Grand Magus 51 Physical Change

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Days pa.s.sed as Fraser continued his usual lifestyle. Which, in the eyes of many could be seen as a hermit lifestyle.

The reason why Fraser didn't actively seek out relation or tried to socialize with other apprentices was the fact that everything seemed so useless to him.

Why bother trying to socialize when a so-called friend can always backstab you?

Even if strength in number can overwhelm even the mightiest foe, as he already had the innate spell of creating absolute loyal servants which all had a mysterious connection with him, he didn't need more numbers.

So Fraser stayed in his private chamber waiting for the moment the five coc.o.o.ns would hatch.

However, as the weeks pa.s.sed by and the coc.o.o.ns started to grow veins on their walls something strange happened.

Though it wasn't the five coc.o.o.ns that changed. Neither did One, Second and Third, the servants, turn into something different.

Instead, it was the master itself, Fraser, that experienced something strange happening to him.

Describing it in the shortest way possible would be Physical Change.

Something happened with Fraser's body in the weeks that he lived his life like he used to do.

Everything started the moment Fraser looked into the mirror.

Everything looked the same, the yellow eyes, that Fraser gained when he fusioned with the yellow insect, a normal stature fitting for his age, the apprentice robe from the howling abyss academy and a set of pincers near his mouth.

'How come I have pincers? Am I dreaming?'

Instinctively Fraser moved his hand towards his mouth in order to tough the new mouth tools on his face.

Surprisingly it wasn't an illusion. The pincers on his face were real.

The touch felt like touching the plate of a beetle. Without a distinctive temperature, but with a feeling of st.u.r.diness.

The fact that a new mouth tool appeared didn't disturb Fraser. Instead, it was the fact that he didn't felt anything when the pincers grew on his mouth.

'I eat food every day. I don't think the pincers grew overnight. Then that means that it grew because my body thinks it lacked the pincers? Or is it a new feature, also coming from the fusion with the yellow insect?'

Biting for a few times in order to see how his new mouth tool functioned, Fraser pondered for a while.

'It is fascinating to see that I am somehow having full control over my mouth and the pincers at the same time. However, I never realized that this set of pincers appeared near my mouth.'

After that short flexing of his newly acquired pincers, Fraser continued his usual meditation lifestyle as the pincers were only a small change in his physical appearance.

But that changed the more time pa.s.sed.

Fraser's body started to mutate into something inhuman.

With each day Fraser could see that his body turned into something more grotesque.

Dark plates of exoskeleton started to cover his body, making it inflexible and hard to touch.

The only places where the dark exoskeleton didn't grow that much were the joints on Fraser's body which allowed him to move his body.

Albeit in a rather rigid manner.

Even Frasers hair started to drop, causing him to become bald after only a couple of days.

The replacement of the hair was a dark exoskeleton helmet that only left out his mouth and his eyes.

When Fraser looked into the mirror, he could see that he now looked like an insect standing on two legs. The only missing was the multiple arms and the usual insect mouth.

To describe the physical body of Fraser, he looked totally inhuman. Nothing on Fraser's body could remind a person that he once was human.

Instead, everyone would only deem him as an insect man with that dark exoskeleton, pincers on his mouth and even the yellow eyes which still looked human in a way wouldn't be enough to say that he once looked like a normal thirteen or fourteen-year-old human boy.

When the physical change started to happen, Fraser didn't panicked.

Before, when he wasn't on the road on becoming a Magus, he would freak out when somebody would tell him that he would become a monster.

After all, as the son of a duke, he would be able to seduce a lot of women when he would grow older with his family name.

Though a certain physical attraction was still needed.

So changing his appearance would definitively scare off potential mistresses or lovers.

However, after stepping on the road of becoming a Magus, Fraser knew that once he achieved a certain level of strength he would have as much woman as he wanted.

Also, as he wasn't considered to be a beloved child or a talented child, he wasn't able to lose his virginity to a woman and as a boy being in his p.u.b.erty phase, he naturally had his needs.

Thus Fraser remained calm in the change of his physical appearance.

One major factor in Fraser's calmness was the fact that he could feel how his genital got covered in the exoskeleton and every time Fraser had his needs, he would feel that the thing that would satisfy his needs still existed.

So the physical change continued until Fraser looked like an insect man.

When Fraser compared himself to One, Second and Third in their insect man form, he knew where the transformation came from.

'It was from the fusion. I look almost identical to the servants. There are only a couple of differences in our looks.'

When Fraser completely turned into an insect man, it was almost the day where the five coc.o.o.ns would hatch from the rooms.

So once again Fraser awaited their hatching, this time in his new physical form and with his three servants: One, Second and Third.

Everything wasn't as complicated as it was before, the coc.o.o.n hatched, the feeling of satisfaction and building a connection appeared and his servant started to squeal as if greeting a new member joining their reason to live.

Although the process was familiar to Fraser in many ways, as he already witnessed it three times, each time a new coc.o.o.n hatched, Fraser could feel how much the new servant had an impact on him.

One by one the coc.o.o.n started to hatch.

With each visit, the group of Fraser started to get one more member. Naturally, Fraser gave them names in order to command them with greater ability.

So Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Seventh and finally Eighth came into existence.

Surprisingly Fourth to Eighth all had similar numeric stats, even with different corpses.

'Is the amount of corpses the key point of raising numeric values or is it the quality? None of the five new servants have a special ability like Second and Third. However, the five new servants are already stronger than First by a rather large margin and that with every numeric attribute. AI, show me the comparison.'

[First numeric value: 13.39 strength, 14.17 agility, 7.06 vitality, compared to new soldiers: 16.01 strength, 15.23 agility, 8.40 vitality]

With a single thought, the five new servants transformed into the insect man mode and everyone received a dark robe, concealing their grotesque features.

While the five servants joined the escort of One, Second and Third, a glow in the spirit sphere disturbed Fraser.

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Grand Magus 51 Physical Change summary

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