Vampire Hearts And Werewolf Eyes 3 The Damned

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"You're late," Anole's eyes are glowing in a strange color that look red ad yet blue at the same time. Just like a chameleon changes colors. Its amongst the few things we have in common.

"I'm here aren't I?"

"Yes, you are. That's what's important now," Leila's calm voice a.s.sures her brother and makes his anger fade a bit.

"I guess," he says.

"Where is he?" I ask.

"That's your job." Leila says.

"No, my job is too kill him."

"Nothing gets by you does it?" Anole says.

"No, it's how I survive." I say.

"Figures. You will find him sleeping in his castle. His name is Enrique. He is a hundred year old vampire," Leila says.

"I sort of figured," I say.

"Yeah, but there's a part we left out," Nazaire one of the older vamps say this with caution.

"And what would that be?"

"The fact that you look like his dead lover," Anole snorts out.

"Come again?"

"She was alive when he turned me; after all, she was the one that chose me as her pet. You resemble her in appearance only for you are nothing alike, but if you don't kill him before he wakes up. Well then I'm sorry he will believe that you are Tsarina," Nazaire says.

"Doesn't tsarina mean empress in Russian?"

"Yes, but back then it did not mean the same," he says.

"So you expect me to kill him without knowing when he will wake up?"

"Yes," Leila says this as if it were obvious.

"You have to be out of your d.a.m.n mind! I mean you don't seriously expect me to kill him, when he thinks I'm his dead lover?"

"He doesn't think that, for he doesn't know it yet." Mayana says.

"So what? And what do you mean he doesn't know it yet?"

"I told you everything they touch turns too ashes," Antonio's taunting voice say's.

"Didn't expect to see you anytime soon, I mean, I thought you'd be on a leash." I say.

"A, watch it princess. Unless you want me to leave?"

"No, this time your presence is actually wanted."

"I see, so you only want me around whenever you're walking the plank," Antonio says.

"I'm not on a s.h.i.+p, and neither are you." I say.

"I know but I like to think I am."

"Of course you do dear, but I see you came alone, therefore, I wonder.''

"What do you wonder?" I ask.

"Who sent you?''

"No one, I came out of my free account."


"I got bored."

"So in other words, no one knows where you are?"

"I wouldn't say no one, too be exact," he says.

"And too be exact who knows?"



"What, I'm alive."

"No, you're not."

"Ok fine, I'll tell you. Salva."

"Just him?"

"That I know of, yes, why?"

"No reason, I'll go only if he is allowed to come with me," I can already see disapproval forming on all of their faces, except for Nia.

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"All right then, he will go with you," Nia being the oldest and strongest of them all isn't contradicted.

"Then we'll leave." I say.

"I wish you luck for you will need it, both of you." We bow our heads and takeoff. I began to talk too Antonio through telepathy. "How is he?"

"Not well," he says.

"I don't know if I should have left him like that."

"It's not your fault, he has anger management issues."

"I would laugh right now, if it weren't for the fact that he hates me." I say.

"He doesn't hate you, you want to know why?"


"Because he could never hate you, for he loves you too much too let anything get in the way. So he has become over protective, and demanding trying to keep you at all cost."


"Yes, and I see I made you smile," he says.

"Don't get use too it."

"I should be the one saying that."

"I guess."

"So, once this is over you two are going to stop fighting?"

"It's not that simple, there is something I did a long time ago."

"What is it? If I may ask?"

"I rather not say."

"I understand, at least I think I do," he says.



"You know, you're a really good guy after all."


"For what?"

"Most tend to think that I'm rude and cruel. You know, the usual."

"You're none of those things. Trust me, if you were I wouldn't be talking to you. You'd be dead by now."

"Again, thanks."

"You're welcome."

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Vampire Hearts And Werewolf Eyes 3 The Damned summary

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