I Was Reincarnated As A God 1 Apollo Ílio

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Well, how should I say? My name's Apollo Becker and I were just living normally and my only difference is that be it hot or cold, I feel very comfortable around it like it's a part of me, aside from that, I was a normal, ordinary human.

I was in a normal day, going to work when suddenly, a bolt of lightning struck me, as the good reader I am, my first thought was - d.a.m.n, hopefully, I will get Isekai'd by Lightning-kun...

And like this it happened, well, it was actually very uncomfortable here, h.e.l.l, I'm floating in a place where I can't even see, shouldn't I be in a white room with a kind old man that will give me wishes? How unlucky of me, maybe these novels lied to everyone?

This is what I thought after some time pa.s.sed, I could finally see something, well, in truth, my eyes just couldn't be opened, this made me speechless... Anyway, in front of me is a man so handsome that made me question if I'm straight, wait, this isn't the focus here, the man began to talk

''Honey, after the Oracle said 'The Chosen One would be born as the son of the Celestial G.o.d Zeus and will unite the Three Great Planes and G.o.ds', no matter what, the chance of the G.o.ds uniting temporarily to kill our Kingdom, this isn't what worries me, my brothers Poseidon and Hades also won't like this and will probably help them, I can feel that we won't last for much time... I can also feel that our beloved and only son, Apollo, will be the future Sun G.o.d, the Chosen One, he isn't bound by destiny or fate, he has a limitless potential'' After the man, which I identified as my father and also as Zeus, said to the woman that is holding me in her arms, she's also a beauty that can make any man fall in love with a single glance, from her, however, I only felt sad because, in her deep blue eyes, I saw sadness.

''Dear, I have an idea, you know that we can't protect him while being attacked by all G.o.ds, it would not only make us die but also make our beloved son die... We shall send him to the Mortal Plane, where he can develop safely and one day, reclaim what is his and avenge us'' The woman, that I identified as my mother but don't know her name, said with an extremely sad tone and expression as tears slowly fell.

Then, the man called their personal butler that I don't know the name, the butler is extremely powerful from what I can see, my father, Zeus, put his hands at my head as a blue and white light began to glow at his hand, a strange knowledge which I can't understand appeared in my memories, probably, it's sealed until the right time comes.

''My beloved son, unfortunately, father and mother can't be with you, this is the only thing that I can do as your father, as a G.o.d, even if you can't understand what I am saying now, this will be always in your memory, what I gave to you is the 'Celestial Thunder and Sun Cultivation Technique'. I predicted that you would be the Sun G.o.d but didn't that you would also have inherited my Lightning powers, this will help you through your entire journey.'' Then, my father, Zeus, gave me a necklace that has the shape of Lightning and as I am too sleepy, I closed my eyes and in some moments, I fell asleep.

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His previous gentle and caring gaze disappeared and was changed to a fierce and sharp gaze, Zeus slowly unsheathed his lightning-shaped sword, preparing for the upcoming war.

Some time pa.s.sed as the Celestial Palace shook, the entire Celestial Kingdom citizens were hiding in their houses as millions of G.o.ds were flying above, surrounding the entire Palace, a man and a woman slowly walked out of the palace, holding respectively a lightning-shaped sword and a golden spear, the war began.

Millions of G.o.ds attacked at the same time but the man and the woman deflected the attack and sent a huge slash, killing thousands of G.o.ds directly, the war that would be recorded for the entire history began, where Zeus pa.s.sed, G.o.ds died and Immortals perished, his power through the entire Three Planes could only be matched by his brothers if they join forces.

The War, later called as 'Universal War', lasted for an entire month, in the end, the Celestial G.o.d Zeus and Celestial G.o.ddess were almost winning the battle but suddenly, two mans appeared behind them after they were wounded badly because of the war, the last thing that Zeus and his lover heard was a incredibly evil laugh and turning back, they saw the ones that they never expected to kill them, what hurt them the most wasn't the fact that they would die, but that it was these two.

Mortal World, Great Qian Kingdom, Ílio Clan

I finally woke up and looking around, I knew that the butler sent me to the Mortal World, then, a man entered the room and looking at his eyes, it had a bit of hostility towards me, probably, the butler threatened him to adopt me and after thinking about it, Apollo was also known as the most beautiful G.o.d and realizing that I'm him, I must be really cute.

I'm only a few months old which means I can't speak things like 'dada' so I began to wave my little hands and smile to my foster father, the hostility that was in his eyes previously was replaced by a gentle and loving gaze, in my opinion, he was just a bit upset for being threatened.

Finally, my eyes were threatening to close again as I was thinking of how easy to adapt to this new life is, this probably is because I'm currently a baby and can't hold complicated thoughts, in the Greek Mythology, Zeus and the G.o.ds always had a lot of sons and daughters but in this unknown world, I'm his only son so this is a similar only but had different things, at least I think so.

I thought to myself how much of an irony this is, a human that never even believed in G.o.ds, in the end, became a G.o.d myself, with that on my mind, I closed my eyes and started to sleep.

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I Was Reincarnated As A God 1 Apollo Ílio summary

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