Lazy Immortal 6 Ch 6 The Flying House

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Lan Long noticed that is cells were strengthening at fighting speed. He had once tried to cut himself with a carving knife only to see the steel couldn't penetrate his skin. His reflexes, strength and speed improved at incredible speeds. Although, Lan Long didn't pick up any of the movement arts and fighting arts, both his fighting skill and speed could be rated at the top of his level. Lan Long didn't compare himself with his peer, hence he had no idea of his current strength. After reaching first level of Ki gathering Lan Long improved in formation and continued to improve them with every level he crossed. There were 4 Levels in each realm of cultivation. The early, the middle, the late and the peak, these four layers often represented huge difference in capabilities and strengths.

Lan Long continued his relaxed and lazy way of cultivation every day, almost never leaving his hammock and only moving for bare necessities. The Ki used by Lan Long was ethereal and invisible, it couldn't be sensed by any normal cultivator, unless that cultivator was of celestial realm. There was no one of that strength in the Long clan. The strongest cultivator was Great Elder who was a Core realm.

Soon years pa.s.sed, Lan Longs strength grew to a horrifying degree. He was now, 14 years of age and he was now at the early Ki sea realm. He had finally overturned the history and flipped off the heavens. No one in history of the continent had such strength at such an age. His father entered Ki sea at the age of 29 and he was considered a genius. No one knew of Lan Long's achievement as no one could sense his Ki. Everyone thought of his as the Lazy fool. His parent had often asked elder about Lan Long and they were both joyed and their son was still alive and disappointed as their son couldn't even cultivate to Ki gathering in 10 years. Soon, in about a month his parent would be lifted of their house arrest and Lan Long would be given a new manual of the clans choosing.

Lan Long had grown to a height of 170cm and had long black hair. He would always have a smell of nature about him and his cute round face now had manly features. Too bad, no girls ever paid attention to him as them deemed him useless. Many even made fun of him and rebuked him as they pa.s.sed by his hammock.

Suddenly, there was a huge commotion in the girls living area. Apparently, a huge hamster was causing a ruckus in a girl's personal kitchen. It had appeared out of nowhere and scared the poor girl, then it immediately raided the kitchen. Too bad for this hamster, he had raided the sweetheart of this generation. The beautiful red head was called Xiao Long. She had extremely cute features and was sought by many.

After raiding the kitchen of this girl, the hamster stared to raid all the neighboring kitchens. By the end of the hour a mob of angry looking girls was chasing was a rather smug looking Hamster. Soon, the boys who wanted to gain some points in for girls had also joined. Soon a mob of about a hundred people was chasing after the hamster. After giving a good chase, the hamster was finally cornered. A fight broke out as the hamster easily avoided a mob of Ki gathering cultivators. It then bee lined him was toward Lan Long's hammock and jumped on his chest. The huge hamster turned to a regular palm sized hamster in a moment as it landed on Lan Long's chest.

This cute little hamster was Lan Long's pet. He had found him near his house when he was really young and decide to keep him. He had named this little hamster Xiao Kong. In his free time, he had inscribed the same formation on the hamster as well. It then turned into a huge Hamster with human child like intelligence. He had honey light brown fur and was incredibly soft to touch. It was an ordinary hamster when Lan Long found him. It was the not even supposed to reach the Ki gathering realm but Lan Long had inscribed it with the same formations in his body. Over a few years, the sweet hamster grew monstrously strong. Although, the fur looked extremely soft and was comfortable to touch, it was also stronger that the high-grade armor used by cultivators. High grade armor could withstand attacks from Ki sea realm cultivators and was very valuable. Xiao Kong was comparable to extremely rare beasts after reaching KI condensing realm.

The crowd saw the hamster land on Lan Long and immediately surrounded his hammock. Even though, Lan Long had warned Xiao Kong not to cause trouble, the rat had gone and p.i.s.sed of the entire younger generation.

"Lan Long, hand over the rat. Immediately." One of the hot-blooded youngsters shouted.

"Yes, hand it over." Another girl agreed.
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Lan Long pretended to be asleep as he observed his surroundings with his soul sense. Soon, his cousin came and stood before his hammock and exerted is Ki pressure on Lan Long.

"Brother Lan Long, please give me some face and hand over your mouse. I will provide a better trained pet in the future." Jiang Long said in a low voice. He was one of the best of this generation and also pursued Xiao Long.

