Elder Blood Witcher 493 Kidnapping An Old Man

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It's dinner time in Hogwarts and the whole school is gathered to eat, the mood is jovial despite the increasing tensions between Muggles and Wizards as the magical world is content that most of the blood purists had been ousted and removed from positions of power.



Right in-front of Dumbledore a turquoise flash attracts the everyone's attention as a familiar person with white hair and two swords on their back lands on the table, unfortunately crus.h.i.+ng the old man's dinner.

The New Defence against the Dark Arts professor stands and points their wand at the intruder, demanding that they reveal who they are... Though the other teachers try and signal him to stop.

Reima ignores the r.e.t.a.r.d flailing his stick around and looks to Dumbledore, "Old man, I've come to collect on our deal."

Dumbledore sighs, "That is fair... I wouldn't have minded finis.h.i.+ng my supper first however."

Reima "You can eat once you're there, I have no idea when these interdimentional douchebags are going to try something."

He nods and stands just as the DADA professor casts a stupefy at Reima, the spell barely missing Snuffles who's currently sitting on his shoulder. The red bolt strikes him in the side of the head, doing nothing but finally bringing Reima's attention to the man.

Reima "You're playing with fire, now p.i.s.s off." he says, waving his hand and using telekinesis to send the man flipping through the air and landing on his leg which bends it at a weird angle with a *CRACK!*.

Dumbledore "Young Reima, I appreciate that you are in a rush but injuring my staff will not make it faster... Mr Binkle won't bother you much after that injury so I suggest we go... Fawkes!" he exclaims, causing a burst of fire above him to appear and reveal the phoenix.

Reima just shrugs, grabs the old man by his shoulder and disappears with another flash. Leaving the bewildered school still sitting there.

The Duo + Rabbit and Phoenix appear inside the keep of Kaer Morhen. The other occupants of the room being Yennefer, Ciri, Geralt, Triss, Ermion, Hjalmar and Arie. They all look curiously at their new ally, the old man in colourful clothing with a strange bird sitting on his shoulder seemed to give off the air of a wise grandpa.

Yennefer "Reima, you've brought a mage?" she asks.

Dumbledore steps forward and extends a hand, "We prefer Wizards, though I suppose it is interchangeable. A pleasure to meet you Miss?"

"Yennefer of Vengerberg, Sorceress." she replies as she shakes his hand.

Dumbledore "Ah a sorceror? My old teacher was one of the only recorded Sorcerers in existence, perhaps this world has different requirements for the position?"

Triss "What would be the requirement to become a sorcerer then?" she asks curious.

Dumbledore "The primary one would be obtaining eternal life. The others usually include being powerful and knowledgeable." he says solemnly.

Yen and Triss shrug to eachother, "Then we should fit your definition as all Sorceresses are ageless. Though I prefer to not boast of my skills." the former states.

His eyes go wide at Yennefer's words, "Really? Extraordinary." he mutters while stroking his beard.

Reima "I hate to interrupt but Albus here isn't like the magic users of this world... The magic users from where he's from generally have magical cores inside of themselves, making them more similar to monsters than Mages. Dumbledore is what you would call a pacifist and hates conflict, so I thought having him help power the barrier that Yennefer is going to create would help?"

Yennefer nods while waving her hand over the old man who does nothing to stop her, "I suppose... I could probably hold the barrier up at full strength for a few hours with his a.s.sistance, this "Magical Core" is rather intriguing though."

Dumbledore "Forgive me if I am hesitant to become your test subject but I am the Headmaster of a school that I hope to return to after my role is over... Ah, Miss Rivia? I hope you are well since last we met." he smiles at her.


Geralt "Miss Rivia?" he asks with his lips upturned slightly.

Ciri "It was the first name I could think of." she says while covering the ma.s.sive blush on her face with her hands as Yen and Triss smile at her.

Refocusing her attention on Dumbeldore and quickly changes the subject, "I'm alright Headmaster, but I'll be even better once those Elves are dead."

The old man's expression saddens slightly but he's quick to fix it, "Is there anywhere I can grab something to eat? Mr Ludvig grabbed me during dinner." The people in the room sending weird looks at Reima after Dumbledore says this.

Reima "You sure know how to play a crowd old man." he says with a shrug, waving his hand afterwards and dropping a table with a veritable feast on it. "There, happy?" he asks.

Dumbledore nods and takes a seat, "I knew you were a nice boy Mr Ludvig." he says sending at wink at him.

Reima shakes his head, feeling as if he'd just been played. "Whatever, I've still got some folks to grab... But I'll warn you guys this once, don't freak out when you see them or we will be having problems. Understand?" he says seriously, not intending to allow any insult towards those he calls family to go unanswered.

The room nods, with those that have known him the longest sending him wary looks as he'd not acted like this before except in very specific situations.

Geralt "Don't worry about it, can't get much more freakish than Witchers." he states with a shrug.

Reima nibbles his lower lip, slightly anxious at whether or not they'd accept his family in Dark Souls. "You'll see." he says, stepping back and disappearing with a flash.

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Elder Blood Witcher 493 Kidnapping An Old Man summary

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