Genius Aberrant: Prodigious Miss Overturning The World With Her Aberration 95 Sleeping In The Same Ten

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A/N: Sorry there was a mix up for some reason, please comeback to this chapter after Fighting Side By Side (3), after this chapter then read Predicament (1) and continue as normal

When they finished eating, they tidied everything away and took turns taking a shower.

Zi Hua had asked Xiao Shen to duplicate the portable showers, but he said that he could only duplicate them if they were inside the Heaven-defying artifact, Zi Hua was obstinate on not using the Heaven-defying artifact so she dropped the matter.

The two cleaned off all the sand and dust then entered the tent and closed the flap to block out the wind and cold.

The tent had good insulation so it was warmer in there but was still cold, Zi Hua had thought about wearing the special clothing that she made for her and Xue Lian, but it wouldn't be comfortable to sleep in them so instead she took out a big, snugly and cozy blanket.

The blanket had no problem covering both of them so Zi Hua didn't have to worry about He Li being cold. (A/N: Ooo, you're worried about him. Xiao Hua and Xiao Li sitting on a tree~ K- Okay I'll stop, how old am I, 5?)

Zi Hua set an alarm so that they will wake up early the next day to head off.

The two lay on the mat laid on the floor back to back, perhaps due to the cold temperature or their lack of sleep from the two previous nights, they were particularly sleepy and quickly dozed off.

However, the next morning when they woke up from the alarm, they found themselves snuggled in each others' embrace, most likely due to the low temperature throughout the night.

Zi Hua had her arms wrapped around He Li's torso with her face in his chest and He Li had his arms wrapped around her waist.

"Wahh" When the two realized their close proximity, they quickly separated with tomato-like faces.

"I-I'll go make breakfast!" Panicked, He Li quickly made an excuse and exited the tent.

"Wait! The cooking wares!" Zi Hua miraculously managed to registered what he said and pa.s.sed him the equipment.
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"Thanks" After he got them, he rushed out, he felt so awkward.

After a while, Zi Hua left the tent and tidied it away whilst He Li was busy cooking breakfast.

The two quietly ate breakfast as if nothing had happened then went on their merry way as usual, erasing the scene from that morning.

When Xiao Shen and Xiao Ling came out, Xiao Ling noticed that the two were acting slightly off so she asked Xiao Shen, who was on night watch, about what happened, after all, one of them had to keep up with the events so they will be able to plan better.

"What happened?" Xiao Ling inquired.

Xiao Shen then whispered the events into Xiao Ling's ear, when Xiao Ling heard what had happened she had a foolish grin on her face and occasionally let out a few giggles.

'My, my, they're making progress so quick, really a fated couple'

Zi Hua noticed the two's actions but didn't think much of it apart from thinking that Xiao Shen must've said a joke.

The desert was much more vast and hard to navigate in than the rain forest so it took longer to travel in.

Unfortunately (fortunately), the had to spend another night together in the tent, Zi Hua had really wanted to make another tent but that would require the Heaven-defying artifact and she did not want to break the challenge she had made for herself.

They repeated the previous night's actions and then entered the tent.

"Um... sorry about this morning..." He Li apologized.

"N-no, it's fine, it's partly my fault too" Zi Hua quickly replied, the two sat there silently, replaying the scene from that morning in their minds.

"Let's go to sleep" He Li broke the silence whilst having a flushed face.

"Yeah" The two lay down as far as they could from each other to prevent that repeating but due to the tent and blanket it was no farther than a meter.

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Genius Aberrant: Prodigious Miss Overturning The World With Her Aberration 95 Sleeping In The Same Ten summary

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