I Was Reincarnated As A God 24 Rookie Tournament 1

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It took me a rather long time to arrive at the 'Building 1016', around forty-two minutes, this Sect is fairly huge, the place I arrived was a house made of a white-colored material, if I'm not wrong, quite similar to marble but it looked extremely resistant.

Shaking my head, I entered the house, that by the way, only those with the 'Outer Disciple 1016' can use to enter the house, just as I entered it, I could feel that the air was purer than the outside world, the Spiritual Energy was also denser, not by much but probably because every house has a 'Spirit Gathering Array', it's quite simple, it will attract the Spiritual Energy around and make it denser at the local I entered.

I felt rather happy that I'll have this house entirely for me, without a roommate bothering me, this makes things simpler, I didn't focus on cultivating right now because I'll just read about the world, in the Kingdom, it didn't have information about the continent, only about the Kingdom history and the ones around us, however, this Sect is extremely strong and so is their info gathering.

The Sect has a public library where every disciple, be it from the Outer, Inner or Core Sect but generally, it isn't visited by many, because the disciples tend to be training or doing tasks for the Sect.

Looking at the Library, I saw that it was a relatively big building with a huge sign on its entrance saying ''Myriad Weapons Library'', entering, the first thing I saw was an old man, sitting on a chair, I greeted him as he's a senior, though he seems to be sleeping, I'll show respect anyways, I bowed slightly before going to the Section of 'Geography'.

I picked a book named [The Continent] and went to a nearby table, there were few people on these tables, I sat on the chair of a table and opened the thick book, I will pa.s.s the week reading it, despite the book being so thick, cultivators will always read faster than ordinary person.

The content inside it quickly made me immerse on the reading ''The planet we live at is vast, no one knows the exact size of it but it is estimated to have around 102,510 KM in pure, sheer size and it is divided into many continents.''

I felt surprised, this is roughly 16 times the size of the planet I lived on my previous life, known as Earth, well, with the first Sect I entered being of this size, it's no wonder this planet is so huge, the book continued ''The continent where the 'Seven Great Sects' are stated at is named 'Sun Born Continent' due to a heavenly phenomenon that happened thousands of years ago, according to a research, this heavenly phenomenon affected different continents but due to this continent being the most affected, the continent name changed to that''

Interesting, I wonder what could cause a heavenly phenomenon that would affect a planet of this size, well, the universe is extremely vast and somewhere else, there must be someone that can even destroy entire stars with a flick of their finger, who knows.

Like that, the week pa.s.sed as I immersed myself on reading the book named [The Continent], I always liked to read, despite somethings being boring, haha, anyway, I made sure to absorb all the knowledge inside this book because it will be essential for when I leave the Sect and go to different places, the book also had a map of the entire continent, there's not much about what's outside the 'Sun Born Continent' except that there's a long sea that divides every continent.

I was about to pick another book when suddenly, someone touched my shoulders, I was about to punch the person in instinct but my instincts were saying that if I did so, I wouldn't survive, this is something that I developed on the 'Fallen Demon Forest', anyway, I turned around with the usual stoic expression I always put and what greeted my vision was the old man I had shown respect before.

The old man ''looked'' at me with closed eyes and said ''Young Man, don't pick another book, I never saw you before, this probably means you're a rookie, hm? I thought so, the Rookie Tournament will start in less than an hour, I can 'see' that you're a polite kid so I decided to remind you of that, now, go...''

Before I could reply something, the old man disappeared without traces, I marveled at the strength he has shown to me, despite I'm being only at Spiritual Knowledge 4-layer, my vision was extremely strong, more than my other senses.

Shaking my head, I put the book where it was before, just like before, in perfect harmony with different books, making the beautiful image of a clean, organized bookshelf.

As soon as I did this, I left the 'Myriad Weapons Sect Library' and went towards the center of the Sect, this is where all tournaments happen, be it about cultivation base, life and death challenges or forging skills.
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Even kinda far from it, I could already see the big amount of Sect Disciples that formed a crowd together around the many arenas, probably talking to each other, even though I won as the first place in the Great Luo Kingdom, they probably won't know me, only Luo Yiyi since the Myriad Weapons Sect Master said he would accept her as a disciple, anyway, as more time pa.s.sed, I'm already near the arenas.

Little did Apollo knew his fame had already spread through the entire Outer, Inner and Core Sect disciples circle and that he was considered the 'hot news' of the entire sect, just, no one knew his exact appearance, it only made everyone more curious and anxious to see the most talented person through the entire Sect shown in 1000 years, along with Luo Yiyi, that was already noted as one of the Five Great Beauties of the Myriad Weapons Sect.

Like that, Apollo arrived at the center of the Sect.

[Author Note: Do you want to read advanced chapters ahead of the free released? Support me on patre on --> www.patre on/thesupremebeing !]

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I Was Reincarnated As A God 24 Rookie Tournament 1 summary

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