Cheee. . .

A squeak was heard as Xiao Kong attacked Jiang Long's face and left many bruises. His pretty face was now scratched and he was rolling in the muds trying to shake of Xiao Kong. Sadly for him Xiao Kong was a late-Ki condensing realm. If Xiao Kong wanted, he could have killed everyone in the mob with ease and even escape.

"Xiao Kong." Lan Long's voice sounded. His voice was very pleasant to hear but had a hint on manliness about it. Some girl even gasped when they heard Lan Long. The little hamster immediately jumped back onto the hammock.

"Lan Long, you will pay that." Jiang Long Roared with an extremely red face. He unsheathed his sword and pointed towards Lan Long.

"Brother Jiang, it was you who asked for Xiao Kong. If isn't my fault if you couldn't handle him." Lan Long said with a slight laugh. Hearing that laugh some girls even awed at the cuteness of the laugh.

"How dare you mock me." Jiang Long finally couldn't control it and sent his sword swinging at Lan Long. As the sword approached a soft squeak was heard and Jiang Long was blown away. An elder watching the scene was alarmed and immediately checked for injuries and sighed. Jiang Lan was unconscious and had 2 broken ribs.

The crowd was shocked as they looked at the little hamster, on Lan Long's hat. The crowd immediately turned silent as they realized that they were all played with. Even if they all could catch the hamster, they could not do anything to it. Xiao Kong landed on Lan Long's chest after beating Jiang Long and comfortably lied down and closed his eyes.

The crowd started to disperse they felt that the show was over, only Xiao Long and a few girls stayed behind. While Xiao Long was interested in the hamster, everyone else was interested in Lan Long. Usually the beast tamer was stronger than the beast by a large margin and they thought that it was the same for Lan Long.

"Lan Long, can I have a look at your divine beast?" Xiao Long asked in a low voice. A divine beast was a beast that had formed a soul connection with a human. The connection was a type of bond that the humans and beast could share. It also acted like a crude communication when the beast was at low level and improved with the strength of the beast. At its later stages the bond could be used to communicate with the beast at great lengths and sense it positions.

Lan Long grabbed the hamster and kept it in her hands. Xiao Long was surprised at the sudden action and yelped lightly. Soon, many girls gathered around Xiao Long and started to pet the hamster. Xiao Kong despite being a general d.i.c.k in its treatment of others, really enjoyed when someone petted him and fed him food. A girl took out a berry and handed to Xiao Long and he immediately gulped it down. The girls started to laugh as the berry was the size of Xiao Kong's head and he looked really cute as the he puffed it cheeks after eating the berry.

"Little hamster, can you grow bigger like before." A girl asked while petting the hamster. Almost instantly, Xiao Kong began to increase in size. Soon, it because a meter long and stopped growing. The girls were silent at first and then the group girls devolved into a pool of awes and oohs. They couldn't get a good look a t Xiao Kong before as he was moving erratically and looked like a blur. Now, see him closely revealed that the hamster looked like a fluffy pillow when it grew. The girls hugged him and basically fell in love with Xiao Kong's soft fur.

After, about 15 minutes of hamster petting girls realized that they were in the company of a boys and began to leave. Some gave Xiao Kong fruits and sweets as they left. No one bothered to ask Lan Long about the species of the hamster. They were far too embarra.s.sed.

After all the scene restored its peace with only Lan Long and Xiao Kong on the hammock, the elder came walking to the scene. He stood in front of Lan Long and coughed lightly. Lan Long didn't respond and kept still with the bamboo hat on his face.

"Lan Long, bring out your divine best, so that I may look at it." The elder commanded. Lan Long just grabbed the hamster and handed it to the elder. The elder was surprised that Lan Long didn't used his soul sense to determine his location and was able to accurately place the hamster in his hand. Elder immediately used his soul sense to examine the hamster. He was able to feel the energy with its bobby but could not a.s.sociate it with any of the divine beasts. He guessed that it was a hybrid of some different beast. What surprised the elder was that, he was not able to sense the beast's cultivation. From the earlier attack, he guessed that the hamster was at least peak Ki gathering or at most early Ki condensing realm.

"Lan Long, what is this beast's cultivation level?" Elder finally asked Lan Long.

