Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around! Chapter 2664

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2664 Future Son-in-law Chen laughed too. “How can there be such a misunderstanding?”

“I don’t know either. My dad got that misunderstanding after meeting Captain Xia. I don’t know why he thinks that I have a crush on Captain Xia. Speaking of crushes, Captain Xia should be the one who has a crush on me.” Ye Jian raised her chin slightly and revealed a smug look. “You know that Captain Xia was the one who pursued me.” Chen agreed with her. Captain Xia had a crush on Ye Jian.

He nodded and smiled. “I’ll keep it a secret for you. I think you’re enjoying this too. But it must be hard on Captain Xia.”


“It’s not tough for him. My dad has a good impression of him. Besides, didn’t you investigate him for a long time before agreeing to let me be with Captain Xia?”

The smile on Ye Jian’s face got brighter. “I’m indeed a little young. As for Captain Xia, I can only ask him to wait a little longer.”

“It’s fine as long as the two of you know what you’re doing. However, Ye Jian, you can’t let Captain Xia, who treats you well wholeheartedly, suffer. I’ve seen you two for so many years. He really dotes on you and puts you first in everything he does.

“You can’t just accept things. You have to know how to give.

“If you take too much and only ask the other party to give, you’ll stand at the same spot without moving. This kind of relations.h.i.+p won’t go far. As time, the couple will separate.” Chen had high hopes for Xia Jinyuan, so he would remind Ye Jian from time to time to prevent her from ruining her marriage.

Ye Jian, who had learned her lesson, nodded repeatedly. How could she bear to let her Captain Xia suffer grievances? If she couldn’t get her father’s approval immediately, she would definitely comfort him in private and let him know her decision.

Since she loved him, there was no need to hold back. She didn’t want to have any regrets in her life.

“Your relations.h.i.+p with Captain Xia is another matter. What about your mother’s matter? What’s going on there?”

He was referring to the concealment of Martyr Sun Xueqing’s death.

The smile on Ye Jian’s face disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye. She lowered her eyes and said softly, “Today, I brought Dad to visit Uncle Gen and Mom. From early in the morning until four or five in the early evening, Dad kept talking to Mom’s tombstone. Uncle Chen, I didn’t tell him… that there’s something else behind Mom’s sacrifice.”

“Girl, you… You can’t hide these things. Why do you always like to hide them?” Chen was a little angry. “Are you thinking of hiding this from your father forever? Can you even hide this matter from him?

“You’ve already brought your father to see your mother. This shows that you’ve completely accepted your father and forgiven him for leaving your mother in the past. Now that things have come to this, why are you still hiding things from him?

“If you hide too much, you’ll be the one who gets tired in the end. Do you understand?” Chen’s heart ached again. “Girl, you’re afraid that your family will be sad and you’d rather bear it alone than say it out loud. But that won’t do!

“You feel sorry for us, but we feel sorry for you too. Your father feels even sorrier for you!

“We have to talk about this tonight. We can’t drag it any longer. Your father has the right to know the truth. And you, Ye Jian, you really don’t have the right to hide these things from your father.” Chen made his decision directly. He didn’t give Ye Jian a chance to protest.

It wasn’t a small matter. It was a huge matter. How could she hide it?

Ye Jian, whose face was a little pale, nodded lightly. “Okay, tonight… I’ll say it. I should say it. Dad has the right to know the truth, and I don’t have the right to hide it. Uncle Chen, you’re right. I can’t hide it anymore…”

She could hide it for a while, but she couldn’t hide it forever.

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Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around! Chapter 2664 summary

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