Queen Of Hearts Is The CEO's, Mysterious Love. Chapter 51: I'd Rather Marry A Man Who Loves Me

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" Marry me and be my wife in front of the world and Little Tiger but this relations.h.i.+p will be just for the show, you and I will be strangers in private."

" Second, You'll stay with me until Little Tiger get better after that I'll free you from all debts, and you're free to go to court for Little Tiger's custody and the court will decide his custody."

Li Na held her head placing her elbow on the table as she asked him nonchalantly. "How can I trust rich people? What if you bribe the judge?" It's a child's play to buy local court judges of a family court. Not a tough deal to make if you have money.

"I promise I won't interfere in legal matters. The trial will be fair and transparent." Lu Jianjun a.s.sured her.

Still, Li Na frowned thinking over his choices and didn't see any benefits for her. Firstly, she didn't want to marry him so it's instinctively been overruled and with the second choice, he was testing her if she dares to take that option, a live-in relations.h.i.+p with no benefits? but in both cases, he was getting what he wants: And that is complete dominance over Little Tiger.

Li Na thought for a bit and asked in displeasure, "If I chose the second option, Are you going to marry another woman?"

Lu Jianjun raised his eyebrow. Now that's strange she was actually considering the second option after all the things she did to be just his wedded wife. Doesn't she want to be Mrs. Lu and flaunt her husband in front of the world?

He looked at her intently and answered, "Of course, and you're also free to marry anyone. That way, it will be fair to fight for Little Tiger."

Li Na's back straightened instantly. 'Yeah, f.u.c.k off, no matter what, I'm going to marry a man other than you.'

Isn't he using me for Little Tiger?

'Stay with him until Little Tiger gets better, he intends that Little Tiger opening up to other people precisely to other women because once Little Tiger got over me, Lu Jianjun can get any woman to be his stepmother. Perhaps a woman of Little Tiger's choice. Thus naturally, Little Tiger will choose his father and stepmom over me and my unknown husband.' Li Na blinking twice, it took her some time to know his exact motives. Lu Jianjun wants to throw her out of Little Tiger's life once and for all.

' Great, if Lu Jianjun can't accept Li Na then it's good that I only have to consider the most suitable condition for Little Tiger.' Li Na thought to herself.

"I don't agree with both conditions." Li Na said loudly and resolutely. Her eyes boring her determination into Lu Jianjun's void eyes black eyes.

Instantly, Lu Jianjun's appearance turned from an uninterest to vexed one but there was a flash surprise also. He thought it would be an easy pick for her but she doesn't look like going for an easy choice.

Li Na continued without waiting for Lu Jianjun to reply. " Firstly, I don't want to marry you. Even if you're the father of my child, we strangers as I know nothing about you. I think you want us to be that that way even after marriage. So why bother to get certificates, let it be. Because marriage should be carried between the two persons who not only loved each other but also respect their partner. And you don't respect me so forget about love."

Even after knowing that Li Na really loved this man and without any hesitation, if dead Li Na was given these choices she will choose the first option in a drop of heartbeat, but the girl in front of him is not Li Na but Mei Xing.

As she has to clear and state her reason why she's not choosing the easiest option just to avoid getting under major suspicious. Although, Mei Xing truly doesn't want to marry him yet she has to give him a convenient reason.

"Mr. Lu? Let's clear this first, You are marrying me just because of Little Tiger?" she probed.

Hearing Li Na's question made Lu Jianjun frown and without any skepticism he replied. "Hm,"

"Ok, then, let's just stop compromising for Little Tiger and really think about the child. I hope you already have a girlfriend." Li Na thought that he doesn't like her a bit because she might be an obstacle for him in his love life. It can be. there's no easy-peasy love there's always a third party ruining the fun. Certainly, the woman he loves might not happy to accept him who has a child with another woman.

"No," Lu Jianjun responded indifferently hurling Li Na in deep thoughts, her shoulder fell as her heart sank like a stone falling to the bottom of the sea. Why is he single? s.h.i.+t, He doesn't have a girlfriend?

But suddenly, she lit up and asked a.s.suredly making Lu Jianjun worried by the changing shades of her personality, "Then, you must have a beautiful crush or lover, you want to chase after, right?"

Lu Jianjun became speechless. "..." He surely can't understand this girl. Exactly, how does her inner circuit works? His hand went to pinch the s.p.a.ce between his brows and dip his head down.

Li Na beamed with joy, confident about the fact he definitely has someone in his mind and heart. So, she spoke understandingly. "Listen, I don't mind, you chasing after your girl, in fact, I'll help you..." to chase after her.

Unexpectedly, Lu Jianjun cut in, "She's happily married."

Li Na: "..."

'Huh! Why is she married?' Li Na cried inwardly.

Well, forget it. At least doesn't have to act like a b.i.t.c.h kicking her son's father out of the house in the middle of the night so that he can take shelter under his lover's roof. Ah! What a wonderful scene it would be been only if he had a girl... Tsk, What a waste! She was excited to play the villain in his love life. She even thought of a solid plot line to make his love succeed.

The room went silent for a while, suddenly their eye's met, both stared absentmindedly while totally lost their track of thoughts before Lu Jianjun averted his gaze from her dreamy eyes.

Just as he remembered something, his eye's narrowed. How could he tolerate and stay low when this girl is fantasizing about his love life sitting in front of him he can see the disappointment in her eyes when he told the woman he loves is married. His eye's held a glint of mockery as he spoke coolly, "Didn't you trouble Jun-hui and Tian endlessly so that you can reach me. What did that mean? when you said something like you prefer to die than seeing me with another woman and that curse and promise... even if you die and reborn thousands of times you'll still love me, no matter what, huh!?" his jaw clenched remembering those dramatic act Li Na put on, "now, you not only... lose your memories but feelings too."

Li Na bit the bottom of her lips as her nails dug into her palms. she wants to pull out her tongue in reply to his mockery and rolled her eyes. "Ugg...whatever," This is so cheesy and girls being insanely in love often say a few cheesy lines like these. why take it so seriously!

Li Na said downhearted, "No, it's not like that, the girl proposed you in the past really, really loved you." she stressed it to make him believe. " It's just sad that I'm not the same as I used to be."

In an instant, Lu Jianjun's face darkened. Li Na thought maybe it's not fair to dead Li Na if the man she loves mocking her affection after her death. Well, that girl really died for her love.

She continued in a normal tone like a simple girl, " You know I'm changed. So, I'd rather marry a man who loves me and try my best to love him back then chasing a man who couldn't accept me. Sorry, Mr. Lu, I can't play the role of your wife and lie to everyone. So there's no way I agree to your first condition."

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Queen Of Hearts Is The CEO's, Mysterious Love. Chapter 51: I'd Rather Marry A Man Who Loves Me summary

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