Grand Magus 52 Two Stages

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When Fraser looked into his spirit sphere, he could see that the runes on the spirit sphere glowed in an eerie manner.

Devoid of any emotion, Fraser waited.

After all, he didn't know whether the glowing effect would harm him or benefit him.

Besides, there was no reason for the runes on his spirit sphere to activate.

So Fraser stood there, behind him were eight of his servants, all clad in a dark robe in order to conceal their grotesque and insectic features.

Naturally, after the physical transformation, Fraser also needed a dark robe as he looked as grotesque and insectic as his servants.

When the glow in his spirit sphere vanished and nothing happened, Fraser commanded in a neutral voice.

'AI, tell me what happened. Did anything change in the numeric number? A decrease in attributes or an increase? a.n.a.lyze what that glow did.'

Within the blink of an eye, the AI replied with a surprising answer.

[Activation of the innate spell model discovered – reduction of armor value, reduction of innate senses such as reaction time, sight, smell, and sense]

'What does that mean?'

Fraser thought for a while before realizing the effect of the innate spell model.

He only needed a single glance at his hands.

Instead of claws that were armored with a dark insect exoskeleton, normal human hands awaited him.

The physical change that happened on Fraser over the past month disappeared as if the transformation never happened.

Stepping in front of a mirror, Fraser glanced at his body.

Gone was the insect head, which looked like a helmet, gone was the dark carapace which covered his limps and his body and gone was the restrictions on all of his limbs.

Though Fraser lost all of his hair and now had a bald head, it was nothing if Fraser's a.s.sumption turned into reality.

Focusing back into his spirit sphere, Fraser could somehow understand a tiny part of the runes etched on the walls.

It depicted an innate spell of transformation between two stages.

When Fraser fed a tiny amount of spirit into this tiny part, he could see the insect features in the mirror.

When Fraser fed a tiny amount of spirit once more into the tiny party, he could see that he reverted back into his human form.

'This is rather practical, the human appearance allows me to look presentable in front of other humans. After all, most people will see a person first before deciding whether or not they should interact with them. The insect "armor" is good protection if I should enter the battle.'

Turning around, Fraser could see eight figures, concealed in a dark robe, standing behind him.

'But I don't think I will enter the battle in the near future.'

With his newfound escort, Fraser stepped out of his private chamber once again.

Even though he had a couple of corpse piles left, which might be enough for one more servant of the type soldier, Fraser decided to store the corpse pile as food for his eight servants.

After all, even though they could be without food for a long period of time, it would affect their battle power.

How did Fraser know such thing? Simple, because one of his servants, One, actually could transfer a couple of images and express their thoughts.

The ability to think didn't cause any reaction in Fraser except that of excitement. Since the "thoughts" happened in his spirit sphere and thus under his control, Fraser deemed the servants as being absolute loyal.

Meaning that no possible way of betrayal was possible.

In other words, the servants would be able to think, with the second capacity in Fraser's brain.

In result, the mere thought of betrayal against Fraser would be as if a part of Fraser brain miraculous decided to kill the other parts.

Even mind control, which Fraser deemed as one of the strongest power, could only control the full mind and not a small part.

If somebody controlled only a part of the brain, then it would equal to not controlling the creature or the person at all!

At least this was Frasers train of thought.

Fraser walked through the outpost, eight concealed figures always behind him.

He didn't visit the inner circle chamber of Magus Sept, instead, he wandered around and observed the apprentices who weren't in an inner circle.

Since a couple of outposts fused with Magus Sept outpost, Fraser didn't know which apprentice was under Magus Sept.

But for normal intel gathering, it wouldn't matter.

Stepping in front of two young women who chattered, Fraser began to speak:

"My name is Fraser, may I have the chance to get to know to lovely ladies?"

At the same time, he put down his hood, revealing a bald young man who still looked like a boy.

'This should be easy. Chatter a little bit, laugh a little bit and common information should be acquired.'

Giggling the two young woman stared at Fraser while covering their mouths with their hands.

'Everything is fine, the two young women probably giggled because they found my appearance cute. Or my actions. Either way, it should be normal. But why? Why do I get the feeling that something is wrong here? It feels that the glares of these two women are malicious.'

While Fraser waited for the two young women to stop giggling and doing girlish things, he realized that the rest of the people started to look into his direction.

Immediately, Fraser discovered that something was wrong.

He chose two rather beautiful looking young woman as the more beautiful a woman would be, the more information she would have.

Since beauty equals attraction, attraction equals contacts and contacts equals information.

Even though many beautiful women would only get small bits of information, Fraser needed that.

After all, he lived as a hermit for more than an entire year.

He didn't even know how the other Magus was called. The number of apprentices was unknown as well.

However, after seeing the attention he received from talking two the two young woman, he knew that it was a mistake.

'Why are they glaring at me? Are these two young women dangerous? Do they use their beauty to cultivate a certain spell which would leave me defenseless? Or are they from a strong Magus family and are regarded as important?'

Thoughts of reason shot through Fraser's mind, however, when the "weapon" of the two young women appeared Fraser felt disappointed.

A handsome young man appeared behind Fraser and started to speak in an almost holy tone:

"How do you dare to hara.s.s partners? One of my friends told me that a certain someone dared to annoy my two beautiful maidens."

When Fraser turned around, he could see that a small escort followed behind the handsome young man.

It was a group consisting of more than twenty people.

"Take your underlings out of this section and never come back again. My big brother is a member of the inner circle of Magus Rai. He would agree with me in the fact that protecting maidens is the duty of our family."

With that short speech, the handsome young man glared at Fraser.

This action probably made a couple of girls having a crush on this handsome young man as Fraser could see that the face of a couple of girls started to turn into a slight shed of red.

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Grand Magus 52 Two Stages summary

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