Lazy Immortal 4 Ch 4 Cultivation

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Today, Lan Long had finally turned 4-year-old. His clansmen and elder offered him gifts and wealth. Lan Long accepted all these a stowed them into his room. Lan Long didn't care for these precious herbs and jewelry. He was going to confront his parents and demand them to teach him cultivation. He was nervous and excited but neither of these emotions were seen on his face. On one hand, he was excited on the prospect of cultivation but on the other hand Lan Long was afraid of hard work. Every book he read, all the heroes had one part common, they were all hard working to the maximum and Lan Long was anything but. Soon, he reached his parent's chambers and stood in front of the door. He didn't knock because of two reasons. One, he knew all cultivators had keen senses. Even, Lan Long had particularly keen senses despite not cultivating, he had chalked this up to the humans of the new world.

"Come in." His father voice boomed from the inside. Lan Long entered the chambers. He found his mother standing beside his father who was sitting on an elevated platform. Tian Long had a stern look on his face.

"Father. Mother." Lan Long bowed slightly and steeled his heart. "I want to cultivate. Please guide me." He said as he looked at his parents with determined look.

"What did you just say?" Tian Long raised his voice slightly. Lan Long's mother broke eye contact with him immediately and looked elsewhere.

"Father, I want to cultivate and become stronger." Lan Long said with the same tone he used earlier.

"Do you even know how hard it is to cultivate? Do you know how many children die of Ki poisoning? Do you know how cruel the world of cultivators is?" Tian Long said in a flat tone. The atmosphere now was worse than before.

"I would be lying if I said yes." Lan Long answered in low voice. "But father, clearly do. You can teach me."

"Well. Take a look at these books and memorize them word for word." Tian Long said as he waved his hand and a few books flew out of his sleeve and landed in a neat pile in front of Lan Long. "Remember one thing, if you fail to memorize the books by the end of the month, punishment will be due." Tian Long said as Lan Long was about to pick up the books. The warning didn't faze Lan Long for even a moment as he picked up the books and bowed to his parents as he left.
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"A month. Really? Even you needed more than 2 months to digest the basics." Chu Ren said after Lan Long had left the room. "The time limit will not be enough for heavenly geniuses let alone for a child with mediocre talent." Su Ren felt wronged by her husband's time constraint. He had set their child to an impossible task.

"Let his taste defeat in his first task. Let him know of the unfairness of the punishment. Only then will he up to it." Tian Long said these words as the pulled Su Ren in his arms.

Lan Long had no idea that he was set to an impossible task, he had rushed to his room and read the t.i.tles of each book. 'Book of Energy channeling', 'Sutra of Elements', 'The Nature's Way' and many more. He had been about 15 books about all the basics to cultivation. None of these books, a cultivation technique. He been handed information equal to fundamentals equations in mathematics and not any application methods. His task was to memorize the content of all the books before the month. He had begun to read the first book immediately.

After a few hours, he had finished reading the all the books. He was feeling slightly disappointed as he felt that the task was bit disappointed because he felt that the task at hand was too easy. The time he had spent in the void had granted his clear mind, sharp perception and amazing memory. He didn't even need a few hours to memorize all the books. His mind would instantly memorize everything that took place around him to the finest of details. The task was completed before the day even ended and hence forth, Lan Long started to experiment, the idea of controlling Ki with his mind was very intriguing to him. Lan Long closed his eyes and entered the ethereal state of mind. He began to sense his surrounding, after he had a crystal-clear image in his mind, he started to look for naturally occurring ki.

If his father knew of his accomplishment, he would he rendered into a state of shock. Tian Long took 8 years to even attempt this. He had a master which had put him through many years of training his body and mind before teaching his master thought him the procedure to attempt Ki sensing. All though Lan Long didn't immediately succeed, he was not too far away from it. Ki-cultivation and body cultivation both had the same requirement, to be able to sense and control Ki effectively. Ki cultivators controlled the Ki directly to impact the environment to the desired effect while body cultivators used Ki to strengthen their bodies. Many only attempted one style of cultivation because they if reached great success in any one style, it would grant them great strength. If they were to attempt both and divide their attention, they may never great success in either and would be muddled in mediocrity for the rest of their lives.

