jin Long was done for on the cultivation path, even if he's still alive after this, his mental spirit would be too damaged to cultivate any further, he's nothing but a cripple with some cultivation strength at best.

Chris stood up and kept his zither inside his spatial ring, walking up towards the lady sitting by the window, he asked politely while bowing down "Young lady, it's time for us to leave this inn."

One of the guests her asked Chris in a stuterring voice "Sire, didn't you say that you don't know who this lady is?"

Chris gave him a deep stare which made that guest shudder in fear, a puddle of stinky water forming in the middle of his pants as he tried to cover it.

Chris retracted his gaze, saying in a low voice which was just loud enough for everyone to hear "She's my sister."

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The Talentless Sect Master Chosen By The System Chapter 75: Chapter 75 Chris Ho summary

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