The All You Want System 55 Chapter 55

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Alice and Haytam rode the dragon and prepared themselves for climbing the mountain. In the other side the dragon was silent and didn't said anything until Alice and Haytam were on his back, then he said:" Hung at me as strong as you can, I will not climb slowly only for you."

Haytam nodded and said:" Ok, you can begin."

In the next moment the dragon jumped and they were in the next moment at the half of the mountain. The dragon left a destroyed ground, because of the power he used to jump. The forest in this place was gone and there were only a big hole.
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The dragon climbed further using his claws. He was really fast, he didn't stopped once, it was like something normal for him climbing a 10.000 meters mountain. And so after a short time, they reached the top of the mountain were the cave were and the barrier was to seen with naked eyes.

The Black Dragon said then:" We reached the top of the mountain, I can go now. If you need me, then try to not call me." Then he disappeared and went back to Haytam`s body.

It didn't matter for Haytam, that the dragon left before he said it to him. He was more interested seeing the barrier around the cave and Alice too. the barrier attracted them both to have hand contact with the barrier, it was like someone calling them to touch the barrier, but then the system said:" Master, watch out. This barrier wants to catch you, when you touch it. "

Haytam waked up instantly, it was like he were in trance and he was only attracted to the barrier, then he saw Alice and he noticed, that she was walking to the barrier and she was very near. Haytam rapidly shout:" Alice!! Wake up!!"

Alice who was in trance too waked up and she looked around, like she was confused about the now situation. She could only remember, that she saw the barrier and in the next moment she wanted to touch it, but then Haytam shouted to her. Then she asked:" Haytam, what is happening?"

Haytam replied:" This barrier wanted to catch us, when we have contact with it. We were in a kind of trance induced by the barrier."

Alice could only nod and went to the side of Haytam.

After they calmed down, Haytam went to the near of the barrier and began to inspect it.

The barrier emanated a kind of live energy and fire, they were fused in one. That was something strange, because the live energy and fire were the contrary. The live energy was a type pf wood QI, wich was used to create life and the fire QI was used to destroy live, but this fusion of them were perfect and they harmonized together. Moreover this fusion was pure and count as a type of void QI.

Haytam was excited to know who could create something like this, to fusion two types of QI wasn't easy, but to fusion two contrary types of QI was in a legendary difficulty level. The person or beast, that was capable to do something like this was a real genius, even in the upper world didn't exist something like this QI. From the knowledge he had, the cultivators there could fusion water QI and fire QI or with other fusions creating Ice QI and lava QI.

Haytam searched which kind of barrier this was and wich level it was, but nothing was comparable to this. Normal barriers were divided in 9 levels and the cultivators, that could establish them were divided in 9 levels too and were called formation masters. Every level indicate which barrier level they could establish, that means a level 5 formation master could only establish formations and barriers from level 1 to 5.

Haytam was really surprised, that this barrier was above the ninth level and in a complete other league. Then he understood why the system couldn't see through this barrier, it was because the system was only able to know the knowledge and powers of what he scanned from all the universes, but this wasn't something from the upper, medium or low universes but somewhere much bigger and stronger.

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The All You Want System 55 Chapter 55 summary

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