Can I Touch Your Aura Of Fortune? Chapter 58

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Min Jingfeng said, “h.e.l.lo, we are High School students. In order to respond to the national call, our school held a practical activity on the theme of 'Talking about the Chinese people's Dream.' We would like to interview your family? We can take the interview here at the door.”

The woman saw two students carrying school bags so she said enthusiastically, “Come in.”

Lin Cha: “…”

The two walked in, Lin Cha's eyes looked for the child.

She soon saw the child coming out. She kept coughing, “Mom, who is it?”

The little girl was holding a piglet soft toy. Her face was pale and she didn't seem to be in a good mental state. The house was filled with the smell of Chinese medicine, so the person who was taking the medicine should be her.

Lin Cha saw that the darkness on women was even more dense.

Min Jingfeng seemed to be lost in thought for a moment but then took out his notebook, as if he really came to interview.

Lin Cha saw that he wrote a sentence in his notebook, “The information for help has changed: Mom said that I am going to die, but I don't want to die.”

Lin Cha frowned, something was wrong.

But they could ask only a few questions before leaving. Besides, the lunch break was also for a limited time and they had to go back to school.

When walking out of the house, Min Jingfeng said, “That woman must be the child's stepmother.”

Lin Cha, “Ah?”

Min Jingfeng, “In the pictures in their living room when the girl was small the photos were with her father. When she was about four or five years old, there was only this woman in the picture.”

Lin Cha admired Min Jingfeng, “I didn't notice that.”

“But I also observed that the little girl's father would be back at night. Should we come again?”

“With what reason could we go at night?”

“I left my new cell phone in their home,” Lin Cha said wittily.

Min Jingfeng touched her head, “Smart!”

Lin Cha looked up, alas …

“Min Jingfeng, now you are surrounded with a soft light …”

Fortunately, the school was not far away. But the nap time was gone.

As a result, Lin Cha, who used to take a nap, began to doze off in the next cla.s.s.

However, after the cla.s.s, she heard Min Jingfeng's name and her sleep was gone in an instant.

“Min, it must be him.”

“Why did he completely change?”

“Maybe he is changed now.”

“It could be a coincidence. It's not necessarily that he wanted to do it. Maybe he had trouble with the kidnapper man in the past, but he didn't expect to save someone.”

“No, when the police briefed they told about everything. Min Jingfeng heard the old man when he mentioned the characteristics of the suspect of the ten years old case and then he met the suspect accidentally. He then went to find the girl who was abducted 10 years ago and ended up inadvertently saving the girl who was abducted this time. “

The other said stubbornly, “Anyway, someone like him who collects student protection fees would never be a good person.”

Lin Cha wanted to quarrel but thought about it and decided to put up with it.

Just like she said before, Min Jingfeng rescued them, but they didn't believe them at all. As soon as they read the briefing on the Internet, most of them immediately believed her, but She was still planning to stand up and speak for herself.

At nine o'clock in the evening, the two came to the door of the family again.

Lin Cha said that the mobile phone was lost and the hostess welcomed them in.

Lin Cha saw the man sitting on the sofa and teaching his little daughter to write. This should be the child's biological father.

The little girl remembered Lin Cha and greeted her.

The hostess asked, “Child, have you seen this sister's phone?”

The little girl shook her head.

The man took a look at the two, and felt that Lin Cha was a bit familiar. He did not realize who Lin Cha was and began to talk to them, “It's so late at night, it's not safe. No matter how important it is you should not go to a stranger's home. A few days ago, a girl disappeared. Fortunately, she met the enthusiastic citizen Min."

Min Jingfeng touched his nose awkwardly, and was ready to change the subject.

Lin Cha said, “It's all right, he's that enthusiastic Min.”

He was shocked, “What a coincidence! I saw someone saying that the person was a high school student and it was unbelievable.”

Now he took a close look at their height, Physique, , there was no doubt.

The man walked to Lin Cha and Min Jingfeng and poured tea in person, “Our colleagues were discussing this matter in our office. We have a daughter too so we were sympathetic towards this incident.”

Min Jingfeng: “…”

Lin Cha turned her head and saw the man they were talking about. That moment he looked so embarra.s.sed.

Lin Cha found him so cute, but she still remembered their mission. She pulled Min Jingfeng to sit beside her, “My parents were also scared because they didn't know about my disappearance and those people were going to give me a lethal injection. I would have died if he didn't arrive. “

[The translation belongs to Wordrain. Support us by comments, clicking on ads, or buy Miao a coffee (´ェ`)っ旦~]

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Can I Touch Your Aura Of Fortune? Chapter 58 summary

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