"Don't know." Lan Long replied still lying down. Elder was frustrated at Lan Long's antiques but didn't raise his voice at him. After all, Tian Long would be free to interact with son soon enough. The elder sighed and left.

On another part of the clan, Bai Long was enraged and had a murderous look in his face. Not only his son was injured but person who injured him unharmed and free. He felt like he had lost all face and was slapped openly. The fact that it was his cousin's useless brat enraged him even further. After, 10 years of choosing the Death Sentence, Lan Long was still alive and kicking. Even the worst talent would have at least tried to attempt the technique but this lazy brat was always lazing around and doing nothing.

"So, a brat who is still at mortal's breath beat my son." Bai Long was smiling at the servant who came to inform him of the event. The servant was instantly horrified and explained.

"Master, it wasn't Lan Long who is strong but his divine beast." The servant explained.

"Oh, how did that weak brat get a divine beast? He could not even cultivate to Ki gathering." Bai Long roared.

"Master, maybe the beast was extremely weak or some elder aided Lan Long to acquire it." Servant made a guess.

"Hoh, let that brat know that he cannot offend with and be well. Go spread the news that if someone was to beat him and kill his beast. I will personally reward that person with a year's worth of core resources and a low earth blade." Bai Long said ruthlessly.

Soon, the news spread that an elder had announced a prize to anyone who killed the hamster and hurt Lan Long. Many elders were surprised that someone of them didn't care for Tian Long, some expected a great show and were quite happy about it.

In about a week, an inner court disciple made his way to the outer court and began to yell out for Lan Long. Soon, some others came and began to search for Lan Long as well. Although, Lan Long was infamous for his tardiness and his hamster, he was a n.o.body in the inner court and core region. Literally a few elder who kept a look out for Tian Long's son knew him. No one was bothered with a weak and lazy person.

Soon, the guy had found Lan Long and went straight to him in a hurry. According to the information, Lan Long was at mortal's breath and the only mild threat was the hamster. He wanted to reach him as soon as possible and kill the hamster and claim the reward. The resources were sure to land him a spot in the core region and the blade would improve his strength even further.

"Lan Long, had over the hamster and I will only break both your hands. Resist and I will cripple you for good." The disciple immediately said as he came closer to Lan Long.

'The f.u.c.k, what did I do?' Lan Long thought and peeked through his hat. The man looked about 20 and was looking quite smug.

"Ahem, elders please stop this mad man. He is being trying to rebel against the clan." Lan Long shouted at the top of his life.

"Dammit. You are dead." The man yelled as the threw a punch at Lan Long. Before the punch reached Lan Long an elder appeared and restrained the disciple. Usually, the fights were encouraged between the younger generation to promote compet.i.tion and the disciples fighting would never complain as it would be against their pride. All the fight would be prompted with the consent of all the parties involved and the elder would act only when the life was threatened.

"Lan Long, fight me like a man." The disciple yelled. "Why behave like a f.u.c.king coward? Don't you want to enter the inner court and learn more advanced techniques. Even your s.h.i.+tty rat would receive resource to cultivate." The disciple tried to bait Lan Long.

"No." Lan Long said in a calm tone. "Elder, tried to me in order to get to my father. HE must be a spy from the enemy clans, please send him to the punishment Elder." Lan Long said to the elder in a scared voice which sounded completely fake.

"You have made an attempt at a fellow disciple's life. The punishment faction awaits." The elder immediately contacted the punishment elder in the vicinity. He had a look of disgust in his eyes and reluctantly handed the inner disciple to the elder. He was disgusted by Lan Long shamelessness as he used his father name for safety instead of even attempting to even fight. 'Tian Long, is indeed unfortunate to have such a son.' Elder thought as he left the scene.

The very next day, a punishment elder arrived in every cultivation area and reviewed the rules of the clan. This was meant to remind disciples that forced fight were not allowed. The rules to a challenge was simple. The disciple with higher cultivation cannot challenge the ones with lower permission without the consent of 3 elders. The challenges from the disciple with lower cultivation could not be avoided. The challenge from the same cultivation group could not be avoided. Basically, if disciple in the same cultivation realm and same level of cultivation challenges you, according to the clan rules the challenge cannot be rejected. If the challenger's cultivation is in the same realm but higher level, the challenge could be rejected by an elder consent or the challenger must not use weapons or armor during the fight. If challenger's cultivation is of a complete higher realm, then the challenge could be out right rejected. The only place where a challenge could be issued without any constrains was when the disciple signs the death battle certificate and it needs to be agreed upon by either five elders of different factions or by head elders of two factions. Once signed, the fighter cannot give up unless the victor decides not to take the opponent's life. Of course, betting was allowed in all the battles except the death battles, because the victor has the right to all the possessions of the loser.