Lan Long knew none of these things, he was simply experimenting with his knew idea. After a few hours, he realized that his idea may not work or he was simply lacking in information, even then he didn't give up. It was either this or playing amongst children of his age, he readily accepted the former. As he was about to leave his meditation, Lan Long felt a few dull grey specks in his surroundings. This immediately grabbed his attention, these grey specks were extremely tiny and numbered in billions. These specks where everywhere. Lan Long guessed that this was the Ki that all the manuals referred to but he was confused. The manuals and books all described the Ki too be extremely pure and bright. These grey specks were grey and dull. Lan Long recalled the scene where his father had waved his hand to make the books fly. At that moment, there was a slight miniscule glow in his eyes. Lan Long theorized that his father had controlled Ki inside his body which was pure to control the books.

Lan Long was correct. His father had indeed controlled his Ki to make the books fly. Lan Long didn't attempt to control or absorb any of this Ki as he was unsure of the result. He simply continued to observe his surrounding and he noticed that near the wood, Ki had a slightly different color. It was slightly green in color, While Ki near the lamp was slightly red. There were slightly blue Colored Ki specks in the atmosphere as well. Near any metallic objects was silver colored Ki.

'Every element has a type of Ki accompanying it.' Lan long understood. 'But, there was energy in the dark void. Is there a type of Ki which is devoid of everything? What about aspects of time? It's there, accompanying everything but intangible. Is there a Type of Ki related to time?'

While Lan Long was wondering about the aspects of Ki and its properties, a day had pa.s.sed. His mother had sent maids to wake him up. The maids entered Lan Long's room to find him sitting on his bed with his eyes closed. They immediately shut the door and rushed to inform his mother.

"Mistress, Young Master is attempting meditation." The head maid said excitedly.

"What? Are you sure?" Su Ren immediately hurried to Lan Long's room. As she went closer, she immediately spread her soul sense towards Lan Long room. Maids noticed that their Mistress's speed was getting slower and asked.

"Mistress, what happened?" A maid asked politely.

"Nothing, he is simply sitting on his bed. Go get him to the breakfast." Su Ren stopped head to Lan Long's room and made her way to the dining area.

Lan Long got dressed and ordered a maid to bring the breakfast to his room. This surprised both his parents because Lan Long always preferred to eat with them whenever possible.

"The boy must be really trying to get those books down." Tian Long said with a laugh as he ate his food.

"You are a bully." Su Ren said with puffed cheek. They both immediately burst into laughter.

Days pa.s.sed as usual, Lan Long was busy with his experiments and managed to gain slight control over the natural Ki. He didn't bother to go and tell is parent about his task, as he was simply immersed with himself and his new-found obsession with Ki. He even tried to a.s.similate the Ki with his body to no success and stop trying to do so. He tried merging the Ki of different elements with some success and continued to experiment away. He had found that denser the Ki was, less the impurities would be. He even found out that, if one merged all elements into one speck the outcome would be the purest and the resulting Ki would be the brightest. He had even tried to merge s.p.a.ce and time attributes into the mixture, he had failed but he realized that if all the energies could be combined the resulting energy could be the origin of all the other types of Ki. He simply enjoyed to simply stay in his room and ponder and experiment. To all outsiders, it seemed that Lan Long was loitering around and during experiments he was observing with his eyes open. A word of this got to his father and he was immediately enraged but didn't take any action as the time appointed was a month.

Nearing the final days of the month Lan Long had finally incorporated all the energies to a single point and results were extraordinary. The resulting was invisible and strong, where ever this Ki went the surrounding natural Ki immediately moved away. Satisfied with the results of his endless experiments, Lan Long stopped. He wanted to simply observe the natural way and gain further understanding of it. He was simply pondering and theorizing. Finally, his father sent for him. The months' time was over and now he was to be tested.

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Lazy Immortal 4 Ch 4 Cultivation summary

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