This announcement deterred the disciples that were after Lan Long's bounty. Though some disciples, tried to offer many gifts and huge bets, Lan Long was not moved by them even once. All the challengers were of higher level than Lan Long which was why he could easily reject all the oncoming challenges. The situation soon became a running gag to the outer court, every other day, a disciple would come and taunt Lan Long then proceed to bait him into a fight and finally leave cursing.

Lan Long on other hand had simply shut off all his senses and enjoyed the felling of nature and he cultivated all the time. The resource provided to outer disciple were a joke to anyone of Ki sea realm, which was why Lan Long only relied on the formations to gather and absorb Ki. During the ten-year period, Lan Long always had to improve the formation to keep up with the rate at which his body absorbed Ki. He didn't need any resources to cultivate, which was why Lan Long didn't bother to apply for inner or core disciple exam. He was soon about to break into the Middle Ki sea realm.

Usually when a cultivator tried to break through to a higher level, that person would usually gather a lot of resources in order to provide Ki far the breakthrough. A after they broke through to the Ki sea realm, the cultivator would often opt for a bunch of missions to acquire more resources for another break through. Lan Long would usually upgrade his formations and attempt the break throughs, his breakthroughs would usually last for about a week or so. Any normal cultivator only needed about a day for him to move the Ki about the required meridian of the technique. Every break through symbolize a bunch of new meridians being unlocked. A bottle neck occurred when a cultivator would fail to move his Ki about the new meridians or failed to acquire a new type of Ki which the technique required. This kind of bottle neck didn't exist for Lan Long, his soul had provided perfect control over his Ki. His Ki wouldn't even vibrate without his consent let alone move without control. This was another reason why, no was ever able to find his cultivation level. His ethereal Ki could not be sensed and even if it could be sensed, the person checking his would have to be at an impossibly high realm.

The Ki sea formed by a cultivator represent his strength, large the Ki sea, greater the strength. Lan Long's Ki sea was abnormally large, comparable to a peak ordinary Ki sea cultivator. The cultivators at this realm would usually have enough soul strength to be able to sense the nature. The cultivator with enough insight into the nature would be able to beckon it to the aid. The path of nature was extremely large and intangible, making it extremely hard to a tune with a particular type of element. When the cultivator had enough compatibility with the nature and the elements, it be easier for them to sense the elements. When the cultivator comprehends enough, the element would come to his aid. This was called the Dao.

Lan Long didn't have a particular affinity with anything, he was simply compatible with everything. His soul had comprehended enough for him to call upon any element with ease. The other benefit the Dao provides a cultivator was Ki and Ki provided would be of the element or type of Dao he had comprehended. This provided in huge boost to the cultivator during battle, where Ki was used for every movement and during cultivation the Ki would be abundant in his surroundings.

In Bai Long's residence, he was furious, he had killed the servant which had brought him the new of Lan Long's wellbeing and his antiques. He was strolling his courtyard trying to calm his mind but he got further enraged every time he thought about his injured son. He finally could not take it as he grabbed the edge of a nearby house and chucked it towards the outer courtyard. The house had a few servants inside as he threw it. The house reached and impossible Hight as it flew towards the outer yard. Almost every cultivator was alerted due to the disturbance in Ki and the screams of the servant.

Tian Long on other hand only sighed. He was confused as to how the brat had acquired the beast. He was frustrated as the heard some elder reported him about Lan Long shameless antiques. He was disappointed as his son didn't bother to cultivate even a bit. He was happy that his son was still alive. He had asked the clan leader to give his son the Water dragon manual. The leader had agreed instantly as he wanted to encourage Tian Long to cultivate harder. If Tian Long could reach Heavenly Pellet realm, he could quietly hand him his position and concentrate on cultivation.

'Did I make a mistake when I warned him?' The leader thought to himself with a sigh. Tian Long was to be released from the confinement soon and he will find out about the warning he gave to Lan Long. Whether Tian Long would be enraged or happy was up to luck.


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Lazy Immortal 6 Ch 6 The Flying House summary

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